Water Baptism Anniversary
It was on this date in 1993, Sunday, November 28.
My 14 year old nephew, Dwayne and I were off to our water baptism at the Y.M. C. A. Here is my testimony on that account.
I wrote some of this in my Salvation Issues Blog on August 26, 2007. It starts off with a question. I had an issue that brought me confusion before I got water baptized. I did added more too this since August on this blog.
I have been thinking... When did all this confusion start? I cannot recall. But I do recall on the Day After Thanksgiving 1993. Things became weirder and weirder and the question of my salvation began to deepen.
It was the day after Thanksgiving Day, on November 26, 1993. We gather for Thanksgiving Worship and Communion Service. While we were in praise and worship, something weird happened to me.
It was like some one pulled the plug on me and I loss energy. I could not feel my legs as I stood. I could not hear clearly---so I stopped singing. What was this?
Then something in my belly came upward and than suddenly stopped. Than the sound came back up. I could hear clearly again. I did not know what was going on with me.
I made it through the service. I questioned what happened to me. I did not tell anyone because I thought nobody would believe me.
So I keep it to myself. I started to seek God more and reading my Bible more. By the way, I took part in my very first communion in Church that night.
Sunday, November 28, 1993 was my Water Baptism Day. I could not wait to be submerged into the water. I had thoughts that was trying to tell me that I was not saved. I wanted this water baptism so much. I had to wait unto it was announced in church.
On that morning of my water baptism, I was reading from the book of 1 Corinthians 14 from the New King James Version. I could not focus on what I was reading. I read and re read and had trouble reading the verses. (I kept fighting to read.)
I kept reading anyway. Then I came time to read verse 9 b, I read it in a new way. For [ I ] will be [ blessed ] speaking in the air. That caught my attention. If you have been around me, (in person) you would notice that I am not much of a talker.
Anyway, I wanted to make sure that I was saved before I was water baptized. If I was not saved than the water baptism did not count. I just got wet for nothing.
Water Baptism is a very important moment in a Christian's life. Jesus was water baptized. So I wanted to follow after Him.
Well that important moment happened for me on that 4th Sunday of November '93. Those who came for the water baptism gathered at the Y.M.C.A. I cannot remember if it was 1 pm or 2 pm. We had praise and worship.
Then it came time for those who wanted to be water baptized to form a line. One by one we enter into the water. There was Pastor Brian Z. and Pastor Nick D. that did the service.
For those who are curious about my water baptism. There were 25 of us. I was # 22. I was ready to go under. I wanted to bury my old life and come into my new life. Pastor Nick D. had the honor to baptizing me.
As it was my turn to step in the water, the joy came within me. I was so happy. I made my way in. When I got to Pastor Nick, he explained to me what I needed to do.
I was about ready to do what he said after he told me. Pastor Nick stop me and said "not now." I had to wait until he told me to.
When it was my turn to be water baptized, Pastor Nick asked me my name. I boldly said my full name so everybody could hear it. Pastor Nick as me if I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I joyfully said YES! I cannot recall the exact words but, Pastor Nick ask another question...Will you follow Jesus? I said YES!
Then Pastor Nick said "I baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and the name of the Holy Spirit." And after that it was my "time" to go under into that watery grave and be washed from my past.
As I was under the water, I felt like I did on that Friday Night in Church. It was like I had an unplugged sort of feeling. As I came out of the water, I was a very happy woman. I even clapped my hands. I said "YES! YES!"
As I was making my way out of the pool, I looked over at Dwayne. He was being baptized after me by PBZ. There where two others after Dwayne.
After this wonderful moment of time, we made our way to dry off. I had a joyful spirit about me. We made it home. I cooked some spaghetti.
I had this thought come to me as I was reflecting back over these last three months of my special days in September, October and November.
When I came to Word of Life Church for the first time, I wore a purple shirt, black dress pants and a causal red jacket. When I got water baptized, I wore causal purple shirt and causal light blue pants and bare footed. When I was at the Garden Tomb I wore a causal purple jacket, causal black shirt and blue jeans and tennis shoes.
I had a thought: Royalty wear purple.
From My Book Of Thanks:
I am so thankful that I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
I am so thankful that I was water baptized.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Water Baptism Anniversary
Note: Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Calvary's Tree
Notes: Sunday, 18 January 2009
Calvary's Tree
I was re reading some of my poems I wrote. I came across one about that I entitled: "Calvary's Tree." Where Jesus was laid on a cross on a hill in Jerusalem, Israel.
I forgot that I wrote this poem. It was dated March 24, 1999. It was 4 months after I was at the Garden Tomb in November of 1998.I recall on a Sunday night, some of us walked to Calvary Hill. It's near a bus station, in Jerusalem. We walked to the front of hill which was the bottom.
We were in the dark. While we were there, some of us got some rocks. I still have mine. I thank God for His grace and mercy.
Here is that poem:
Calvary's Tree
A walk by night To view the sight
Amazing grace Where God had placed
Upon this hill His Son was killed
Suffered for all So sin would fall
Peace within be That we could see
God's love for us His gift a must
Confess believe Speak to receive
New birth again Agree, say Amen.
Salvation, Free Calvary Tree.
On My Journey Of Transformation:~Susan~
I will love You,, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horns of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:1-3
Words from Wisdom Proverbs 18:4
The words of a man's mouth are deep water, The wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook.
Have A Blessed Week!
God of Peace, Grace and Hope be with you all.
Take care
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Goal Setting Revisited
Goal Setting Revisited
It was a year ago that I set out for a goal of trimming down my wardrobe. Did I accomplish me GOAL. Yes, I have a lot of fewer clothing than I had last year.I thought to repost this. I aim to start to do this again on November 16... with one exception on something. Update is underlined. What am I going to where tonight for Church?
Reflections: Thursday, November 16, 2006
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Internet Persona Much Differ From Real Life?
Note: Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Internet Persona Much Differ From Real Life?
Does your Internet persona differ much from you in real life?
Why or why not?
My internet persona does differ some what from my real life in some ways. I seem to express a lot of my opinions and beliefs more openly as my internet persona. I have time to express my thoughts on the internet than sharing in with people in person.
I don't know why I do this. I seem to be more freer on the internet than I am with people in person. My "real life" so to speak isn't like this internet world. There are a lot things that I won't share on the internet.
What I do in "REAL LIFE" will be known to those around me. There are times I could say some of the things that I say on the internet that some don't what to hear. Or I may get questioned to why I say what I say.
But in this internet world, I have every little response to what I say. I have begin to seeing this internet world as "an informational arena". It's a place to share with those "tunes in" into what we share on the internet. We can say what we what to say in our own little worlds.
May we have balance in what we do. May we use the internet with wisdom. May we grow in what we do as human beings.
On My Journey Of Transformation
Internet Persona Much Different From Real Life?
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God
Psalm 133:1
How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Don't Make People Out To Be God
Monday, 24 October 2011
Don't Make People Out To Be God
I don't remember where this idea came from. It must have been a thought about what I've seen some people do. They appear to do every thing another person would say. I wondered. Who Do We Worship? God or those who inspire us?
Those who follow Jesus should follow Jesus. We worship the living God. We don't worship people or what others do for us. God use people to get things done on the earth. We should worship God and Him alone. We can thank others.
We shouldn't treat people or things as a god. I believe that there is only one God. He is the living and true God, Creator of the universe and creation. Who is The Father of Jesus Christ.
We should respect people who preach and teach the gospel. we should read the Holy Scriptures. It's by reading what the word says, we can have some understanding of what people are doing. Things should time up with scripture.
Things can get out of hand if we worship people. If we see teacher, leading or whoever as god. This shouldn't be. No one should make people out to be God.
