What do I see as values in my life? The things that I believe to be important to my every day life. Here are a few things I see...It a summary.
1.) Being Faithful in all I do. Life is important.
2.) Being a Person of my word. Walk with integrity
3.) Being Honest, Open, Truthful
4.) Being Respectful to others as well as myself
5.) Being Accountable for my actions
6.) Being Loved and loving others
7.) Being at Peace, having stability and rest
8.) Being Grateful, thankful for all things of God
9.) Being Loyal, having a stick with it spirit
10.) Be coming more Christlike
Who are the people who I admire in my lifetime? Here's a few on my list. I didn't list 10...I admired my parents. There were others who have passed on the admired also.
The Trinity: God, the Father, God, the Son God, the Holy Spirit. GOD creator of ALL
( Jesus, IS...Faithful, and He is everything that is of GOD!) He is my Savior, and all that I need in life. The living God is my top of my admires.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Preacher, Noble Peace Prize Winner, Leader, child of God
(Strong, Determination)... I was to young to recall what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for. But as I look at video of him and etc, I see that he was a well spoken man.
His a person that we should honor. Without the people of the Civil Rights Moment the world that I live in would be totally different. Freedom wouldn't be ringing.
Joyce Meyer; Preacher, Author, child of God
(Open, Faithful, Accountable...)When I listen to Joyce, I see that she's gives of herself. She is steadfast about what she is doing.
I have an opportunity to be in one of her conference in 1999. She come to the church where I gather to worship. I was at all but one of her meetings. I even was blessed to set on the platform.
Joyce is a caring person. It' shows in her testimonies. She is a walking testimony of what God can do for someone. Joyce is shining the light of God in the world.
May we life up to what we believe. May we see that our values are important. May we see that we are built up by those who we admire. May we continue to view our values in life. May we be faithful in what we do. May we see the beauty in what other do. Amen!
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Some More Of My Values In Life
Here are some of my values...
PROGRESS: It's good to see progress over the years. We don't want to be stuck in the same place forever.
LOYALTY: It's wonderful to have loyalty. Some one who will work with things. Some one who would be faithful till the end.
DISCOVERY: The journey in life is to discover. It's nice to make discoveries along the journey of life path.
GRATITUDE: We need to be have a grateful heart. Whether its a big thing or the smallest of the least of things. Be thankful always.
DISCIPLINE: We should have some kind of practice of doing in our lives. By doing on an on going bases brings progress.
AMBITION: We need some thing inside of us to bring us into other things. The desire to pursue. The get up and go in life.
STEWARDSHIP: We should have control over what we have. We should take care of things we posses. Our money, our time and our talents are ours to manage.
May we use what we have to the glory of God. May we make discoveries on our journey. May we be loyal to God and to those we mean the world to us.
May we look back over our progress from time to time. May we discipline our selves to do and to keep doing the things we believe is ours to do.
May we have an ambition in life. May we keep up and not grow weary in the things God has called us to do. May we believe what we do will be done. Amen!
Thanks for reading!Some More Of My Values In Life
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
PROGRESS: It's good to see progress over the years. We don't want to be stuck in the same place forever.
LOYALTY: It's wonderful to have loyalty. Some one who will work with things. Some one who would be faithful till the end.
DISCOVERY: The journey in life is to discover. It's nice to make discoveries along the journey of life path.
GRATITUDE: We need to be have a grateful heart. Whether its a big thing or the smallest of the least of things. Be thankful always.
DISCIPLINE: We should have some kind of practice of doing in our lives. By doing on an on going bases brings progress.
AMBITION: We need some thing inside of us to bring us into other things. The desire to pursue. The get up and go in life.
STEWARDSHIP: We should have control over what we have. We should take care of things we posses. Our money, our time and our talents are ours to manage.
May we use what we have to the glory of God. May we make discoveries on our journey. May we be loyal to God and to those we mean the world to us.
May we look back over our progress from time to time. May we discipline our selves to do and to keep doing the things we believe is ours to do.
May we have an ambition in life. May we keep up and not grow weary in the things God has called us to do. May we believe what we do will be done. Amen!
Thanks for reading!Some More Of My Values In Life
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Some Principles In Life: Values
The list continues...
CREATIVITY: God has created us to be creative. We have the gift of creativity in us. I try to use it as much as I can.
SIMPLICITY: We should live life with simplicity. Through time I notice that some of the things that I do, it doesn't take all that to do. It needs to be simple. I don't know why I make some things so difficult at time. I'm learning to be simple.
STABILITY: We go through in life. It's good to be stable in life. We can go through life with trials and test. There are people who know that. Still they can see that stability is in some one's life.
TRUST: We need to have trust in what we do. We have to earn respect from others. We trust is so valuable in respecting others.
FAMILY: We need family. The family needs us. We need each other. Family by birth rights or family by spiritual grounds. There is a bond in family relationship. We're family for life.
TRADITION: There are things in life we call tradition. We do over and over again. In some cases we update our tradition.
DEVOTION: We should have some devotion in our lives. We are devoted in doing things we believe in. Spending time in devotional time brings life into our lives.
May we be creative in what we do in life. May we be trustworthy in our relationships. May we make things simple. May we unite with our family. May we have stability in our lives as we go through issues after issues in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
Some Principles In Life: Values
Staying On The Journey,
CREATIVITY: God has created us to be creative. We have the gift of creativity in us. I try to use it as much as I can.
SIMPLICITY: We should live life with simplicity. Through time I notice that some of the things that I do, it doesn't take all that to do. It needs to be simple. I don't know why I make some things so difficult at time. I'm learning to be simple.
STABILITY: We go through in life. It's good to be stable in life. We can go through life with trials and test. There are people who know that. Still they can see that stability is in some one's life.
TRUST: We need to have trust in what we do. We have to earn respect from others. We trust is so valuable in respecting others.
FAMILY: We need family. The family needs us. We need each other. Family by birth rights or family by spiritual grounds. There is a bond in family relationship. We're family for life.
TRADITION: There are things in life we call tradition. We do over and over again. In some cases we update our tradition.
DEVOTION: We should have some devotion in our lives. We are devoted in doing things we believe in. Spending time in devotional time brings life into our lives.
May we be creative in what we do in life. May we be trustworthy in our relationships. May we make things simple. May we unite with our family. May we have stability in our lives as we go through issues after issues in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
Some Principles In Life: Values
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Some My Values In Life
I've been thinking about some of my values or beliefs. What we believe is important. What I'm sharing isn't in any order. I know that some values have more influence in our lives than other. But the matter in our lives.
FAITHFUL: We have to have faith. Without faith we can't do what we do. Believing that we can is important. But where is your faith?
My faith is in Jesus. Without faith I cannot please God. So faith and being faithful is a strong value to have in life.
HONESTY: If we don't speak the true, than how can someone believe us? Being honest states things about our character. We can be opened to others.
LOVE: Everyone needs love. God has put the spirit of love in all of us. God is love. We were created in the image of God. Love is in us. If we are in Christ Jesus we have the spirit of love in us.
INTEGRITY: It's good to say what we are going to do. Yet, it's even better to do what we are doing to do. Our action speaks louder than words. Being a person of our word, bring credibility to our character.
PERSEVERANCE: We have to set our mind on the things that we do. We need to have an attitude to keep with it. Through thick and thin, we have to keep moving. We need to stick with what we do as best as we can. I know in some cases we need to abandon our mission.
RESPECT for OTHERS and Self: We should respect others as well as respect ourselves. We don't all agree on things. But we can respect others for their opinions.
PEACE: We need to be at peace with ourselves and at peace with God. If we can't get along with ourselves we are in a lot of trouble. If we don't have peace with God, that's more trouble than we can't ever think.
ACCOUNTABILITY: We need to have some accountability for ourselves. We can only account for our own actions.
May we be faithful in what we do. May we be honest and true to our calling in life. May we learn to love one another. May we be a person of our words. May we have perseverance in what we do in life.
May the peace of God be with us. May we be accountable for what we do. May we
see that life is a gift from God. May we use this gift the best way we know how. Amen!
Thanks for reading!Some Of My Values In Life
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
FAITHFUL: We have to have faith. Without faith we can't do what we do. Believing that we can is important. But where is your faith?
My faith is in Jesus. Without faith I cannot please God. So faith and being faithful is a strong value to have in life.
HONESTY: If we don't speak the true, than how can someone believe us? Being honest states things about our character. We can be opened to others.
LOVE: Everyone needs love. God has put the spirit of love in all of us. God is love. We were created in the image of God. Love is in us. If we are in Christ Jesus we have the spirit of love in us.
INTEGRITY: It's good to say what we are going to do. Yet, it's even better to do what we are doing to do. Our action speaks louder than words. Being a person of our word, bring credibility to our character.
PERSEVERANCE: We have to set our mind on the things that we do. We need to have an attitude to keep with it. Through thick and thin, we have to keep moving. We need to stick with what we do as best as we can. I know in some cases we need to abandon our mission.
