Saturday, October 31, 2020

In The Year 2020

 I haven't posted in years!  I've been posting on my other sites. I have to come here more often. I'm doing okay. 

We're in the COVID-19 year of 2020. It's been a very long year. It's been like we've been the Twilight Zone. It's unreal. But, it's real.

I have heard of friends and cousins having it. I know of one person who has died from the virus. I've been careful. I limit to where I go. I'm not going in crowds and etcI haven't been to church since March 15, 2020. 

It's Halloween. The virus is spreading. As I've been out over this month, people are wearing masks. Some are not. Nor are they keeping the physical distant that they should stand. 

we are a long ways from getting where we need to be. We are in this together. We need to be on the same page. There are people who are deceived. Lord, have mercy. 

Be Safe! 
 Peace be with you. 

God bless you. 
S.A. Blakley

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Experience The Blessings of God

Friday, 29 February 2008

  • Experience The Blessings of God

    Happy Leap Day!   Do Something Special on this Special Day of the Year! Have An Awesome Last Friday of February.
    May God Bless You! Enter Into March & Enjoy!

    Thank goodness, Lord for the time You give me that I can spend just with You. -- Isabel Wolseley
    All your enemies deride you. They scoff and grind their teeth and say, "We have destroyed her at last? Long have we await this day, and it is finally here!"NLT Lamentation 2:16
    From the Booklet: Your Highest Calling
    I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can shut. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me. NLT Revelation 3:8
    Unlimited possibilities lie before me. What a wonderful thought to keep in mind! Regardless of the concerns or challenges I have faced in the past, a new door is opening before me now---a door to unlimited possibilities.

    I can choose to stay in the past and hold unproductive thoughts, or I can choose to walk through my open door with faith and an awareness of God, my source and my supply.

    What is my door opening to? Is it the experience of a new relationship, a move to a different location, a new job or hobby? Is it taking a class, finding time for prayer and reflection, experiencing a deeper relationship with God?

    I am ready now to walk through the door to my good. I am ready to visualize my good and to have faith that it is coming to me in the right time and way. I am ready to express greater peace, joy strength, and love. I am ready to experience a more enlightened life, a life in which I am a partner with God.

    The door to my good is opening now. I give thanks for this glorious truth, and I joyfully look forward to the blessings that are coming to me.

    Confession for the booklet:
    I am ready now to experience the blessings of God and the unlimited possibilities that lie before me.
    On my journey of transformation
    Jesus Arrested according to Matthew 26:47-56...
    This section in the Scriptures picks up when Jesus was saying to the disciples to get up ...There was Judas, one of the disciples that arrived with a mob who were armed with swords and clubs. They were sent by the leading priests and other leaders of the people.

    "Judas had given them a prearranged signal: "You will know which one to arrest when I go over and give him the kiss of greeting." Judas came straight to Jesus and greeted Him with a kiss. Jesus said "My friend go ahead and do what you have come to for." Jesus was grabbed by the others and arrested.

    One of the disciples who was with Jesus pulled out a sword and slashed off an ear of the high priest's servant. Jesus told the disciple to put away the sword.
    Jesus spoke to them what they did not realized. Jesus could ask His Father for thousands of angels to protect them. The Father would have sent them instantly.

    But if Jesus  did that then how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describes what must happen. Then Jesus started talking to the crowd. The things that they did not do then but have done now.

    For Jesus spoke of the Scriptures of the prophets. That's why they did not arrest Him in the Temple were Him was teaching daily. They came as those Jesus was a dangerous criminal in the night.

    At the time Jesus spoke of His arrest according to the Scriptures, all the disciples deserted Him and fled.
    Some of my thoughts: Share later in my reflections

    The Holy Week Scriptures Meditations continues Jesus Arrested according to Mark 14:43-52

    From my book of Remembrance:
    Father God, I am thankful that there is a Door of HOPE that brings open doors of opportunities. I am blessed for the doors that have been shut. I am thankful for the FAITH to walk away from things that bare no fruit.

    I am thankful for this Leap Day. I am so blessed to be a part of what is going on. I am thankful for the unlimited blessing that You have for Your children.

    I am blessed that Your LOVE is there in what I do. I am thankful for our relationship. I am blessed to have STRENGTH. I am so thankful for Experience The Blessings of God in Jesus' name Amen.

    A fool give full vent to anger, but a wise person quietly holds it back. NLT Proverbs 29:11

    With God's help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes. NLT Psalm 60:12

Personality Traits

  Be Thankful for God Given Personality Traits Posted on   March 25, 2017   by   S usan Ann Blakley Our God- given personality traits can be...