I'm a followers of Jesus Christ. I follow the leading of His ways. I believe that all leader who are of God should follow Jesus. The gospel isn't a money making thing. People who work in the minister full time should receive pay. However, The gospel is a story about Jesus. and what God's kingdom is about.
Followers follow and learn form their master. What we learn points back to the one original source. That source is God, Almighty.
May we understand that we shouldn't worship others.
May we worship the true and living God.
Thanks for reading.Don't Make People Out Of God
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Singing During Hard Times Too
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Singing During Hard Times Too
I hope that you are still singing songs unto the LORD today. No matter what season of life you may be in. Sing unto the LORD always. Amen.
I was in the Upper Room this morning praying. As I was praying from my prayer journal, my thoughts drifted off. And I wonder some a bit. Then a song came to my thinking. I reflect back on that song. Every now and then this song pops into me thinking.
Here is a testimony relating to this song.
One day in October 1999, I came home from Church on a Friday Night. My mother was sick. She told me that she was getting ready to go to the Emergency Room. Some of my siblings took her.
Within an hour, I got a call from one of my brothers. He said that our mother had an heart attack. It turned out to be congested heart failure for the second time.
My mind was running with worry. I called a friend from Church. She prayed with me for my mother.
After I got off the phone. I started to an emotional cry. Then something within me rose up. And I started to sing a song. I had recently learned this song in Church.
The song was "Let The Peace of God Reign." I kept singing that song over and over again until I got peace. I sung the song with tears running down my face. (This song continues to minister to me till this day.)
There are some things I started to do as I sing this song. I do not sing the song as it was written. Back then I add my mother's name to the song instead of the word I, mine, me and my. Every time we sung this song in Church, I would sing it not as it was written. PEACE comes to me.
Here is that song. I was singing it off on on today.
Let The Peace of God Reign. (I added some words to it.)
Father of Life, draw me closer, Lord, my heart is set on You.
(Help) me run the race of time. With Your life enfolding mine.
And let the peace of God, let it reign.
Oh, Holy Spirit You're my comfort,
Strengthen me, hold my head up high.
(As) I stand upon Your truth, Bringing glory (All to) You
And let the peace of God, Let it reign.
The chorus
O LORD, I hunger, for more of You,
(Come) Rise up within me, let me know, Your truth.
O Holy Spirit, (You) saturate my soul,
(so that Your) life, (my) God, (that) fills me now,
(So that) Your healing power, (that brings me life) and (makes) me whole
(O) let (Your) peace (O) God, (Come) let it reign.
As I was praying this morning I was adding names as I sung this song. Let the PEACE of God Reign.... Here the actual song.Let The Peace Of God Reign
Father of life draw me closer
English Lyrics
Lord, my heart is set on You
Let me run the race of time
With Your life enfolding mine
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit, You're my comfort
Strengthen me, hold my head up high
And I stand upon Your truth
Bringing glory unto You
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Lord I hunger for more of You
Rise up within me let me know Your truth
Oh Holy Spirit saturate my soul
And let the life of God fill me now
Let Your healing power breathe life and
Make me whole
And let the peace of God let it reign
Thursday, September 25, 2014
In The Upper Room
Notes: Thursday, 27 September 2012
In The Upper Room
I enjoy going to the Upper Room. It's a prayer and worship Chapel. located on the campus where I attend worship services. The Upper Room opened in November 2002. I've been going there since than. I love going there.
It's the place where people can come, pray and seek God. It's a place where people worship God. It's a beautiful place to be. It's a sacred place. There is a cross at the front of the chapel.
There are times when I go up to the cross. I stand and pray. I thankful that the cross is in the Upper Room. It's a reminder of Jesus and what He went through.
On Sunday, as I was standing that the cross, the sun rays where coming in the window. I was praying and saw my shadow on the wall. It was a wonderful feeling.
I even saw the shadow on the cross. It appeared to me as I was praying that I was seeing my image of myself at the cross. I thought, if only I could have taken a photo. But I kept on praying.
God's so amazing! It was a picture perfect moment. In time and in prayer. I thanked God for those moments. The sun rays just happened. That was the first time that happened.
I continue to keep going to the Upper Room. I got to have my Upper Room Time. Especially before church service. Thank God for the Upper Room.
May we be thankful for the moments that we have to pray.
May we come before God's throne room daily.
May we learn to appreciate and enjoy the presence of God.
Thanks for reading.
I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1 NRSV
Sunday, September 7, 2014
This Name Game
Note: Sunday, 08 February 2009
This Name Game
Here is something that I think is real COOL.
When I meet people I try to remember their names. Here are some cool names that I made out of a quest. Blessings to you.
One day I came across a lady by the name Joy. I begin to notice some thing about this one JOY. When I saw Joy, she would always have a smile on her face. Wow! I had a thought. I can hug Joy.
I never thought that I would meet Hope. Her grandma introduce me to her. I get a kick out of when I see Hope. She comes walking fast to greet me. She has a big smile on her face. I do too. I see HOPE coming.
Then one day, I wondered if I could find Faith. I knew she would be around some where. But I did not know where to look. I did not give up hope.
Along my journey, I met Grace. I never thought I would met Grace. But I am happy that I did. I can hug Grace too.
One day I told Grace, I got to found Faith. I made that confession. I am going to find Faith. I never would have imagine that I would be on a quest to find Faith. She was around here somewhere.
Then one day came along. There was a lady who was going to have a baby. She did not want to know what sex of the child would be until due day.
I saw this lady and notice that said had her child. I thought not to ask what her daughter's name was. I meet her daughter for the first time in October at October feast at WOLC. This lady told me her daughter's name. I did not catch the name.
December came by. I had to ask this lady again. What was your baby daughter name? I thought it was Faith. She was checking her daughter into the nursery She said there is Faith. I was so excited and happy. I found FAITH.
Now, I can see Joy, Hope, Grace and Faith when they come to church. I was so happy. One Sunday I saw Grace setting in the pew. I came up to you and told her the good news.
I was so happy to share it with her. I said Grace! I found FAITH. Grace was rejoicing with me. She said that I was determined to find Faith.
I mentioned to Grace. Only if I could get all you girls together. That would be something. Then one Friday night a friend and I was chatting about something. Then this man joined our conversation.
Then all of a sudden this guy shows us a photo. He had twin daughters. Guess what their names are? Faith and Grace. I found the Grace I knew. I told her about Faith and Grace were twins.
Then on a Sunday, I saw Joy. I share the good news with her. Joy was coming with a smile on her face. I said Joy. I have some thing to share with you.
That what I just shared with you. By the way, "Baby girl" Faith played Jesus in the first service on Christmas Eve Service'08. That night I got to see baby Faith before the service.
I spoke to Joy. I wonder if I can find Love. Another friend said maybe we can find Charity for you. There has to be Charity somewhere.
Then one day I notice some one's last name. I saw Joy again. I shared that name with her. I told her that I found Lovejoy. She said that will work.
I even run in to that person with the last name Lovejoy with her daughter. I shared this name game with her. Mrs. Lovejoy had a smile on her face.
I thought that was fun to share. I do get a kick out of this name game. I would have never thought of searching of names like Joy, Hope, Grace, Faith and Lovejoy.
Then again I have been. When I meet people I try to remember some things that has some association with the person's name. I had trouble remembering unique or names forgotten.
Cheryline...as in Gasoline
Pam...Pam spray.
Diana... Princess Diana.
Sharon...Rose of Sharon
Carol...Christmas song
Then there are names that I associate like this.
I have met Sally. I have met Dick. I have met Jane.
There was Ethel. There is a Fred. (That's I Love Lucy.)
I have met Tom. There is a Jerry ( The Cartoon characters)
There are some song names.