RESPECT for OTHERS and Self: We should respect others as well as respect ourselves. We don't all agree on things. But we can respect others for their opinions.
PEACE: We need to be at peace with ourselves and at peace with God. If we can't get along with ourselves we are in a lot of trouble. If we don't have peace with God, that's more trouble than we can't ever think.
ACCOUNTABILITY: We need to have some accountability for ourselves. We can only account for our own actions.
May we be faithful in what we do. May we be honest and true to our calling in life. May we learn to love one another. May we be a person of our words. May we have perseverance in what we do in life.
May the peace of God be with us. May we be accountable for what we do. May we
see that life is a gift from God. May we use this gift the best way we know how. Amen!
Thanks for reading!Some Of My Values In Life
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Thursday, January 27, 2011
What's Important About Values?
Values are important. Why? There are many reasons. Without having a belief system on things there will be some trouble. We could belief every thing we hear. We have to have some form of belief on things.
I believe in being consistent in doing things. I could have just waiting for tomorrow to post things journal. It's late. And I am tried.
But I'm determine to post this journal today. I had a time getting on my computer. It was slow. I made it.
It' good to have the want to do things. The value in what we think and believe affects how we see things. If we think we can't do it. Than we think we can't. But if we go for it than we can see things that we thought we couldn't do.
May we see the good in keeping with things. May we not grow weary in doing good. May we learn to see what is working and what is not. Amen!
I need to post these journals much earlier in the day.
Thanks for reading.
What's Important About Values?
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
I believe in being consistent in doing things. I could have just waiting for tomorrow to post things journal. It's late. And I am tried.
But I'm determine to post this journal today. I had a time getting on my computer. It was slow. I made it.
It' good to have the want to do things. The value in what we think and believe affects how we see things. If we think we can't do it. Than we think we can't. But if we go for it than we can see things that we thought we couldn't do.
May we see the good in keeping with things. May we not grow weary in doing good. May we learn to see what is working and what is not. Amen!
I need to post these journals much earlier in the day.
Thanks for reading.
What's Important About Values?
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Beliefs And Values
I have been trying to focus on this assignment. I have to give it more thought. Values are what we believe that is important in our life.
I've been looking on websites to give me an idea on what to journal about. I mean, this assignment appears to be some what like one I've already done. It's a bit different.
How do I approach this one? I know it doesn't have to be long. I should list at least 21. I have to ponder on that. I should at least have 10 people who I admire.
On other thoughts for the day
I've been adding more to the family tree. It's an adventure. It gets my mind off things. I've been cleaning and sorting.
Hope all are doing OK! The weather is warming up some. It will be in the 40's on Friday. A HEAT WAVE!
May we take life serious. May we see the value in others. May we live life with good morals and value. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Beliefs And Values.
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
I've been looking on websites to give me an idea on what to journal about. I mean, this assignment appears to be some what like one I've already done. It's a bit different.
How do I approach this one? I know it doesn't have to be long. I should list at least 21. I have to ponder on that. I should at least have 10 people who I admire.
On other thoughts for the day
I've been adding more to the family tree. It's an adventure. It gets my mind off things. I've been cleaning and sorting.
Hope all are doing OK! The weather is warming up some. It will be in the 40's on Friday. A HEAT WAVE!
May we take life serious. May we see the value in others. May we live life with good morals and value. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Beliefs And Values.
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Assignment # 12 Looking At Your Values
This looks like a big assignment! What are values? Here are some questions from the assignment. What is important to me? Who am I? And What am I committed to? What do I notice?
We are to write down 21 goals as of this date. What an exercise! There's a list of COMMON PERSONAL VALUE listed on the assignment pages. Examples Accuracy, Achievement, Success, Communication, Oneness, Preservation. and so forth.
Here another route to your values: From the assignment sheet
Make a list of 10 people who your admire the most. These people can be real or fictional, in your life or in the public eye, living or dead.
Than next to their names, put down up to 10 qualities you admire about each of them.
Than look through your list of qualities and circle the ones that keep appearing. The qualities that appear most often are your real values.
Some of my thoughts:
Like I said what an assignment! Who are the 10 people I admire? What are my values? Well, I have to work on this assignment.
May we take some time to look at our values in life. May the LORD guide us in what we do. May we be real with what we think is important in our lives. Amen.
Thanks for reading!
Assignment # 12: Looking At Your Values
Staying On The Journaling Journey,Susan
We are to write down 21 goals as of this date. What an exercise! There's a list of COMMON PERSONAL VALUE listed on the assignment pages. Examples Accuracy, Achievement, Success, Communication, Oneness, Preservation. and so forth.
Here another route to your values: From the assignment sheet
Make a list of 10 people who your admire the most. These people can be real or fictional, in your life or in the public eye, living or dead.
Than next to their names, put down up to 10 qualities you admire about each of them.
Than look through your list of qualities and circle the ones that keep appearing. The qualities that appear most often are your real values.
Some of my thoughts:
Like I said what an assignment! Who are the 10 people I admire? What are my values? Well, I have to work on this assignment.
May we take some time to look at our values in life. May the LORD guide us in what we do. May we be real with what we think is important in our lives. Amen.
Thanks for reading!
Assignment # 12: Looking At Your Values
Staying On The Journaling Journey,Susan
Monday, January 24, 2011
Where Oh Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? At Rest
I know where I should be at about 9:00 PM. I'm not there yet. But if was were there, I would be laying down in my warm bed. I could be listening to a CD. Or relaxing, praying. I find so much rest when I'm in bed.
I would be surrounded in a world of its own. At rest in peace communing with God or listening to a CD. I would be hearing words or sound of heavenly sent sounds. Sounds that would be ministering to me.
I would be safe. In the place where I dwell. I won't need to question if something was going to happen. I would be at rest.
I would than turn the CD off. Preparing to go to sleep. I would be thinking thoughts of goodness. I would be seeing the beauty of my surrounding.
I would be concern about the time. I would be wanting to be there. Be there in the time that I was in. I would be experiencing time.
I'm learning to know that I need my rest. I think that it's a good thing to prepare yourself before going to sleep. It does something for me.
Our bodies need rest. We can't be on the go. We need to restore our bodies through resting. I need about 7 hours of sleep.
Just think of it, in eternity will our bodies need rest? Do people sleep in heaven? What about eating? The question could go on and on.
May we use what time we have. May we find the best in what we do. May we at times do the things that bring us pleasure. May we learn to enjoy life the best way we know how. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Where Oh Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? At Rest
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
I would be surrounded in a world of its own. At rest in peace communing with God or listening to a CD. I would be hearing words or sound of heavenly sent sounds. Sounds that would be ministering to me.
I would be safe. In the place where I dwell. I won't need to question if something was going to happen. I would be at rest.
I would than turn the CD off. Preparing to go to sleep. I would be thinking thoughts of goodness. I would be seeing the beauty of my surrounding.
I would be concern about the time. I would be wanting to be there. Be there in the time that I was in. I would be experiencing time.
I'm learning to know that I need my rest. I think that it's a good thing to prepare yourself before going to sleep. It does something for me.
Our bodies need rest. We can't be on the go. We need to restore our bodies through resting. I need about 7 hours of sleep.
Just think of it, in eternity will our bodies need rest? Do people sleep in heaven? What about eating? The question could go on and on.
May we use what time we have. May we find the best in what we do. May we at times do the things that bring us pleasure. May we learn to enjoy life the best way we know how. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Where Oh Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? At Rest
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Where Would I Rather Be Right NOW? In His Presence And In Peace
The perfect place to be is in the will of God. That's is good to know. The peace that comes from knowing.
The presence of God in the midst. There's a wonderful feeling. The comfort that surrounds. The joy that fills my heart.
There's no worry here. There's a since of wanting to be here. Time seems that it's there. I'm lost in where I'm at.
It's good to learn to practice the presence of knowing that God is with us. We at times may never feel God's presence. But if we stay in His word. Practice being in his presence and just letting go, we may be aware of things.
In time there may be a change in our lives. We have to keep practicing. We have to keep in training. We have to. We are always in God presence whether we feel Him there are not.
There is such a wonderful feeling being in a church gathering. The presence of God is there. He's in the people. He's there in the music that we sing. He is so presence with us.
May we be guided by the Holy Spirit. May we gather to gether as the people of God. May we be open to hear from God. May we be transformed by the renewing of our minds. May we be willing to let God do His work in us. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
Where Would I Rather Be Right NOW! In His Presence And In Peace
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
The presence of God in the midst. There's a wonderful feeling. The comfort that surrounds. The joy that fills my heart.
There's no worry here. There's a since of wanting to be here. Time seems that it's there. I'm lost in where I'm at.
It's good to learn to practice the presence of knowing that God is with us. We at times may never feel God's presence. But if we stay in His word. Practice being in his presence and just letting go, we may be aware of things.
