Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Attack: Dog Issue

Saturday, 19 January 2008

  • Attack: Dog Issue

    I posted this blog in as private. back in January. I opened it up on October 25, 2008. I made some editing.

    Since Saturday January 19th 2008 we have been under an attack about our dogs.

    I don't want to post this on my blog site.
    I trust that you will pray....

    We are having trouble about our 3 dogs.

    We were treated that they will be impounded
    if the dogs are found with frozen water or no water.
    She said that the dogs need fresh water all the time.
    This is the 2nd time she has been here. Jan 19th was the first...

    The officer has been given us trouble since then.
    Still stating that one dog has not been registered.
    We had all three dogs vaccinated and registered.
    We have the records.

    One record---has one dog name recorded wrong.
    The officer is still saying that"Sunny" is not the right dog.
    The name on the record is Thunder.
    Thunder, a black dog has been died about 5 or 4 years.
    But the descriptions is the same: White and Tan
    That is what Sunny is..."White and Tan."

    We had to buy two dog houses.
    And make clear of branches for one dog.
    Turns the dogs houses so not facing NORTH.
    The dogs would not go in there house when we turned them another way.
    So two of them have two dog houses.

    My brother has to appear in court for the 1st complaint someone made...
    Complaint was that dogs have been mistreated
    ...inadequate in matter and that they are skinny food and water.
    No registered or vaccination....

    We think that someone wants one of our dogs or
    some one wants to break in our other house that is across the street.

    We have never had this make trouble about our dogs.
    We check on the dogs every day. I go up in the morning at times to feed them.
    Then my other brother goes up at night time to feed them.

    We check on the house.
    They dogs are healthy and are not being mistreated.

    YEAH, this is a BIG Trial...We are upset...
    We don't know how to keep water fresh in"the died of winter."
    Water freezes...Trying to heat the water is a question.
    ...with electrically a cord, the dogs will chew on the cords.

    Mistreated to me means:
    Also the officer said that when they take dogs they did last long at the pound.

    Well is my ISSUE of the week. Thanks for hearing my burden.
    Thanks for praying
    That was than...
    Things have changed since January.
    Thing office continued to come by.

    We received three comments about the dogs.
    I took them as a treat.
    I was stressed over the matter.
    We had to make sure the dogs had fresh water in the died of Winter.

    My brother went to court three times.
    The lawyers wanted my brother to plead guilty.

    My brother pleaded innocent.
    The judge finally said that my brother did not have to come back to court.
    We went through this 6 month ordeal.

    The case was still opened until Oct 25th.
    We could not get any more complaints about the dogs.

    A lot of weird things happened in those 6 months time.
    One dog kept getting untied.

    Then two of the dogs were barking at each other.
    They were fighting.

    By July the days were not as bad.
    The heat had me worried about the dogs.

    The officer has not been by since February.

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