Sherry, Peggy Sue, LeVera.
Then there are names for male and female.
Jerry, Chris, Kim, Stracey, Tracy
Perhaps this name games is silly to some. But I can relate and recall peoples names this way. May we make the most out of life in Jesus' name Amen!
On My Journey Of Transformation:
This Name Game,~Susan~
"And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You. Psalm 39:7
Words from Proverbs 8:6
Listen, for I will speak of excellent things. And from the opening of my lips will come right things;
Thursday, August 7, 2014
What Am I HOPING For?
Note: Thursday, 05 February 2009
What Am I HOPING For?
Father God,
I thank You that You are my Hope.
My hope is in You.
I thank You that You blessed me with life.
Teach me and others to hold on
to what we are hoping for.
May we not grow weary in doing for You.
God ,What Am I hoping for?
Am I Seeing?
Am I Believing?
Am I Hoping?
I believe that I have hope in my heart.
As I am reconditioning my thinking on Your word, GOD,
I can create pictures on the canvas of my imagination:
What I am seeing,
What I am believing and
What I am hoping for....LORD
I am seeing that I can accomplished each day as I hope in You, O God.
I am seeing myself healed in Jesus' Name.
I am seeing myself walking in victory in this victory parade.
I am seeing that Jesus is my constant companion.
I am seeing
myself walking with confidence in You.
I am seeing that I can make a difference.
I am seeing
that I am making process as I go on in life.
I am believing that I am changing as You lead me.
I am seeing
myself being transformed on this journey called life.
I am seeing others change / making progress in their lives.
I am seeing hope that is me in, what Jesus have done for me.
I am hoping that friends will be friends with one another.
I am seeing that I have a young heart.
I am seeing that I can be as a child before You, Father God.
I am hoping to live out the dreams and visions that You place in me.
I am seeing that I have this precious gifts from You.
I am believing that You have given me hope and a future.
I am seeing that I have hope in my heart.
I am seeing that my life can become as a prayer.
I am seeing
challenges and opportunities as Your Holy Spirit guides me.
I am believing
that I am seeing things anew as I go about my days.
I am believing that I am sharing Christ who is within me.
I am believingthat I am letting the light of Christ Jesus shine through me.
I am believing
that I can finish my race that You has given me.
I am believing that Jesus is with me always.
In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen!
My HOPE is in Jesus,
My hope is in the living God Almighty.
From my Book of Thanks and Blessings.
Father God,
I am thankful that You gave me this precious gifts.
I am thankful that Jesus is the Blessed Hope for all.
[LORD] For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. Psalm 36:9
Words from Proverbs 5:21For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He ponders all his paths
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Remember Playing Games In Elementary School
Note: Thursday, 30 July 2009
Remember Playing Games In Elementary School
I had to think on this question:
What kind of games do you remember playing on elementary school?
Back in the days of Mark Twain Elementary School, I recall in kidengarden playing on the jungle gym. Of coarse we played with blocks. We played house.
As the grades came to be, I recall
Hopscotch , Jump rope, Bing bag toss, Red Rover,Dodge ball-- The group was in a circle. We would throw a ball at the person to get them out of the game. Kick ball, Baseball...
Red light Green Light, London Bridges, Jumping on the tripolean, Freeze Tag, Tug of War, Barbarian---There would be two sides. Divided by a line. We would throw the ball at a person to get them out of the game. On My Journey Of TransformationRemembering Playing Games In Elementary School
I didn't have a favorite game.
I like to play.
The Chronicles of Susan
Friday, July 18, 2014
My Farthest Memories
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
My Farthest Memories
I have been thinking...
How Far Back Can I Remember?
I can remember the time before I started going to school. My mother was on the telephone talking with someone. I heard my mother talking about enrolling me in to KG. I went in the afternoon.
I even remember walking to and from school with some of my siblings. It was along walk. We did have buses in those days. We lived about 9 blocks from Mark Twain Elementary School.
I recall playing with blocks in our play area in our classroom. I recall looking out the window onto the playground. I remember the swing set, the monkey bars and jungle gym. I recall the white and yellow circles and squares... drawings on the playground.
I recall the double doors in our classroom to come in our room. We even had a back door to go out to the playground. We had our own private bathroom in the back of our classroom. I thought that that was cool.
I recall that parents came to see their children. My parents did come. It must to have been Parents' Day. The parents came to see our classroom. And to look at what we did.
I recall laying down taking naps on a mat in our classroom. Then one day I was sick and missed school. I heard that Santa came to class that day.
So I missed Santa. I was not too disappointed. I knew who Santa was. Some of my siblings told me.
I recall reading about Sally, Dick, Jane and their dog named Spot. I recall that I was called upon to answer a question from one of our readings. I cannot recall which girl it was but Dick took and hid Jane's or Sally's ribbon. Our teacher, Miss Wise ask me What would Jane or Sally do about Dick taking the ribbon?
Here was my response to the question: I said, She would beat him up! The kids laughed at my answer. Miss Wise said that Dick would not do that. Miss Wise said that Jane or Sally would ask Dick to gave the back ribbon.
I felt "dumb" and "stupid" about my answer. I did not talk much. I was quiet. Yes, I was shy.
I recall hearing about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Assassination. I remember that famous black and white photo. I wondered what those guys where pointing at.
I recall bringing candy to my classmates. It was my birthday four days after Dr. MLK Jr's Assassination. I even remember that I felt strange giving candy to my classmates during a time like that.
I recall seeing the men on the moon on TV. U.S. President Richard Nixon on TV during in his first term in office.
I remember relatives coming over to our Family House. People would be playing cards and talking. I recall that we had a hope chest in one of our rooms. It reminded me of a coffin.
I recall one day that the Hope chest opened up. I saw the lid was close. I ran when I saw the lid opening. I did not like being around coffins when I was a kid.
I recall watching TV shows; The Riffle Man. Other TV programs that some of my siblings would watch.
I recall one of my brothers hanging up my bicycle our swing set. He did this in our back yard and left it there. I was crying. ( I was teased a lot.)
I recall our Family Dog biting me in the stomach. Here is a section that I posted about "Dogs In The Family and Neighbor Dogs":
The First dog that I can remember in my family was "Fido". I don't know what breed of dog "Fido" was. What I remember about "Fido", he was iffy iffy.
He would be good to us. He was a happy dog. And at times turn on us. "Fido" would attack people if he though we were in danger.
Then again, there was a time when I was out in the back yard helping my Father clean up. I bent over to pick up something. All of a sudden "Fido" came running out of his house and charged at me bitting my stomach. Boy I was scared. I cried...
Yes,"Fido" was something else. He liked to bit. He loved chasing cars tires. Well, one day our Father was going on his trash route. "Fido" broke loose and went chasing after the truck. This time "Fido" got ran over.
My Father buried "Fido" in our backyard. I was there looking on. Even though "Fido"was a crazy dog, I still like dogs.
I recall some of the games that we played in the house. We played marbles and jacks. We played with "army men". We made paper air planes and toss them in the air.
We played race cars with the orange tracks that made loops and turns. We built houses out of playing cards. We stood dominos upright until we tapped one letting them fall one by one. (We played cards and dominos too.)
I recall when our Dad and my brothers enlarged our basement. There was a lot of dirt to dig out. I remember one time there was some things outside the window. Someone one had an idea to lift me up to the window so I could get it. Yeah, I was small enough to go through our basement window.
On my journey of transformation
As I reflected back on my memories of the past, I found out as I was typing this blog, more things came to me. I added more detail. O the memories of what once was.
I had a thought. As the years go by, I lose some things of the past. So I challenged myself to this was a simple exercise. I put some thought into what I did.