In time there may be a change in our lives. We have to keep practicing. We have to keep in training. We have to. We are always in God presence whether we feel Him there are not.
There is such a wonderful feeling being in a church gathering. The presence of God is there. He's in the people. He's there in the music that we sing. He is so presence with us.
May we be guided by the Holy Spirit. May we gather to gether as the people of God. May we be open to hear from God. May we be transformed by the renewing of our minds. May we be willing to let God do His work in us. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
Where Would I Rather Be Right NOW! In His Presence And In Peace
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? Hmm!
Another day to imagine; Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? Hmm! I know we can't be in two places at once. That would be nice if we could.
We have to do what we need to do in life, when the time comes. But when two events come on the same day and at same time, we have to choose which one to attend. We can't be in two places at the same time.
I was searching for a notebook today. I can across some of my journals. I started to read those old journal notes on my family history. However I had to stop. I had to do other things. I can get caught up in what I wrote back in the days.
The joy of reading what was written back in the days. That was worth reading. It makes me wonder, why didn't I write more? Why did I stop writing?
It's like reading as story. I got into what I wrote. I wonder! I'm so glad that I wrote what I did. I can see some things that I've forgotten about.
I see that I can add more to my family tree now. Those loose ends that I looked over during my search. The missing link to the story.
I don't know why I started to write down what my parents told me. Maybe, I was interested in what they had to say. Now I can pass down what I was told for future generations.
I wish, I could go back during the time that I wrote those notes. That would be something. I would have asked more questions. How interesting this would be.
Yet, I'm happy for what I wrote. I see what I wrote brings new light into what I've discovered along the journey. I am happy to have discovered what I have over the years.
A person's family history can be rich in its making. It's in the way that each person see their family history. Why they think is worth wild to share.
May we look back over some of the things we wrote about in the past. May we discover new things for today. May we be caught up in the now by seeing some of what happened in our past. May this bring insight for today. Amen!
Thanking for reading.
Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? Hmm!Staying On The Journaling Journey,
We have to do what we need to do in life, when the time comes. But when two events come on the same day and at same time, we have to choose which one to attend. We can't be in two places at the same time.
I was searching for a notebook today. I can across some of my journals. I started to read those old journal notes on my family history. However I had to stop. I had to do other things. I can get caught up in what I wrote back in the days.
The joy of reading what was written back in the days. That was worth reading. It makes me wonder, why didn't I write more? Why did I stop writing?
It's like reading as story. I got into what I wrote. I wonder! I'm so glad that I wrote what I did. I can see some things that I've forgotten about.
I see that I can add more to my family tree now. Those loose ends that I looked over during my search. The missing link to the story.
I don't know why I started to write down what my parents told me. Maybe, I was interested in what they had to say. Now I can pass down what I was told for future generations.
I wish, I could go back during the time that I wrote those notes. That would be something. I would have asked more questions. How interesting this would be.
Yet, I'm happy for what I wrote. I see what I wrote brings new light into what I've discovered along the journey. I am happy to have discovered what I have over the years.
A person's family history can be rich in its making. It's in the way that each person see their family history. Why they think is worth wild to share.
May we look back over some of the things we wrote about in the past. May we discover new things for today. May we be caught up in the now by seeing some of what happened in our past. May this bring insight for today. Amen!
Thanking for reading.
Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? Hmm!Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Friday, January 21, 2011
Where I Rather Be Right NOW? Sleeping
It's late! Not much thought to this assignment...Where I Rather Be Right NOW? Sleeping. It has been a long day.
I seem to have lost track on time through out today. I woke up early having to get things done. By the time I finished up, it was time to leave for my doctor's appointment.
By the afternoon time came and went to where it was evening. I was sleepy. I didn't take a nap. I made my way to the Upper Room.
Time seem to go fast. I thought maybe my watch was wrong. It wasn't. I made it to church about 5 til the gathering started.
Time went by... than the gathering was about over. I was a bit sleep by the end of the service. I made it home.
I prepared myself for bed. I came to my computer to finish up some things. I see myself sleeping in my bed. What a wonder sleep.
May we be aware of the time that we are in. May we use what time we have for the best. May we enjoy our time of sleep. AMEN!
Thanks for reading!
Where I Rather Be Right NOW? Sleeping!Sweet Dreams...
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
I seem to have lost track on time through out today. I woke up early having to get things done. By the time I finished up, it was time to leave for my doctor's appointment.
By the afternoon time came and went to where it was evening. I was sleepy. I didn't take a nap. I made my way to the Upper Room.
Time seem to go fast. I thought maybe my watch was wrong. It wasn't. I made it to church about 5 til the gathering started.
Time went by... than the gathering was about over. I was a bit sleep by the end of the service. I made it home.
I prepared myself for bed. I came to my computer to finish up some things. I see myself sleeping in my bed. What a wonder sleep.
May we be aware of the time that we are in. May we use what time we have for the best. May we enjoy our time of sleep. AMEN!
Thanks for reading!
Where I Rather Be Right NOW? Sleeping!Sweet Dreams...
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Where I Would Rather Be Right Now? Searching And Adding People To The Family Tree
I came across more information on my family tree. So, Where Would I Rather Be Right Now? Searching and Adding...To The Family Tree. Our family tree is growing.
I notice when I'm in the NOW stage, I seem to come across more information on the family tree. I was adding some things to the family tree when the mail came.
I was going through the mail and I opened up a letter. I found more names and dates from a cousin to add to the family tree. I have so much to do with the little time in a day to do. But I know I have to save some things for another day.
But when I'm in the present NOW, I seem to have a hunch to keep on with what I'm doing. I do find the enjoying in finding things. It brings a good feeling.
Then there are times when I have to learn to stop. I can't continue on. I have to go to bed. Staying up late isn't good while waking up earlier as well.
I would rather be searching and adding more information to my family tree. There so much out there. I just what to add that information to the family history. But, only if I can....
I can see it in my imagination. I'm looking over the names in my book. What a sight to see. The generations that I've come across over my quest to know more.
I can see how the people connect to the family tree. There some similar names with a uniqueness to them. That brings joy and excitement to see the family surnames. We are family!
May we learn to stop when it's time to. May we see the joy in doing the things we like to do. May we find a way to do things in a balance way. Amen.
Thanks for reading!Where I Would Rather Be Right Now? Searching And Adding People To The Family Tree
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
I notice when I'm in the NOW stage, I seem to come across more information on the family tree. I was adding some things to the family tree when the mail came.
I was going through the mail and I opened up a letter. I found more names and dates from a cousin to add to the family tree. I have so much to do with the little time in a day to do. But I know I have to save some things for another day.
But when I'm in the present NOW, I seem to have a hunch to keep on with what I'm doing. I do find the enjoying in finding things. It brings a good feeling.
Then there are times when I have to learn to stop. I can't continue on. I have to go to bed. Staying up late isn't good while waking up earlier as well.
I would rather be searching and adding more information to my family tree. There so much out there. I just what to add that information to the family history. But, only if I can....
I can see it in my imagination. I'm looking over the names in my book. What a sight to see. The generations that I've come across over my quest to know more.
I can see how the people connect to the family tree. There some similar names with a uniqueness to them. That brings joy and excitement to see the family surnames. We are family!
May we learn to stop when it's time to. May we see the joy in doing the things we like to do. May we find a way to do things in a balance way. Amen.
Thanks for reading!Where I Would Rather Be Right Now? Searching And Adding People To The Family Tree
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Where Would You Rather Not Be Right Now? Outside, Stuck In The Snow
I had this question pop into my thinking. Where Would You Rather Not Be Right Now? Outside, Stuck In The Snow. So, I decide to journal about it.
It's a Winter wonderland outside with snow and ice. The weather man said we'll get about 10 inches of snow. The last place in the world where you would rather NOT be right NOW is outside in all of what's going on.
The snow came a little bit after the noon hour. At first the snow was light and wet...Than temperature began to drop. I heard that the roads were dangerous. Indeed it's cold outside.
It's not a pleasant sight to be stuck in. Those lone dark roads with drifting snow. The cold air blowing snow in your direction to where you can't see what's ahead. Nor what's behind....
It's like a being in a movie. But it's the real thing going on. A lot of action with no director saying CUT! That's not in the scrip...It's LIFE, ALIVE And In Action on a snowy night in the midst of Wintertime. You're hoping that you make it to where you're ahead-ed.
In due time, you'll make it to your destination. Along the journey, you saw many cars in the ditches. There were cars and trucks a long the road side. People waiting to move with the traffic.
There was a relief of getting out from among the snow and into a warm place. Thoughts of what the weather will be like tomorrow, isn't on your mind. The thought of getting to a safe place is at hand.
If your outside, BE CAREFUL!
Where Would You Rather NOW Be At Right Now?
Home Safe And Sound.
Thanks for reading.
Where You Rather Not Be Right Now?
Outside Stuck In The Snow
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
It's a Winter wonderland outside with snow and ice. The weather man said we'll get about 10 inches of snow. The last place in the world where you would rather NOT be right NOW is outside in all of what's going on.