So I thought of How Far Back Can I Remember? It was as though I took a journey in time's past. I had more memories than I thought.
It is good at times to recall the good things of the past. My memory goes back to 40 or 41 years ago. I think that that is good.
From my Book of Thanks and Blessings
Father God, I thank You that You blessed with a memory. I thank You for what I can remember things of the past. I thank You for the idea that came to me, to write things down for future generations.
I thank You for all the PROVISION that I have had in my life time. I thank You the FAITH that is in planted in me. I thank You for the SIGNS and WONDERS that I have witness in my days.
I thank You for the LOVE that surrounded me as I was growing up. I thank You that Your HEALING Hands guard my life. I thank You that DELIVERANCE that is in my life.
I thank You for the Door of HOPE that has been in my life. I thank You that well before I was born, You choose me to have the choice of SALVATION in Jesus' name Amen.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Thinking About Some Things
Note; Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Thinking About Some Things
Here are some things that have been thinking about. I hope that you are doing OK! May God guide us in what is to come. Peace to all.
There are things in life that comes suddenly. Things that we can't change. Yet, we have to go through with what has come upon us.
We are in an economic crisis. Things in life have changed and are changing. People are losing their jobs, their homes confidence, trust and whatever. In some shape or form we are all affected by what is going on in our society.
What are we suppose to be doing? How can we make a difference in such a time as this? Where do we turn? Where do we go?
There is another hope. That hope can be found in God. He's the alterative in what we are going through in life. When the stock markets crashes, our hope should be in God. When things are not going the way we think, our hope should be in God.
It's a scary feeling not knowing. Things in life hits a downfall in our lives. One day we are doing well. Then of all a sudden things happens. Things in our lives change. What do we do?
I see things changing in my life. There have been some changes early this year. I am having to readjust to some things. God is with us. We wilily get to the other side.
I believe that whatever is coming, there is a way that God will see us all through. We may not know what to do, but there is a solution to get through what we are in. We have to have somewhere to turn to.
I notice that I have been praying more now days. I don't know why I pray a lot. It's like my life is a prayer. I tend to be God focused in things that come my way.
I hear things about people. What's going on in their lives. It makes me wonder. How they must be troubled in what they are going through. Maybe that's why I pray a lot.
Then I see my own issues of life. How can I be a solution to another problem in life? We all have issues in life. Crisis will come. We have to face them and deal with them some how.
I think it's a time for us to pray and stand in the gap for others. There is judgement upon the earth. God is shaking things that will be shaken.
May we as a people turn to God more in what we go through. I pray that we are awaken from our sleep. May we see that Jesus is our salvation.
We can't live life in a way that we are not responding to what is going on around us. May we have wisdom to react. We need shelter, We need God to intervene in what is going on.
The government or whatever system that the world leans on can't last forever. At some point, things will fall. Things have to have a new beginning. We have to recover. But how?
Is there a solution to what we are facing in life? Does God have the answer to what we are going through? O believer so. God be the solution.
May we see that we need healing in our world and nation. May we repent and turn to God. May we see the goodness and mercy that God has for us.
Father God,
I come before You. I repent of the of our nation, our forefathers, my family and myself. I ask for forgiveness. Things that have been pass down to generations to generations. Help us see that we need You more and more.
Turn us away from our way of doing things. Teach us to sacrifice . Help us to believe and trust in You. Grant us wisdom and favor to do what You have called us to do as Your people.
Intervene in our lives. Show us Your salvation. We need You. We are Your children. You are in covenant with us. Lead us through that is and is to come.
Things are lining up on Your time table. Line us up into the way that we should go. Direct our steps to be where we should be. See us through the path that is set before us.
Many are lead astray from Your house. There is worry and in fear across the land. Guide us to the sacred place where You dwell. Bring people back from their captivity of the land that they are in.
Allow Your mercy be upon us, O God. Shed Your grace on us. Help us through the dark hours and troubled times to come. Lead us into dancing and praising Your name. Put new songs in our hearts.
I praise You, O LORD for all that You have been doing for us. I thank You that You are watching out for us. You have things in control.
May we be that vessels that You want us to be. May we see the things You want to be in Your Name Jesus, we pray Amen.
On My Journey of Transformation:Thinking About Some Things
Why should I fear in the days of evil, When the iniquity at my heels surrounds me? Psalm 49:5
The words of a man's mouth are deep waters; The wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook. Proverbs 18:4
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Project: Photos ~ In Order
Notes: Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Project: Photos ~ In Order
I've been trying to get my photos in order. It's a time consuming process. As I'm looking at some of the photos, I'm seeing a lot of history through the years.
At times I just took photos of just about everything from family pets, houses, vehicles, landscape, and of people. I think that there are stories behind each photo. Only if we remember to record them. And write the dates on the photos.
I don't know how many photos I have with out dates on them. Back in the days we took the photos and taking to the store to get them in print. The dates were some times on the back of the photos.
Now days, with digital cameras things have changed. But I think if I look close effect I can find a date when I took the photos. I need to check that out.
It's so fun to took pictures. Some how over the years, I haven't taken a lot of photos. I have of myself. But not of others or of animals and so forth.
I sure get back in the swings of things. I'm recording my family history. As the old saying, a picture can say a thousand things. We can read some much by looking at pictures.
I hope to get some of my photos in order. I think if I do a little at a time. I can accomplish some things.
I've been ask by some family members to do a "Me" Book. That's what I call it. It's a book of a person's life.
I have one of myself. It's composed of photos in my younger days, teens, twenties and so on. I think it a good idea to have photos of people.
I think I can get my photos in some kind of order. In due time, I will. But, first I got to get started some where.
May we have fun taking photos.
May we not lose heart in picture taking.
May we create stories by using photos.
May God grant us creative ideas to take pictures.
Thanks for reading.
So spacious is [Christ], so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocate pieces of the universe- people and things, animals and atoms - get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies.
Colossians 1:19-20 MSG
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Was it 3 Days & 3 Nights?
Note: Sunday, 05 July 2009
Was it 3 Days & 3 Nights?
I was thinking about what one of my friends asked me. How was it 3 days and 3 nights when Jesus was in the grave? He was crucified and died on Good Friday. He was buried before sundown.
His body was in the tomb all day and night on Holy Saturday. And was there on Sunday morning some time. That is not 3 days and 3 nights.
My friend sought to find the answer. What my friend found out from someone that Jesus was in the grave for about 36 hours. The 3 days and 3 nights is a question.
I was thinking. Recall the story of the man who hired men to work in his vineyard? He paid every one the same wages. The ones who worked only 1 hour got paid just the same as the ones who worked much more than they did.
By the way in the New Living Translation:
The next section listed Jesus Again Predicts His Death
In that section Matthew 20: 19
"Then they will hand him over to the Romans to be mocked, whipped, and crucified. But on the third day he will be raised from the dead."
I thought about this.
Jesus was in the tomb on Friday. That is a day for Friday. Then Saturday is One day. So Sunday is the 3rd Day. Even though it was not a 24 hour period or a sunrise to sunset day, there were 3 days involved in this event.
Jesus' body was in the grave some of Good Friday. His body was there all day on Holy Saturday. As for Sunday His body was there before the sun came up.
This was just a thought.
I don't what to explain away the logic of the 3 days and 3 night theory. I know that we should take some things in the Bible as what it is. The Bible is the word of God. The authors were inspired to write what they wrote.
Do you believe that a whale swallowed Jonah? Did that donkey really talk to that guy? Did Moses really split the Red Sea? There are a lot of things that we can question in the Bible. It's have we perceive and believe things.
The stories and events in the Bible were written for a purpose. It's good to picture some of the things in Bible to see the meaning of what what. The people in the Bible were real human beings.
Help us to read the Bible with getting some thing out of what we read. May the Holy Spirit bring revelation to us as we read the Bible. May we understand that we can't know every thing that there is. Amen.
On The Journey Of Transformation
Was It 3 Days And 3 Nights?
Let's leave room for mystery.
Enjoying Life,
The Chronicles of Susan
Psalm 36:10 NLT
Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts.
Note: I posted this on facebook some time ago.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Giving Thanks
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Giving Thanks
I am thankful for this journey of refreshment. I will continue along the path of healing. Some healing are spontaneous. But healing is a process in some cases
It has been a good month. I enjoyed my quiet times with the LORD. It's good to be alone by ourselves from time to time.
We should have a thankful heart. God is good to us. I believe that God hears and answers our prayers. But it's on God's timing always. It may not be on our timing. His timing is always right.
There are a lot of things that you and I can give God thanks for. We can thank Him for the Gift of Life through His Son, Jesus Christ. We can thank Him for our family and friends.
We can thank Him for the times when we did things that were not so. But God help us came out of what we were in. The times when we were low down and out. He lifted us up. Those times when we didn't know that to do. But God intervened in our lives.
I thank You, God for all that You do and continue to do in our lives. I thank You God for restoration creation back to its original purpose.
I thank You, God for forgiving us. I thank You, that You redeemed us. I thank You that You are in control of what's going on. I thank You, God that You care for our needs.
I thank You, God that all things work together for good. I thank You, God that You will never leave us or forsake us.
I thank You, God that You listen to us when we call upon Your name. I thank You that You watch over Your word. I thank You that you answer our prayers in the way that You want.
Father God,
May we learn to be thankful people. May we be thankful for what You have blessed us with. May we have the spirit of thanksgiving upon our lives in Jesus' name Amen.
On The Journey Of Transformation
Giving Thanks
Col 3:17
And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father
The Chronicles Of Susan
Along The Path Of Healing
30 Days of Praying & Journaling
Day 30
ConfessionThank You, God. I give thanks that my prayers are always answered in the right time and the right way.
Friday, June 27, 2014
First Job
Friday, 29 June 2012
First Job
My first job was detassling corn.
I was in my 2nd year of high school.
I wanted to earn some extra money for the Summer.
I had to go to a farm early in the morning to Oregon, MO.
There was a man who took us in his truck.
About 4 of my brothers and some other guys went.
We had to stand on a tracker and destassle the corn as we went by.
It was hard a first.
But by the three day my hands were hurting.
I didn't know if I could complete the rest of the days work.
But I did.
It was a learning experience.
I had to get up early and work in the fields.
It was different.
I never detassled corn after that Summer.
I was glad that I had the opportunity to do it.
Thanks for reading.
Have A Great Weekend!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Why Do We Do The Things We Do?
Note: Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Why Do We Do The Things We Do?
I've been thinking. My mind wonders, Why d we follow after things. Or even follow people? What draws us to do what we do?
Is it because we want to be liked? Be loved? Be accepted? Be appreciated? We have a reason why we do what we do?
I'm learning not to follow others because others follow after others. It's like copying. It's like moving with the crowd. There should be something that motives us in following.
There should be some encouragement or lifting in spirit that draws us to follow after God's Spirit. We shouldn't be driven to do on emotions strives. But on something that draws us to want or who to follow.
There will come a time when there is a dry spell in our lives. We question the whys. Our mind will wonder. Why am I doing this? Is the well dry? Have the flames grown dimmer?
We all have our yearnings and things that fascinates us to follow after our hearts desires. Those things that appeal us. Those pleasurable things that captures our hearts. Those things that satisfy our souls.
We all have our likes and dislikes. We all have our own opinions. We all have something inside of us the drives to do what we do.
May the LORD draw us closer to Him.
May we be God driven and not people driven.
May the Spirit of the LORD guide us into the truth.
May we do what is right in the sight of the LORD.
May God grant us our hearts desire through His will for us.
Thank for reading.
Have A Great Day!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The Question: How Are You Doing?
Note: Thursday, 10 January 2013
The Question: How Are You Doing?
There are people who ask me that question all the time. There are tells when I give them a quick answer. Ok, or Alright. But there are times when I wonder if people just ask the question out of routine.
Do people really care how I'm doing? Or just going through the motion in asking? There are times when I want to give an off the wall respond to see if the person hears what am saying.
There are people who really want to know how I'm doing. They are the ones who talk with me after asking the question. As for those who ask and go on about their way, make me wonder.
I have come across people like that. They ask and hear my reply and hurry about their way not leaving me room to ask them how they are doing.
I wonder. Do we really take time to fellowship? Do was really care about others? We need to ask ourselves questions.
Lord, help us to really care about those who are in our lives.
Help us to communicate with one another.
May we see that others are important too.
May we grow as we see and care about how others are doing.
As for me.... I'm coming along and getting back on track. I feel much better. My voice has come back.
Thanks for reading,
For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths.
Proverbs 5:21
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Through The Seeking
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Through The Seeking
On my journey of transformationI am aware that I am getting up in years. Through the aging process, God is with me to make all the adjustments that I need.
There was a time when I had a filling in my tooth. Then one day the filling chipped off. I had a thought, I could not afford to go back to the dentist. I did not like to go to the doctor.
One day I was so worried. I was laying in my bed. I was thinking. What am I going to do?
I had fear that I would have to have my tooth pulled, not filled.
As I was thinking....what was I going to do? I hear this "VOICE." say: "Call the dentist, he will fill the tooth." I was alarmed by "that voice." I wondered where that voice came from.
I got out of bed. I got up enough courage to call the dentist. I dialed the number then set up an appointment. I told the receptionist about my filling came out.
The dentist did what "the voice" spoke to me about. And I did not have to pay for the refilling either. I was glad.
I kept wondering who's voice that was. It was like a mystery to me. This was the very first time I heard "that voice."
Foot note:
I did come across "that Voice" again through the years... Through The Seeking. I wanted to discover more about "that Voice."
So I was set out on a journey. I did not know where I would end up at. By the way "this voice" drew me closer to Christianity.
Another Testimony...The day came when I did have to have all my wisdom teeth pulled. I had all but worry about that. How was I going to pay for this? I made the arrangement for the payments and to have my wisdom teeth removed.
While the time was approaching for the pulling of my teeth, I made out a will just in case if I don't not make it through the procedure. Yes, I wrote out a will. That was how worried I was about getting my teeth pulled.
I have been trying to find that will. I am going on my memory to what I wrote in it. I did not have much back then. But what I had, I willed all of it to my family.
This was around late 1980's or so. I even had witnesses to what I wrote down. They were as following. God, the Father, God the Son and God, the Holy Spirit. THAT is the truth. I did not make this up.
I recall that when someone makes out a will, there has to be a witness or witnesses. Well, I had this idea come to me. So I wrote down my witnesses names. God witness what I did.
In all, I did survive the procedures. I had the upper and lover level wisdom teeth pulled first. I came back in two weeks and got the other two pulled. What I went through felt terrible.
Through the years, I have had many fillings, and got one tooth crowned. Yeah, I had to get one tooth pulled. Either pulled or a root cannel. I got it pulled. Long live my teeth.
From my Book of Thanks and BlessingsFather God, I thank You for all my teeth. I thank You for Your HEALING power and recovery. I thank You that I have my baby teeth.
I thank You that I can keep coming through the Door of HOPE. I thank You, God for Your PROVISION for my all days. I thank You for SIGNS and WONDERS that are there. I thank You for Your mighty DELIVERANCE.
I thank You for Jesus who brings us SALVATION. I thank You, Heavenly Father that people can't tell my age. I thank You for all that You do in Jesus' name Amen!