The snow came a little bit after the noon hour. At first the snow was light and wet...Than temperature began to drop. I heard that the roads were dangerous. Indeed it's cold outside.
It's not a pleasant sight to be stuck in. Those lone dark roads with drifting snow. The cold air blowing snow in your direction to where you can't see what's ahead. Nor what's behind....
It's like a being in a movie. But it's the real thing going on. A lot of action with no director saying CUT! That's not in the scrip...It's LIFE, ALIVE And In Action on a snowy night in the midst of Wintertime. You're hoping that you make it to where you're ahead-ed.
In due time, you'll make it to your destination. Along the journey, you saw many cars in the ditches. There were cars and trucks a long the road side. People waiting to move with the traffic.
There was a relief of getting out from among the snow and into a warm place. Thoughts of what the weather will be like tomorrow, isn't on your mind. The thought of getting to a safe place is at hand.
If your outside, BE CAREFUL!
Where Would You Rather NOW Be At Right Now?
Home Safe And Sound.
Thanks for reading.
Where You Rather Not Be Right Now?
Outside Stuck In The Snow
Staying On The Journaling Journey,
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Assignment # 11: Where Would You Rather Be Right Now?
That's the journaling question for the next 7 days. Here's some of what's on the assignment sheet. I'm thinking . I'm journaling at the same time I'm reading this assignment.
This question you can ask yourself in every moment. Where would I rather be? That could be anywhere. My first response would be a peaceful place. Who wouldn't what to be a peace?
There are some suggestions of somewhere; in a physical place or on a planet. It could be in a relationship or speaking with someone. It could be anything you want.
The idea to this assignment is to describe where you are at. It's like transporting yourself in the place while you're writing. So you should be specific.
Here are some questions to think about while jouranling. How does it feel once you're really there? Are you at peace? Are you inspired? Stay there until you are and let yourself soak in the place for a while.
Some of my thoughts;This is some assignment. It's like creative writing. We have to project ourselves in a place where we wish or want to be. Where would I rather be right now?
Well, we can only live in the present life that we dwell in. In order to see myself in this state, I have to use my imagination. Time is important. Each moment is for a purpose. Let me start to place myself in a place where I rather be.
May we use our gift of imagination to journal. May we see the good of being creative in nature. May we God bless us with godly imaginations. Amen
Thanks for reading.
Where Would You Rather Be Right Now?
Continue on my next entry...Staying On The Journey,
This question you can ask yourself in every moment. Where would I rather be? That could be anywhere. My first response would be a peaceful place. Who wouldn't what to be a peace?
There are some suggestions of somewhere; in a physical place or on a planet. It could be in a relationship or speaking with someone. It could be anything you want.
The idea to this assignment is to describe where you are at. It's like transporting yourself in the place while you're writing. So you should be specific.
Here are some questions to think about while jouranling. How does it feel once you're really there? Are you at peace? Are you inspired? Stay there until you are and let yourself soak in the place for a while.
Some of my thoughts;This is some assignment. It's like creative writing. We have to project ourselves in a place where we wish or want to be. Where would I rather be right now?
Well, we can only live in the present life that we dwell in. In order to see myself in this state, I have to use my imagination. Time is important. Each moment is for a purpose. Let me start to place myself in a place where I rather be.
May we use our gift of imagination to journal. May we see the good of being creative in nature. May we God bless us with godly imaginations. Amen
Thanks for reading.
Where Would You Rather Be Right Now?
Continue on my next entry...Staying On The Journey,
Monday, January 17, 2011
How Am I Working With: What Isn't Working To What Is Working?
What have I been doing to improve some of the things that aren't working with the thing that are working? What to keep? What to change? What to alter? What to eliminate?
On January 17, 2011, I made up my mind to start getting back on. I'm using my day planner. I made appointments for some things.
We can make appointments to go to the doctor and so forth, why not to do that when needing other things to do? I see, if I continue to look at that's on my daily plan, I can at least have a guide to work from.
When Time To Go To Sleep:
I have my mind set, to get to bed earlier. I have been planning to stop doing things before a certain hour. I have to stick with it.
I notice that I need to get more rest. I have more energy when I take a power nap in the day. I have been learning to take naps. I got out of the habit.
I see by getting the rest I need I can be more productive. I notice when I'm weary, I seem to be slower. I need to have that mind set to get the rest that I need.
Friendships / Relationships That Seem To Be On A Way One Way:
I'm learning let it go and more on. I can't let this get to me. I have to forgive. And make the most of what is working. I have to pray too.
I'm learning to enjoy the friends who communicate on a regular basis. I'm being a blessings to them. And they are being a blessing to me.
I notice that friends are friendly, tend to what to share things with one another. I make a point in sharing some interest in the friends that I see on a regular basis. This shows that we care for one another.
I'm learning to be a little more organized in some things. When I'm searching for family history information, I have a folder to place things in. I need to have a system when time to put into categories.
Even with the other things in my life. I'm made up my mind to be a little more organized. I need to make it a habit. Beside, if I just take the time when the time is there, things would be so disorganized.
What Is Working?
I plan to continue to future post, journal and the other things that bring me joy and happiness. I see by using a day planner, I can think on what I need to do. I'm using future post in a new way.
Since I know what I post as devotional, I future post them during the time I'm on my computer. I don't have to get on my computer to post them. This does save me time to do other things.
May we see what we can do to change or eliminate what we see isn't working. May we set our minds to do something about what we can. May we enjoy the good of what is working. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
How I'm Working With What Is Working To What Isn't Working?
Moving On To Assignment # 11
Staying On The Journey,
On January 17, 2011, I made up my mind to start getting back on. I'm using my day planner. I made appointments for some things.
We can make appointments to go to the doctor and so forth, why not to do that when needing other things to do? I see, if I continue to look at that's on my daily plan, I can at least have a guide to work from.
When Time To Go To Sleep:
I have my mind set, to get to bed earlier. I have been planning to stop doing things before a certain hour. I have to stick with it.
I notice that I need to get more rest. I have more energy when I take a power nap in the day. I have been learning to take naps. I got out of the habit.
I see by getting the rest I need I can be more productive. I notice when I'm weary, I seem to be slower. I need to have that mind set to get the rest that I need.
Friendships / Relationships That Seem To Be On A Way One Way:
I'm learning let it go and more on. I can't let this get to me. I have to forgive. And make the most of what is working. I have to pray too.
I'm learning to enjoy the friends who communicate on a regular basis. I'm being a blessings to them. And they are being a blessing to me.
I notice that friends are friendly, tend to what to share things with one another. I make a point in sharing some interest in the friends that I see on a regular basis. This shows that we care for one another.
I'm learning to be a little more organized in some things. When I'm searching for family history information, I have a folder to place things in. I need to have a system when time to put into categories.
Even with the other things in my life. I'm made up my mind to be a little more organized. I need to make it a habit. Beside, if I just take the time when the time is there, things would be so disorganized.
What Is Working?
I plan to continue to future post, journal and the other things that bring me joy and happiness. I see by using a day planner, I can think on what I need to do. I'm using future post in a new way.
Since I know what I post as devotional, I future post them during the time I'm on my computer. I don't have to get on my computer to post them. This does save me time to do other things.
May we see what we can do to change or eliminate what we see isn't working. May we set our minds to do something about what we can. May we enjoy the good of what is working. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
How I'm Working With What Is Working To What Isn't Working?
Moving On To Assignment # 11
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Working And Not Working
My mind wasn't on this assignment today. I was doing other things. I had a great day. I was journaling some. I was searching on my family tree. I was future posting statues on my websites.
I found out that a cousin on the DADE side passed away last week. I can across someone searching.....I was searching the Internet for HENDREDs. I came across two other obituaries.
So much in a one day. I did enjoy myself. I didn't think about what wasn't working is what was. I just went with the flow of the day.
I even greeted the people at church in a new way. I did some things that I wouldn't normally do. That was a blessing to to.
In all things worked out today. Whether I thought is wasn't the way that I wouldn't to be. I was happy and not bent out of shape over it.
One thing: I plan to get back on a routine dos. I have to get in bed at a set time. I need my rest.
Thanks for reading!
Working And Not WorkingAssignment continues next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
I found out that a cousin on the DADE side passed away last week. I can across someone searching.....I was searching the Internet for HENDREDs. I came across two other obituaries.
So much in a one day. I did enjoy myself. I didn't think about what wasn't working is what was. I just went with the flow of the day.
I even greeted the people at church in a new way. I did some things that I wouldn't normally do. That was a blessing to to.
In all things worked out today. Whether I thought is wasn't the way that I wouldn't to be. I was happy and not bent out of shape over it.
One thing: I plan to get back on a routine dos. I have to get in bed at a set time. I need my rest.
Thanks for reading!
Working And Not WorkingAssignment continues next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, January 15, 2011
What Is Working For Me?