Friday, June 6, 2014
What's Your Favorite Day of The Week? & Why?
Saturday, 25 July 2009
What's Your Favorite Day of The Week? & Why?
I've been thinking about the days of the week. What is my best day or favorite day of the week? I am beginning to like Saturday more and more. Why?
Saturday is the last day of the week. I have more time for things. It's like a fun day. I'm out of routine from the other days. Saturday seem longer for me. Things are much different than the other days.
Monday and Thursday are my busiest days. I seem to have more to do on those days. Sunday is the LORD's Day. It's a day to gather together with the people of God. And a day of rest.
Friday is the day I can gather with the people of God too. It's the end of the weekday. Tuesday and Wednesday are when I have do lighter work. I can catch up on some things. I can rest some.
In all I have been learning to get the most of TODAY. Not just the specific day to the week. But just the day that I am in at that time.
I seem to lose track of what day it is at times. Each day had something special about it. I get more out of the days that I am in now days.
I use to be at a HIGH for Friday. Friday is just Friday. I see that I have the opportunity to be in the house of God. I can grow in the LORD as I meet and fellowship with some of my friends.
We all may have that favorite day of the week. But may we enjoy the days that we are in. "This is the day that the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it." May we get something out of every day that the day that we are in AMEN!
The Chronicles of Susan
On My Journey Of Transformation
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Eight Facts / Habits About Myself
Reflections: Monday, 05 November 2007
Eight Facts / Habits About Myself
I got tagged. I saw this on another Xanga blogsite about a week ago. I thought about doing this. Some how I forgot about it.
Then friend, Charlotte tags me with what I thought about doing. Is this a coincident or what? Well, I have decided to share some things.
I don't want to put any pressure on my friends to share things about themselves. I have given all my friends a pardon from this game. I will not tag anyone.
My friend has shown me mercy. She said "No worries, if you don't want to do it...just for fun!!" It is just For FUN!!!
So I will post a part of what my friend suggested from the rules. I am willfully doing this on my own accord. I have added just a tee bit so I will not leave you wondering.
Here is my list of eight random facts / habits about myself.
1.) I was born my parents' 19th child and their 4th daughter. ( All of us have the same mother and same father. All of us single births. I'm the baby. Our parents and their 1st daughter are with Jesus.)
2.) I was born 13 days before my mother's 43rd birthday. (I was 9 pounds & 5 ounces and 21 inches. I turned 43, last year.)
3.) I was born a sister-in-law and an auntie. (I was young enough to be my parents granddaughter. I have a niece who was born before I was. One brother was married and another one got married when I was 4 months old.)
4.) I never flown in an air plane until I went to Israel in November 1998. (When I went to Israel, there were three plane rides there and three plane rides back. It was a challenge for me. I have not flown in an air plane since then. By the way, this was the very first time that I went somewhere without a blood relative.)
5.) I have a toe nail that grows upward. (The toe nail looks weird. I have to file it from time to time.)
6.) I am pigeon toed. (One day my mother told me that I walked like her Grandma, Laura. I ask her what she might by that. Grandma was pigeon toed.)
7.) I had reddish brown hair in my early days. (That's what my mother told me. By the way I like the color... shades of red.)
8.) My favorite number is 8. (I was born on the 8th day: That's the 98th day of a normal year.)
From My Book Of THANKS: I am so thankful that I took COURAGE to share this blog with you. I am so thankful the God has blessed me with the Blessings of FAVOR. I am so thankful that Father God has given me His COVENANT Blessings.
Peace and grace to you,
~ sueZ
Ascension Day
Note: Thursday, 17 May 2012
Ascension Day
I was thinking about the Ascension. I was wondering how others thought when Jesus went up in the air and went to be with the Father in heaven. That would have been a sight to see.
I never saw any one ascended into the air without any technical device. Jesus did it without any power from earth. He must have had a lot of power.
I can't comprehend things. How can a person be lifted off the ground with out having some kind of source to fly. There has to be some kind of trick.
I do believe that Jesus did ascend into the heavens. I can only assume what that moment was like. I don't think that there were anything out of the ordinary that come from it.
I mean, no smoke came when Jesus went up in the air. I think I was just as He was lifted in the air. I don't think that there was any wind or things what we would think about.
We all have our imagination. We can think what we think. The ascension was an amazing thing to witness. For those who had the honor to see... it must have been another wonder they saw...besides Jesus coming back from the grave.
May we remember that the LORD is seated at the right hand of the Father.
May we remember that Jesus is ruling the nations.
May we continue to believe that Jesus will return to earth.
Thanks for reading.
Keep Believing.
Stay On The Journey,
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Getting Out Of Familiarity
Note: Thursday, 27 October 2011
Getting Out Of Familiarity
In life we can get hurt. We can hurt others as well. There are things that we can get cut off from that has cause us sorrow. We have to go through the healing process.
There are times in life when things are hard to carry. We have to decide what's the best thing to do. At times we have to removed ourselves from things and or people in our lives.
Things that can bring back memories that are too hard to handle. It could be just being in a place that brings back those thoughts of hurt. That could be hard to deal with. Those reminders of our past can haunt us.
There are people in our lives that can bring issues to our mind. We need to handle with care what we share. We should allow God to bring the healing to the hurt. We shouldn't play God. We don't know what the person is going through. We should allow the going through process of life.
May we not be bitter or take out revenge on others who have harmed us. May the peace of God be with us. May God bring healing to our souls. May the wounded and hurt receive restoration. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
Getting Out Of Familiarity
Stay On The Journey,
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Some Thoughts About Singing Songs
Note: Thursday, 29 January 2009
Some Thoughts About Singing Songs
I have been trying to learn a new song called "The Power Of Your Name." The first time I heard this song was in church. It takes me a while to learn songs. I have to hear and hear while trying to catch on. I thank God that I can remember things.
I have noticed that if we have to read from the big screen, how are we suppose to truly worship? Perhaps that why some don't enter into worship. I find it hard to read and truly worship at the same time.
I try to get the words down the best way that I know how. Once I have done that, I can be a part of what we are singing. We are to worship God in spirit and truth.
If we just read the words from the big screen, we are just repeating what the words are. We have to believe in what we are saying. There is a big different when we do this.
We are in spiritual warfare when we are singing too. It's a great battle that we are in. We are not just singing alone with the tune. The spoken word is very powerful tool to use.
On another note:There are times, I can't hear the words to the songs. I don't let that stop me from worshiping God. I may not know the words to the songs, but I can make words up as the songs is playing. God sees the heart in what we do. Our action speaks.
May we learn to sing with meaning when we worship God. May God help us to worship Him. May we worship God in Spirit and truth.
On My Journey Of Transformation:Thoughts About Singing Songs
Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name: Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2
Words of wisdom Proverbs 29:25The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
What's Else To Do?
Note: Thursday, 28 May 2009
What's Else To Do?
I've been praying for people who are in bondage.
The people who can't break the addiction that they are in or get out of situations that they are bonded to. And people who have uncontrollable thoughts. The people who have habits and hang up that they can't break. How can we help people in these situations? What's there to do?
I thought about the man in the Bible who was cutting himself and was living in caves. The boy who was foaming at the mouth throwing himself in the fire and water. Cases where their love ones could not help them. It seems that there is no good coming from what they tried to do.
How can we minister to others who are in such a rage in their lives? We can see what they are doing and how they are living. The things that they do to themselves. In some cases the more we help, the situation seems to get worst.
I've seen cases where the more that was done the worst off the case got. It's like a drama series. We don't know what going to happen.
It appears to be an impossible situation. But some thing intervene. Things turn into something else. Things calm down than start up again.