What are the things that are working for me? What brings joy and happiness? Am I productive in those areas? Those are good questions.
One thing I like to do is search for my family history. I like to journal as well. I like to pursue after things that have mystery to them. I like to future post my blogs. There's great joy in seeing things, I like to do.
When I do search for Family History, it give me a sense of accomplishing something. Also, I can escape for the things that aren't working. I can get my mind on things. I can do some things that I enjoy. What a great reward!
I have accomplished a lot through my family history journey. There is such a good feeling for me to look back on what I have come across over the years. There is so much there. That's one reason why I like to Journal. I can record what I have discovered.
Future Postings is working for me. I can write my blogs in advance. I can set the time I would them to be posted my websites. I can get a lot done this way.
I don't have to come to those my sites every day to post. What I post will automatically post itself. I don't have to post it. This saves a lot of time for me.
What's so great about future postings, I can post my statuses on Twitter, Myspace and Facebook without doing it live. O how I like that. It's a time saver. I can do Twitter, Myspace and Facebook updates all at the same time.
May we see that things are working on our behalf. May we see the good in what we do. May we feel refreshed and restored in what brings us joy. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
What Is Working For Me?Assignment continues on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
One thing I like to do is search for my family history. I like to journal as well. I like to pursue after things that have mystery to them. I like to future post my blogs. There's great joy in seeing things, I like to do.
When I do search for Family History, it give me a sense of accomplishing something. Also, I can escape for the things that aren't working. I can get my mind on things. I can do some things that I enjoy. What a great reward!
I have accomplished a lot through my family history journey. There is such a good feeling for me to look back on what I have come across over the years. There is so much there. That's one reason why I like to Journal. I can record what I have discovered.
Future Postings is working for me. I can write my blogs in advance. I can set the time I would them to be posted my websites. I can get a lot done this way.
I don't have to come to those my sites every day to post. What I post will automatically post itself. I don't have to post it. This saves a lot of time for me.
What's so great about future postings, I can post my statuses on Twitter, Myspace and Facebook without doing it live. O how I like that. It's a time saver. I can do Twitter, Myspace and Facebook updates all at the same time.
May we see that things are working on our behalf. May we see the good in what we do. May we feel refreshed and restored in what brings us joy. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
What Is Working For Me?Assignment continues on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, January 14, 2011
What Isn't Working With Organization?
I need to be more organize. There are times when I can't find things. I can't remember where I put things are.
I could say that I'm getting old. But I should have some sort of system by now. There are times when I misplace my keys. I can't recall where my cell phone is. Where's my gloves.
Well, I can say after misplacing my keys, cell phone and gloves, I have learned to place them in the proper place where I now where they are.
As for my family history information, I have so much. I'm at a point where I'm finding more along my journey. I copy things and set them aside.
Over a period of time, I would have to come back and look for things. That's a lot of paper to go through. I need to label things in categories.
Don't get me wrong. I have what information on my ancestry.com site. It's there. But for my paper trail, it's well, I don't know.
I have to come up with something. I don't want to lost what I have on paper. There are some relatives who don't have a a computer. They can't see what I have in the Internet.
I need to find a way. I have been putting some material in notebooks. This does seem to help. Those notebooks are growing. I've compiled a lot of stuff.
May we have some kind of system when we do things. May we use common sense. May God grant us the grace that we need to get the job done. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
What Isn't Working With Organization?
My assignment continues on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
I could say that I'm getting old. But I should have some sort of system by now. There are times when I misplace my keys. I can't recall where my cell phone is. Where's my gloves.
Well, I can say after misplacing my keys, cell phone and gloves, I have learned to place them in the proper place where I now where they are.
As for my family history information, I have so much. I'm at a point where I'm finding more along my journey. I copy things and set them aside.
Over a period of time, I would have to come back and look for things. That's a lot of paper to go through. I need to label things in categories.
Don't get me wrong. I have what information on my ancestry.com site. It's there. But for my paper trail, it's well, I don't know.
I have to come up with something. I don't want to lost what I have on paper. There are some relatives who don't have a a computer. They can't see what I have in the Internet.
I need to find a way. I have been putting some material in notebooks. This does seem to help. Those notebooks are growing. I've compiled a lot of stuff.
May we have some kind of system when we do things. May we use common sense. May God grant us the grace that we need to get the job done. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
What Isn't Working With Organization?
My assignment continues on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
What Isn't Working When Friendship/ Relationships Seem Like A One Way Street?
I've been thinking about some of my friendships / relationships. Which friendships are lasting? Which ones are there but not there? Which ones to be just friends at a distant?
I have friends who communicate. There's feedback from time to time. Then there are some friends who speak only if they want something. Some speak when I speak to them. Than there are some if I'm in their path way. So they might say a few words.
I have been holding back on some of my friendships. The ones when I'm doing most of the communicating. It's like a one way street. We're going the same direct but there's only contact when one says something. It's rare when the other friends speak.
That least on a two way street, I can see when my friends are coming and where there headed. Friends have some kind of concern for one another. Like how are you really doing? Not as quickie response spoken as a routine way to talk to some one and go about their way.
Last year, I left some things behind. One of them was some friends that are on that one way street. There's nothing to pursuit. There seems to be no interest in being only but friends.
It's not healthy to keep doing things that's not helping out. It gets tiresome. There's frustration that builds up over a period of times. What's left to do? We can't beg people to be our friends.
What do we do when we see a friend having a conversation with another person? Do we look on wondering why they don't speak to me? Or should we forgive them and pray for them? Look away and go about your way?
I've been looking more at the friendships that are lasting. That's being around friends where I can be myself. The friends who are there. The ones who know me. The ones who don't shut me out. Or pushed away so to speak.
I know we can't be friends with every one. Be we can be friendly. I will need wisdom in choosing who to be friends with. Friends stick together. They are there. They let you know that they are there.
May we have healthy friendships/relationships. May we not be offended by people when they speak to others and not you. May God help us to be good friends with the people who are TRULY in our lives. May we be good friends to our friends. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
What Isn't Working When Friendships/ Relationships Seem Like A One Way Street?
Assignment continues on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
I have friends who communicate. There's feedback from time to time. Then there are some friends who speak only if they want something. Some speak when I speak to them. Than there are some if I'm in their path way. So they might say a few words.
I have been holding back on some of my friendships. The ones when I'm doing most of the communicating. It's like a one way street. We're going the same direct but there's only contact when one says something. It's rare when the other friends speak.
That least on a two way street, I can see when my friends are coming and where there headed. Friends have some kind of concern for one another. Like how are you really doing? Not as quickie response spoken as a routine way to talk to some one and go about their way.
Last year, I left some things behind. One of them was some friends that are on that one way street. There's nothing to pursuit. There seems to be no interest in being only but friends.
It's not healthy to keep doing things that's not helping out. It gets tiresome. There's frustration that builds up over a period of times. What's left to do? We can't beg people to be our friends.
What do we do when we see a friend having a conversation with another person? Do we look on wondering why they don't speak to me? Or should we forgive them and pray for them? Look away and go about your way?
I've been looking more at the friendships that are lasting. That's being around friends where I can be myself. The friends who are there. The ones who know me. The ones who don't shut me out. Or pushed away so to speak.
I know we can't be friends with every one. Be we can be friendly. I will need wisdom in choosing who to be friends with. Friends stick together. They are there. They let you know that they are there.
May we have healthy friendships/relationships. May we not be offended by people when they speak to others and not you. May God help us to be good friends with the people who are TRULY in our lives. May we be good friends to our friends. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
What Isn't Working When Friendships/ Relationships Seem Like A One Way Street?
Assignment continues on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
What Isn't Working: When It's Time To Go To Sleep?
I seem to be slow in getting to bed. I see that I have to tackle this issue each night. I need to be more discipline on this matter.
I should have a set time when I go to sleep and when I get out of bed. I tell myself that I'm going to bed about 9 PM. But, when 9PM comes around, I'm not in bed.
I know what the problem is. This computer.... NO! It's me. I haven't learn to stop when I'm suppose to. I need to get off my computer by a certain time of the day. I get hooked up in doing some things. I don't when to stop.
Especially, when I'm searching for things on my family history. I need to leave room for the next day. I have to find a better way in doing things. I have to change some things.
Perhaps, I need to have computer time. There has to be an off time from being on my computer. Than of there's on one time. This will balance what I do.
It could be that I have to many websites to look at. Or maybe I should lighten up on some of what I do. I don't know.
I am determine to get to bed on time tonight. I'm getting off my computer at a set time. Then prepare for bed. That's a good start.
May we have discipline in what we do. May we see that we can rest from what we do. May we make the changes that are needed daily. May what we do be enjoyable. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
What Isn't Working: When It's Time To Go To Sleep?
Continue this assignment on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
I should have a set time when I go to sleep and when I get out of bed. I tell myself that I'm going to bed about 9 PM. But, when 9PM comes around, I'm not in bed.
I know what the problem is. This computer.... NO! It's me. I haven't learn to stop when I'm suppose to. I need to get off my computer by a certain time of the day. I get hooked up in doing some things. I don't when to stop.
Especially, when I'm searching for things on my family history. I need to leave room for the next day. I have to find a better way in doing things. I have to change some things.
Perhaps, I need to have computer time. There has to be an off time from being on my computer. Than of there's on one time. This will balance what I do.
It could be that I have to many websites to look at. Or maybe I should lighten up on some of what I do. I don't know.
I am determine to get to bed on time tonight. I'm getting off my computer at a set time. Then prepare for bed. That's a good start.
May we have discipline in what we do. May we see that we can rest from what we do. May we make the changes that are needed daily. May what we do be enjoyable. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
What Isn't Working: When It's Time To Go To Sleep?
Continue this assignment on my next entry.
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Journaling Assignment # 10: What's Working And What Isn't?
The first thing that came to my thinking after I saw the topic for this assignment was, What isn't working? That would be the common reaction for me.
The medicine that I was taking for my allergies isn't working. I had to find another one that will do the job. My voice is better.
Here is some of what the assignment is about. I'm using what's in my assignment sheet. I'm using the word us instead of you.
As for this assignment for this week, we are to define and contrast what is working in our lives and what is not. We need to take a look at the activities, relationships, ideas, pursuits, and experiences and etc. that bring us joy and happiness. And than line them up against those that bring us down and leave us unfulfilled or provide little benefit.
Here's The First Step:
To uncover the things that are not working in our lives and explain why they aren't working and what the effect is on us.
Considering the relationships in our lives and look at the elements in those relationships that leave us feeling sad, mad, frustrated or tried. Why is that?
Take a look at our productivity. Why don't we accomplish more? What is standing in our way? What is bogging us down?
Examine our physical surroundings, our time management and the activities that we are busy with - figure out what about those things we are not satisfied with.
The Next Step:
Notice all the thing in our lives that are working. Our jobs...to discover the pieces of our lives that are truly fulfilling. What systems in our lives are working? Which parts of our relationships make us feel wonderful? Why is that? Consider the things that we do during the day. What brings us a sense of accomplish? When do we feel most confident?
Now that we have identified what scenarios are not working, for us it is important that we take action to make eliminate, change or simplify the things that are not working and expand the things that are. Our goal is engage in activities, relationships and pursuits that bring happiness into our life.
Some Of My Thoughts:
This is an interesting assignment. I'm needing to sit down and ponder this one. I will tackle this assignment.
May we take a look at the things in our lives that are working. May we see the good in the things in our lives. May we learn from what's not working. May God grant us the wisdom to do what is right. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
What's Working And What Isn't?
Staying On The Journey,
The medicine that I was taking for my allergies isn't working. I had to find another one that will do the job. My voice is better.
Here is some of what the assignment is about. I'm using what's in my assignment sheet. I'm using the word us instead of you.
As for this assignment for this week, we are to define and contrast what is working in our lives and what is not. We need to take a look at the activities, relationships, ideas, pursuits, and experiences and etc. that bring us joy and happiness. And than line them up against those that bring us down and leave us unfulfilled or provide little benefit.
Here's The First Step:
To uncover the things that are not working in our lives and explain why they aren't working and what the effect is on us.
Considering the relationships in our lives and look at the elements in those relationships that leave us feeling sad, mad, frustrated or tried. Why is that?
Take a look at our productivity. Why don't we accomplish more? What is standing in our way? What is bogging us down?
Examine our physical surroundings, our time management and the activities that we are busy with - figure out what about those things we are not satisfied with.
The Next Step:
Notice all the thing in our lives that are working. Our jobs...to discover the pieces of our lives that are truly fulfilling. What systems in our lives are working? Which parts of our relationships make us feel wonderful? Why is that? Consider the things that we do during the day. What brings us a sense of accomplish? When do we feel most confident?
Now that we have identified what scenarios are not working, for us it is important that we take action to make eliminate, change or simplify the things that are not working and expand the things that are. Our goal is engage in activities, relationships and pursuits that bring happiness into our life.
Some Of My Thoughts:
This is an interesting assignment. I'm needing to sit down and ponder this one. I will tackle this assignment.
May we take a look at the things in our lives that are working. May we see the good in the things in our lives. May we learn from what's not working. May God grant us the wisdom to do what is right. Amen!
Thanks for reading!
What's Working And What Isn't?
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, January 10, 2011
Cleaning Up: Assignment
I think that it's been a productive week for me on this assignment. I believe that cleaning up is a process in doing. There will be something to clean up every day.
I did learn some things during this assignment. I did some actually cleaning. It wasn't just the journaling about it, but the doing of it. We can speak what we're going to do. But, our action speaks louder than our words.
There were things that I let go of during this assignment. I felt that some of the things were a waste of time in keeping. I have to learn to let go. That takes practice.
There comes a time in life, when we hold on to things or relationships that aren't not good for us. Or aren't going any where. It's tends to slow us down. We can lose out on things while in the process of holding on.
We have to make some decisions. What we should do or don't do. I know when I've done some things for so long or held onto some thing, I tend to think that I will lose out on things, if I let go?
I've seen and learned over the years, there's something more when I let things go or even let people go. There comes a time in life when we have to depart. That's the separation time in our lives.
Whether that separation is by death or by some mishaps that led to the separation. I have to have faith to continue on. We have to believe that God is with us.
As for cleaning up my thoughts, that's an on going process too. I have to learn to think good thoughts. I know that being negative isn't a good thing.
We need encouragement when we hear bad news or things that come along in another way than we expected. By having an uplifting attitude, we can continue on through the pain. We need to have balance.
I know there are times when we have to weep. We have to let go. But in due time, we have to get back on our feet and keep moving. We can be stuck in the same place in our thinking for a long time. That's a stronghold.
If we're stuck, that trips us up. We can lose out on the best that's there for us. We need to have some source to empower us to keep going.
I'm thankful that God is in my life. I know when I'm stuck, I can come before God for comfort. O how wonderful that is when God comes to comfort in times of need. Thank You, Jesus!
I know I can't clean up my life by myself. I have to have HELP! That helps comes from what I believe. I believe that God will direct my steps.
In all this assignment was a good exercise. We can continue to clean up our environment and our minds on a regular basis. That will take a life time.
May we have a source that empowers us to keep going. May we learn that it is good to let go of things and or relationships. May we be people who forgive.
May we see the best of what we experience. May our minds be renewed with good and positive thoughts. May we learn from our every day life in Jesus' Name Amen.
Cleaning Up: Assignment
Thanks for reading!
Moving On To The Next Assignment!
Staying On The Journey,
I did learn some things during this assignment. I did some actually cleaning. It wasn't just the journaling about it, but the doing of it. We can speak what we're going to do. But, our action speaks louder than our words.
There were things that I let go of during this assignment. I felt that some of the things were a waste of time in keeping. I have to learn to let go. That takes practice.
There comes a time in life, when we hold on to things or relationships that aren't not good for us. Or aren't going any where. It's tends to slow us down. We can lose out on things while in the process of holding on.
We have to make some decisions. What we should do or don't do. I know when I've done some things for so long or held onto some thing, I tend to think that I will lose out on things, if I let go?
I've seen and learned over the years, there's something more when I let things go or even let people go. There comes a time in life when we have to depart. That's the separation time in our lives.
Whether that separation is by death or by some mishaps that led to the separation. I have to have faith to continue on. We have to believe that God is with us.
As for cleaning up my thoughts, that's an on going process too. I have to learn to think good thoughts. I know that being negative isn't a good thing.
We need encouragement when we hear bad news or things that come along in another way than we expected. By having an uplifting attitude, we can continue on through the pain. We need to have balance.
I know there are times when we have to weep. We have to let go. But in due time, we have to get back on our feet and keep moving. We can be stuck in the same place in our thinking for a long time. That's a stronghold.
If we're stuck, that trips us up. We can lose out on the best that's there for us. We need to have some source to empower us to keep going.
I'm thankful that God is in my life. I know when I'm stuck, I can come before God for comfort. O how wonderful that is when God comes to comfort in times of need. Thank You, Jesus!
I know I can't clean up my life by myself. I have to have HELP! That helps comes from what I believe. I believe that God will direct my steps.
In all this assignment was a good exercise. We can continue to clean up our environment and our minds on a regular basis. That will take a life time.
May we have a source that empowers us to keep going. May we learn that it is good to let go of things and or relationships. May we be people who forgive.
May we see the best of what we experience. May our minds be renewed with good and positive thoughts. May we learn from our every day life in Jesus' Name Amen.
Cleaning Up: Assignment
Thanks for reading!
Moving On To The Next Assignment!
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Plan Before Hand: Cleaning Up
I'm thinking about what I need to do. I've been taking it easy. I took a nice nap today. I fell asleep watching football. I felt rested up.