Besides praying, what's that else to do? We can step in the matter and try to minister. But what to do when the person can't be help or won't receive the help that they need? What about those who have issues that seem to never end?
Father God,
I thank You that You are a loving God. I thank You that You care for us. I ask on the behind of the people who are in bondage for You help. Help those with uncontrollable thoughts and addictions.
Bring people out of the pit of torment that they are in. Grant them Your grace and mercy to stay out what they were once in. Guide them to be Your witness.
Allow them to be brought back to life that You call them to live. Bring minister into their lives. Help them to see the good in their lives and the lives of others in Jesus' name Amen.
On The Journey Of Transformation
What's Else To Do?
Bring them to Jesus...
Pray and keep on praying.
Psalm 148:1
Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD from the heavens! Praise him, from the skies!
The Chronicles of Susan
God Sends Friends
Monday, 28 January 2008
God Sends Friends
Father, thank You for the special people You have sent into my life. Not a single one has ever disappointed me. ---Debbie Maccomber
And I thank You Heavenly Father that..
You heard their cries for help and saved them. They put their trust in you and were never disappointed. NLT Psalm 22:5
When they cried out for help, you saved them, and you did not let them down when they depended on you. CEV Psalm 22:5
The Last Tuesday of January: The 29th Day of 2008
On my journey of transformation
I recall not to long after I came to Word of Life Church, I started praying for friends to come into my life. It took me a while to share some things something about myself with others. But through time and with the friendliness of the people who I met, I started to to share a little bit about myself.
As I look back I think: Who is still with me? I still have some friends who have been with me since the early days of at WOLC. I did not get to know them until after we moved on Riverside and Cook Road.
After some years of talking and sharing, I found out that one of my friends came to WOLC during the month and year I did in September of 1993. Also this same friend lived were some of my ancestors lived. Isn't this a small world?
I believe that God sends me friends while my stay here on www.xanga.com . I have come across a friend who lives in the city where some of my ancestors lived. I have a friend who joined Xanga on one of my special days. Isn't that something?
I will say that there are a few friends that I talk to more than others. Weather if it is on or off the internet. I try to find something to say to them on the online throughout the week.
Even if it is"Hope that your was great day!". At times I will receive replies from friends on how their day was. I thank God for faithful friends who share some of their lives with those on their blogsites too.
At times I respond to some friends request for input on things that they are doing. For examples: surveys or some things that they are working on. What are friends for?
From my Book of Thanks and BlessingsFather God, I thank You for being my Friend. I thank You for ALL the appointed people and friends who You send into my life. I thank You for friendship.
I thank You, LORD, that You hear my cry and help me in the time of need. I thank You that You continue to save us day by day. I thank You, that You are always Faithful to me.
I thank You for Your on going PROVISION. I thank You for SIGNS and WONDERS that you allow me to see. I thank You for Your HEALING power that is in me.
I thank You, LORD for SALVATION. I thank You for thinking about me. I thank You for DELIVERANCE of Your people in Jesus' name Amen!
And Father God, I thank You that
The LORD [,Your Son] gives his people strength. The LORD blesses them with peace. NLT Psalm 29:11
Some thing to consider.
Pray the our LORD will make us strong and give us peace. CEV Psalm 29:11
Don't fall into the trap of being a coward-- trust in the LORD, and you will be safe. CEV Proverbs 29:25
In other words....Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but to trust the LORD means safety. NLT Proverbs 29:25
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Hiding Behind Other Names?
Notes: Monday, 24 May 2010
Hiding Behind Other Names?
This thought came to me on February 24, 2010. I was thinking about people how use their nicknames or other names when they do things. What is that? Hiding behind other names?
I know who have to protect ourselves. People can use our names for their interest. But what's the deal with it?
I see that blogs sites don't carry someone's name. There are some email addresses don't have people's names on them. I wonder at times who's emailing me?
It would be confusing if we are looking for someone. What name would we come up with? As I've been searching for my ancestors, I have found that some used their middle names. Other's went by their nicknames.
It hard to track down people. It's like hiding behind something. It's like not wanting to be found. Not wanting to be bothered.
I hope that things don't trip people up. Or maybe there are people who don't want to be found. I know that Journaling_Susan is my username
I don't want to change it again. I could have used my real name. But I choose not to. But there are two sites I use my real name. I'm not hiding behind my name.
Staying On The Journey,
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Gotten Into Trouble or Misjudged
Note; Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Gotten Into Trouble or Misjudged?
Yes, from...The Lady Who Thought That I Was Stuck Up. The Man Who Wanted To Be Greeted. And The Guy Who Was Too Friendly.
These are topics that are related to a question during one of our Esther Bible Study sessions. Have you ever gotten yourself into trouble or misjudged a situation because of your assumption?
I'll share some things that I saw from the other side of this question...I was greeting at Word of Life Church when these things occurred to me. Here are three of them.
The Lady Who Thought That I Was Stuck Up.
There was an elderly lady who was watching me from a far. She had a beautiful smile when I saw her. Then one day she came up to me and said. When she first met me she thought I was stuck up.
We, that was a nice introduction. But she said after she began to know me more. She saw that that was not the case. She said that she was wrong.
She told me that she saw a beautiful person in me. She saw my spirit. Just about every time when I saw this lady I would go out of my way to greet her with a hug. She was a nice lady. She went on to be with the LORD.
The Man Who Wanted To Be Greeted.There was an elderly man who would came in the doors in a wheel chair. I would see him coming. He would be by himself coming in his wheel chair.
Then one Sunday morning, he was coming in late. The service had already started. I saw him coming in my direction. There were just a few in the foyer. This man said went a bad attitude, "I am supposed to be greeted." What was I going to say?
I said "Now, Now, Now!" I held my cool the best way that I could. What more was I to do. I guess I didn't please this man.
The next time I saw this gentleman, I greeted him. He had a much better attitude. Each time I saw him I tried to say Hello! Through time this man stop coming. I don't know what happened.
The Guy Who Was Too Friendly.
There was a man who came on a Friday night. I noticed him as I was in a hurry to meet another friend. This man was in a pew on the way to where I was headed.
I knew that he was new. He introduced himself. He said that he was the new undertaker in town. I didn't know that we has a new undertaker in town. The words that he used and his gestures were not right for me.
This man continued to come to the Friday gatherings. He was there on Sundays too. At this time, I was helping a elderly friend, Nonnie in from her sister, Louise's car. This man would ask if he could help. I said I can do it.
Then the next time, I came across this man, he would say things that I didn't think was appropriate. I was getting hot under the collar. It was getting to me.
I tried to hide from this guy every time he knew that he was coming. I told a friend about this guy. I asked her to help me out. This guy was too friendly to me. Beyond friendly was the word.
I ask my friend to ask a male friend to talk to this guy. This guy was giving me trouble. I thank God that I did not hit the guy. He made me so mad.
This went on for about two week or so. Then I notice some things. That guy stop coming to church. I think that he got ministered to by my friend, John. He ask was that guy troubling me any more. That guy stop coming to church.
There are many things that we do in life that can bring assumptions. Things that we do that others don't understand. I can imagine some of the things that I do that I don't know about that some people are assuming about me.
I don't know to be guilty about it. I do my best to not to make other feel uncomfort while I am around them. I am at a point where I have back away from people who seem not comfortable around me.
What I mean, if someone doesn't seem wanting to speak me when I come that's could be an indication of some thing. If I keep coming back and getting the same mix reaction, I think that I should just back off from that person.
There are times I feel pushed away while trying to speak with some people. If a person walks off or have little to say, I wonder. I should give others the benefit of the doubt and or back away from them.
On My Journey of TransformationGotten Into Trouble Or Misjudged?
Yes, lots of times...
But it couldn't be more than what is there or thought of.