I'm thinking about what I need to cleaning up. I'm making some changes. It's good to do some change when we clean.
I see that order is needed. I need to balance in what I do. I see that thinking about what I do before I clean or whatever I do, I can have a better outcome. It's a good thing.
If I just start cleaning without order, I will be doing some things that I don't need to do. That's a waste of time. It's like going in circles.
I have to have a willing heart to let some things go. I can tend to hold on things for whatsoever reason. I can see that's not a healthy thing to do at times.
I hope to get things done. I know it will take some time in doing. Life is NOW as long was we are breathing.
I need to live. I need to have that balance and order that's there. It's will take discipline in the making. But with the help of God, I believe that I can accomplish things.
May we see the good in cleaning. May we have a plan before hand. May we see the balance in what we do. May God grant us mercy to do what we need to do. May we do what is needed. May we not wear ourselves out. Amen!
Plan Before Hand: Cleaning Up
Continues on my next entry.Thanks for reading!
Staying On The Journey,
I'm thinking about what I need to cleaning up. I'm making some changes. It's good to do some change when we clean.
I see that order is needed. I need to balance in what I do. I see that thinking about what I do before I clean or whatever I do, I can have a better outcome. It's a good thing.
If I just start cleaning without order, I will be doing some things that I don't need to do. That's a waste of time. It's like going in circles.
I have to have a willing heart to let some things go. I can tend to hold on things for whatsoever reason. I can see that's not a healthy thing to do at times.
I hope to get things done. I know it will take some time in doing. Life is NOW as long was we are breathing.
I need to live. I need to have that balance and order that's there. It's will take discipline in the making. But with the help of God, I believe that I can accomplish things.
May we see the good in cleaning. May we have a plan before hand. May we see the balance in what we do. May God grant us mercy to do what we need to do. May we do what is needed. May we not wear ourselves out. Amen!
Plan Before Hand: Cleaning Up
Continues on my next entry.Thanks for reading!
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Journaling About Cleaning Up
I did get some cleaning done today. I tackled an area. It about wore me out. I got behind on other things I need to do.
I did get caught up on those Saturday to do things. This journaling assignment on cleaning up is WORK. It's more than just journaling about it. It's doing it as well.
I'm keeping the attitude that cleaning up is an on going project. If we see things as an project, it has a different meaning. It's not just a chore to do. It's apart of our every day life.
Life is a school. The every day things in life we learn and experience each day. What did I learn about the school of life today? Learn to pace myself. Don't over do things. Slow down and take breaks. Do things one at a time.
I need to finish of some more things before heading off to bed. It's been an interesting week. I'm moving on into Twenty Eleven with new insight about some things.
May we see what we do every day is more than chores. May we see things in a new way. May we take the time to enjoy what we do. May we see new things in things we see less enjoyable to do. Amen.
Journaling About Cleaning Up continues on my next entry.
This assignment is an on going project.
Have A Great Week Ahead!
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
I did get caught up on those Saturday to do things. This journaling assignment on cleaning up is WORK. It's more than just journaling about it. It's doing it as well.
I'm keeping the attitude that cleaning up is an on going project. If we see things as an project, it has a different meaning. It's not just a chore to do. It's apart of our every day life.
Life is a school. The every day things in life we learn and experience each day. What did I learn about the school of life today? Learn to pace myself. Don't over do things. Slow down and take breaks. Do things one at a time.
I need to finish of some more things before heading off to bed. It's been an interesting week. I'm moving on into Twenty Eleven with new insight about some things.
May we see what we do every day is more than chores. May we see things in a new way. May we take the time to enjoy what we do. May we see new things in things we see less enjoyable to do. Amen.
Journaling About Cleaning Up continues on my next entry.
This assignment is an on going project.
Have A Great Week Ahead!
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, January 7, 2011
Cleaning Still
Yep! Cleaning still! But NOT at this even moment... I've been trying to do some light cleaning. Cleaning is more of a daily project. When we get something, it adds to what we got. We need order in our possessions.
We have to pick and choose what we don't need. And those things that are neccessaries to life. Clutter can build up. Before we know it, we wonder where did all this stuff come from? Like we don't know.
I've been tossing out some things. I got a ways to go. What I've discovered about cleaning, it's an on going project. There will always be something to clean up. This task is a lifetime thing we must be willing to do.
Even with our minds. We have to rethink what we think. We can let "junk" get into our thinking. We should have a better judgement on things. I think some common sense can help at times.
We should make the most of my days. We can't clean all the time. We'll wear ourselves out. We have to plan out what we do.
May we learn to have discipline our lives. May see that there's beauty in seeing a clean place. May we learn to rethink some of the things we do.
"Cleaning Still"
Continues on my next entry
Thanks for reading.Staying On The Journey,
We have to pick and choose what we don't need. And those things that are neccessaries to life. Clutter can build up. Before we know it, we wonder where did all this stuff come from? Like we don't know.
I've been tossing out some things. I got a ways to go. What I've discovered about cleaning, it's an on going project. There will always be something to clean up. This task is a lifetime thing we must be willing to do.
Even with our minds. We have to rethink what we think. We can let "junk" get into our thinking. We should have a better judgement on things. I think some common sense can help at times.
We should make the most of my days. We can't clean all the time. We'll wear ourselves out. We have to plan out what we do.
May we learn to have discipline our lives. May see that there's beauty in seeing a clean place. May we learn to rethink some of the things we do.
"Cleaning Still"
Continues on my next entry
Thanks for reading.Staying On The Journey,
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Cleaning Up: What?
I don't have much to say. I've been doing things. I'm kinda sort....Also I've doing some thinking. The inside needs cleaning too.
The things that we think about. Those negative things that get in our thinking. We have to declutter our thinking. We need to guard our hearts as well.
I'm working on that. The things that I hear. I just...I need to regroup. I can't think like that. The children of God have the mind of Christ.
May we have our minds renewed with the Word of God. May we take time to think about what we think about. May we live a good life in Jesus' Name. Amen.
My assignment continues on my next entry.
It's late here. 10:24 PM
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,Susan
The things that we think about. Those negative things that get in our thinking. We have to declutter our thinking. We need to guard our hearts as well.
I'm working on that. The things that I hear. I just...I need to regroup. I can't think like that. The children of God have the mind of Christ.
May we have our minds renewed with the Word of God. May we take time to think about what we think about. May we live a good life in Jesus' Name. Amen.
My assignment continues on my next entry.
It's late here. 10:24 PM
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,Susan
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Project: Cleaning Up
I've been working on this assignment. I call what I'm doing, Project: Clean Up. I got that idea from last year. I've got other project that I'm working on too.
As for this assignment, it more of doing than just journaling about what I'm doing. I can journaling away with what I say that I'm doing. But if I don't do it, it's no thing. It takes action to do in cleaning up.
I can wear myself out when I clean. I need more discipline in what I intend to do. I need to have an idea on what I'm doing.
Cleaning up is work. It's also exercise in the doing. That's a good thing. Well, I did as much as I could today. Letting things go and moving on.
Continue on my next entry:
Thanks for reading!
Project: Cleaning UpStaying On The Journey,
As for this assignment, it more of doing than just journaling about what I'm doing. I can journaling away with what I say that I'm doing. But if I don't do it, it's no thing. It takes action to do in cleaning up.
I can wear myself out when I clean. I need more discipline in what I intend to do. I need to have an idea on what I'm doing.
Cleaning up is work. It's also exercise in the doing. That's a good thing. Well, I did as much as I could today. Letting things go and moving on.
Continue on my next entry:
Thanks for reading!
Project: Cleaning UpStaying On The Journey,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Assignment # 9 Topic Cleaning Up
Here are some questions to think about from the assignment.
What is standing in your way of achieving success and happiness in your life? What do you need to remove, throw out, and clean up in order for you to clear your path for a running start?
Are there past tensions you need to close? Are there memories in your past that you need to put to rest? Is there a physical mess you need to sort through; is your house, your room our your office a mess? Is there something that needs to be said to a friend, family member or business associate that you have been avoiding?
So I have to take some time to clean up my environment. Internally and externally....Well! I better get with it. Can't just journaling about what I'm doing to do on this assignment. I have to get with it.
I took down our Christmas decorations yesterday. Still doing some cleaning. I soaked my feet this evening. My feet are sore. I don't know! My shoes or my socks?
I've been to the prayer meetings at church. The theme is "As It Is In Heaven." From the Lord's Prayer. Yesterday was Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. This evening it was Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Wednesday: Give us this day our daily bread....
It's time for me to turn in.
I'm a bit tried.
Another day has gone.
Awake to a new day.
Thanks for reading!
Continue this assignment on my next entry.
Staying On the Journey,
What is standing in your way of achieving success and happiness in your life? What do you need to remove, throw out, and clean up in order for you to clear your path for a running start?
Are there past tensions you need to close? Are there memories in your past that you need to put to rest? Is there a physical mess you need to sort through; is your house, your room our your office a mess? Is there something that needs to be said to a friend, family member or business associate that you have been avoiding?
So I have to take some time to clean up my environment. Internally and externally....Well! I better get with it. Can't just journaling about what I'm doing to do on this assignment. I have to get with it.
I took down our Christmas decorations yesterday. Still doing some cleaning. I soaked my feet this evening. My feet are sore. I don't know! My shoes or my socks?
I've been to the prayer meetings at church. The theme is "As It Is In Heaven." From the Lord's Prayer. Yesterday was Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. This evening it was Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Wednesday: Give us this day our daily bread....
It's time for me to turn in.
I'm a bit tried.
Another day has gone.
Awake to a new day.
Thanks for reading!
Continue this assignment on my next entry.
Staying On the Journey,
Monday, January 3, 2011
What Went Wrong? How Was This A Gift?
What went wrong? Was this a gift? I've been thinking about this assignment. Here's one of the situations that I would like to share.
I'm a volunteer greeter at the church where I worship. I try to be friendly to people. Here are two situations that I have experienced.
An elderly lady...
One day this lady spoken to me. She said that she had me wrong. I didn't know what she was saying. She said she thought I was stuck up. I didn't speak her.
She said as she got to know me more, she saw the beauty that was in me. This beauty that's she was referring to is the beauty of the LORD.
What I learned from this experience was that we shouldn't judge people by what they do or say. But the inward beauty that reveals the real you. We aren't perfect. We can let our mind to the best to us.
But we should judge others by the way we think. We should have mercy on others. We should see some common ground.
An elderly man...
One Friday night I saw a friend and I was walking to her way. I was interrupted by an elderly man. He introduce himself to me. I said hi.
I felt strange by this man's reactions. It threw me off. Thank God I had made my way to my friend who I wanted to see.
Sunday morning came around. I was greeting. That elder man was back. He was acting the same way he was on Friday. He was too friendly with me.
After the service he continue to speak with me out the way out the door. I was trying to be nice. There was something there I did approve of this guy. It was a though he was "hitting" on me.
Friday came again... He acted the same way. I was about to lose my composure. I didn't know what to do. I was helping another elderly friend in to the service.
I had to tell a another friend about this guy. She saw the same thing I did. So she told a man friend to talk with this guy.
I told my friend that pretty soon that guy will be trying to sat in the same pew I was. I don't know to do. It's like: What did I do?
My friend notice that this guy was too friends. So she told a guy friend to talk with this guy. The next time I saw the guy he had a different tune. He seem to have back off.
This situation with on for about two weekends. This guy finally left and never returned. I don't know what this guy's intention was. It appeared that he came to church for another reason.
There were other situations that I came across. Each one the person left and I haven't seen them since. I don't know.
I've learned a great deal about people through greeting. I tend to know when to leave people alone. Or to bring some encouragement to them.
I tend to speak more to woman. Not much to man without their wife being there with them. As for single guys. I have learned my lesson....Lord guide me on the way I should go.
May we change our attitude about the things that we do. May we consider others. May we not over step our boundaries with others.
What Went Wrong? How Was This A Gift?
Conclusion on assignment # 8
Moving on to # 9
Thanks for reading.
I hope it made some sense.
Staying On The Journey,Susan
I'm a volunteer greeter at the church where I worship. I try to be friendly to people. Here are two situations that I have experienced.
An elderly lady...
One day this lady spoken to me. She said that she had me wrong. I didn't know what she was saying. She said she thought I was stuck up. I didn't speak her.
She said as she got to know me more, she saw the beauty that was in me. This beauty that's she was referring to is the beauty of the LORD.
What I learned from this experience was that we shouldn't judge people by what they do or say. But the inward beauty that reveals the real you. We aren't perfect. We can let our mind to the best to us.
But we should judge others by the way we think. We should have mercy on others. We should see some common ground.
An elderly man...
One Friday night I saw a friend and I was walking to her way. I was interrupted by an elderly man. He introduce himself to me. I said hi.
I felt strange by this man's reactions. It threw me off. Thank God I had made my way to my friend who I wanted to see.
Sunday morning came around. I was greeting. That elder man was back. He was acting the same way he was on Friday. He was too friendly with me.
After the service he continue to speak with me out the way out the door. I was trying to be nice. There was something there I did approve of this guy. It was a though he was "hitting" on me.
Friday came again... He acted the same way. I was about to lose my composure. I didn't know what to do. I was helping another elderly friend in to the service.
I had to tell a another friend about this guy. She saw the same thing I did. So she told a man friend to talk with this guy.
I told my friend that pretty soon that guy will be trying to sat in the same pew I was. I don't know to do. It's like: What did I do?
My friend notice that this guy was too friends. So she told a guy friend to talk with this guy. The next time I saw the guy he had a different tune. He seem to have back off.
This situation with on for about two weekends. This guy finally left and never returned. I don't know what this guy's intention was. It appeared that he came to church for another reason.
There were other situations that I came across. Each one the person left and I haven't seen them since. I don't know.
I've learned a great deal about people through greeting. I tend to know when to leave people alone. Or to bring some encouragement to them.
I tend to speak more to woman. Not much to man without their wife being there with them. As for single guys. I have learned my lesson....Lord guide me on the way I should go.
May we change our attitude about the things that we do. May we consider others. May we not over step our boundaries with others.
What Went Wrong? How Was This A Gift?
Conclusion on assignment # 8
Moving on to # 9
Thanks for reading.
I hope it made some sense.
Staying On The Journey,Susan
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Life's Situation Turning Out ...
I've been journaling on my other sites. I'm getting behind on things. I need to work on a system. I know I can future post on this site and my ones that I journal on.
This site I normally come and journal every day. I have to get in a habit in journaling when I have free time.
I don't know how many future postings I had to post for this week on xanga. I got up to Friday. I'll have some to blog by then.
As for my journaling assignment, I need to get with it. This week with so fast. I was up late on Saturday with New Year's Eve celebrating into the new year.
I had a great Saturday. Sunday wasn't too bad. I was just catching up on some things.
I was doing some family history search too.
I have come across some grave sites on some of my relatives. I added some to as well. I let that site. People can search to see were some of their relatives resting places are.
Well, I need to close. Call in the night. Prayer meeting in the morning...It's that time of year again. We have daily and nightly prayer gatherings at the first of the year.
Thanks for reading...
Life's Situation Turning Out....
Staying On The Journey,
This site I normally come and journal every day. I have to get in a habit in journaling when I have free time.
I don't know how many future postings I had to post for this week on xanga. I got up to Friday. I'll have some to blog by then.
As for my journaling assignment, I need to get with it. This week with so fast. I was up late on Saturday with New Year's Eve celebrating into the new year.
I had a great Saturday. Sunday wasn't too bad. I was just catching up on some things.
I was doing some family history search too.
I have come across some grave sites on some of my relatives. I added some to as well. I let that site. People can search to see were some of their relatives resting places are.
Well, I need to close. Call in the night. Prayer meeting in the morning...It's that time of year again. We have daily and nightly prayer gatherings at the first of the year.
Thanks for reading...
Life's Situation Turning Out....
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The Good In Life
Happy Twenty Eleven! It's been a day of ones. 1/1/11. It's been a Great One! I've been enjoying this first day of this new year. I'm have a new song in my mouth.
I'm seeing the goodness of God in the land of the living. I haven't done much on this assignment. I need to get with it. I have to come up with someone by Tuesday. I think I'll journal some think on Monday as I always do. I would let the pressure get to me.
I've been doing some things that I've done in a while. I broke away from my routine dos of the day. I guess I can say I started a new website. I was looking for graves of my relatives. I found some. I added more to the list.
Life is to be lived. The things that we have a desire to do. In the mean time life is good. What we see in our present time is just for a moment. Things are subject to change.
May we enjoy our lives each day. May we make the most of each day that comes. May Twenty Eleven be a year of the goodness of God be upon our lives. May we grow in the Lord as we live our lives. Amen.
The Good In Life...
I'll continue my thoughts on my next entry.
Thanks for reading!
Staying On The Journey,
I'm seeing the goodness of God in the land of the living. I haven't done much on this assignment. I need to get with it. I have to come up with someone by Tuesday. I think I'll journal some think on Monday as I always do. I would let the pressure get to me.
I've been doing some things that I've done in a while. I broke away from my routine dos of the day. I guess I can say I started a new website. I was looking for graves of my relatives. I found some. I added more to the list.
Life is to be lived. The things that we have a desire to do. In the mean time life is good. What we see in our present time is just for a moment. Things are subject to change.
May we enjoy our lives each day. May we make the most of each day that comes. May Twenty Eleven be a year of the goodness of God be upon our lives. May we grow in the Lord as we live our lives. Amen.
The Good In Life...
I'll continue my thoughts on my next entry.
Thanks for reading!
Staying On The Journey,
![]() |
Prayer for the week Jan 2, 2011 Source The Book of Common Prayer |
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