It's best to find out more than what's assumed.
It will help in the long run to give mercy to issues that comes our way.
Doing Life
The Chronicles Of Susan
Psalm 147:1
How good it is to sing praises to our God! How delightful and how right!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Ideas For New Inventions
Monday, 21 May 2012
Ideas For New Inventions
I would joke about this idea to a friend. Only if this could be. A device that we can carry to control the weather that we were in and surrounding us.
When it's too cold mainly in the Winter months or too hot in the Summertime. We can have the temperature that we wanted. Oh, how great that would be.
It would be like a little thingy we could carry on us with an on and off switch. It would be an automatic thing. This device would be small enough to carry in your hand.
Or maybe it can be a force field around us as we go about our days. It wouldn't effect what surrounds us. Nor bring harm to the temperature surroundings.
The atmosphere would be the same. But we wold be comfortable as we were out and about. Oh how this could be with no hassle about the weather. Being too hot or too cold.
This is just a wonder. Only if it can be so. How things can come about as going through life. We wouldn't have to worry about the temperature changes. But the temperature would be what it is.
I had other thought of inventions.
A photo like video that would be flat like a photo. But can be like a motive picture at the touch of the screen.
Transportation: We would be able to speak the location and be there. It wouldn't be as speaking things into being. If this was so there would be a lot of weird things going on.
May we use our imagination for the good of things.
May we be creative and just imagine.
May God bless us with creative ideas.
May we think good thoughts on the things of heaven.
Thanks for reading.
Hope you do use your gift imagination.
Peace be with you.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Divine Reversal
Note: Thursday, 14 May 2009
Divine Reversal
Can you think of at least one time when God has been the author of a divine reversal in your life? This was a question during one of our Esther Studies. Here were some example in scripture: Isaiah 61:3, Luke 4:18, Luke 7:22 and Matthew 11:5
In my group I gave a short testimony of my bout with lupus. There are people who don't know that I had lupus. When other find out, they are surprised. They didn't know that I had been sick.
Here is my brief testimony about my bout with lupus.
I wasn't sick that much as a child. It was in my high school years when my joints started hurting. This went on for years and years. I didn't like to go to the doctors in my early days.
It wasn't until the turn of the century that I started to go to the doctors. When things got worst, it was the smart thing to do. Beside, I had no choice.
Finally, I got the doctors report of what was going on with my body. It was of lupus. The reports came in 2001 and in 2004. I had been in a lot of pain and swelling for years.
By 2000 to 2001 the lupus was in blown. It was very serious. I was in a pain and had a hard time doing things. I could not lay down to sleep at nights. I would get out of breath when I walked.
It took a while for the doctors to figure out what was going on with me. I had to have chemotherapy once a month for 6 months. In 2001 and 2004 after have those treatments I was much better. I had to have two kidney biopsies before the chemotherapy. That's one in '01 and '04.
If I don't hear the word of the Lord to go to the doctor in 2001, I wouldn't know what I would have become of me. Again in 2004 I had symptoms of lupus. I had to get treated for lupus.
It's been five years since my last chemo. I can testify that I am not on any medication for lupus. I have no pain or swelling. I feel good.
There are at times I had the thought of lupus returning. I have to keep believing that I am healed. I can't let thoughts rule my life. God is with me in whatever happens to me.
I believe that God healed me. I am a witness of what God is doing in His kingdom. I thank God for a divine reversal in my life.
May we keep believing God as we go through life's challenges. May the grace and mercy of God come to us in our darkest hour. May the glory of God shine in divine reversal.
On My Journey Of Transformation.Divine Reversal
I thank God that He cares for me.
I am thankful I can live a life Jesus called me to live.
Doing Life In The Kingdom Of God
Psalm 134:2
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, And bless the LORD.
Friday, May 9, 2014
God Is With You
Note: Wednesday, 09 May 2012
God Is With You
We need that reminder from time to time. God is with us wherever we go. At times we might not feel God with us. How up setting this can be.
We can be so involved in what we are going through. And forget that God is there in the midst of what we are in. We might have our focus on the wrong things.
Once we have a right mind set, then what we think may not be as bad as we were thinking. We have to have a positive attitude when things go array. Thank God for His intervention.
We have that inter witness to keep us in tune with God. We can get side track. We do so much and forget. God is with us.
If you are going through a tough time, remember God is with you. He's there. Just acknowledge Him. God is bigger than our troubles.
God is a good God. He is our Provider. He cares about every little aspect of our lives. Even the littlest thing we could imagine.
So when troubles come into your thinking, Remember God Is With You. Whatever your facing or going through. He's facing it with you.
|May we lean on God in our troubled times.
May we be reminded that God goes through what we go through.
May we call upon Jesus in the storms of life.
Thanks for reading.
Don't Give Up!
God Is With You!
Stay On The Journey,
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. ~ Zephaniah 3:17 NIV
Monday, April 28, 2014
Double D. Retiring From The NFL?
Memories of the past; Day~ Monday, 28 April 2008
Double D. Retiring From The NFL?
I read this on the featured question for April 29th....Who is your favorite sports star?
Dwayne calmed down and reconsider this issue...
On April 28th I heard some news. I waited to post it.
THIS DAY HAS ARRIVED. It is official. I got the call about 1:30 PM today. My nephew Dwayne plans to retire from the NFL.
The NFL Draft was over the weekend. The TN Titans drafted another Tight End. Dwayne was upset. In most cases Draftees are very highly favorite over Free Agents.
Dwayne does not want to fight for beginning a Tight End. It is like "Here we go again." Dwayne has been through this before.
When Dwayne was on the practice squad with the Titans in 2003 /2004 season, he beat out the Draftee. Dwayne was last person that TN cut from the team on the very last day of cutting day.
The Titan Coach admitted that Dwayne beat the Tight End Draftee out. I see that there was no room for Dwayne. It appeared that Dwayne was left out in the cold. The Atlanta Falcons claimed him.
Dwayne played with them for 4 years. I signed with TN. But recently decided to retire. He wanted to retire last year. He hang in there one more year.
I do thank the Kansas City Chiefs for allowing Dwayne to get his foot in the door of the NFL. I do thank TN Titans for acknowledging that
I thank The Atlanta Falcons for allowing Dwayne to be apart of their team. I thank God for allowing Dwayne to live out his dream in the NFL.
There came a time in Dwayne's life that he heard the news that he could not be able to play football again. He had a MU injury in the late 1990's.
Dwayne was a walking witness before those who knew what kind of injury he had. God is good.
Now, football is not the same. I have no more stress about watching football. I am not for any NFL team. I am a free from the game.
I did learn a great deal in how the NFL works. The NFL is a business. It's who you know. Who knows who.
So as Dwayne retires I am not apart of the NFL family. I am a former family member of the NFL. I don't know how that works. I am not for no team.
I thank God for allowing Dwayne to play in the NFL. God made a way for Dwayne to live out his dream.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Cell Phone
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Cell Phone
I finally got a new cell phone. I mean, an upgraded cell phone. I have had a cell phone since 1999 or so. It's been a while.
it was December of 2011, I decided to get a new cell phone. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I'm getting use to my phone.
I've learned how to text from my last phone that I had. But I like my new phone much better. It doesn't take me long to send a text. I have more keys on my new phone. I have unlimited textings.
I can even take picture and record. I can't do that on my old phone. It feels that I'm in a new world with this phone. I'm not much of a talker on the phone.
I have been learning about my phone. There are things I don't know. Through time I will catch on. It took me a while to learn to get my phone on silence.
I'm glad that I can get on the internet. I'm happy! I always wanted to get online while I was away from my computer. When I started using my phone, I thought that I've been missing on a lot.
Indeed, it's a completely different world when having a cell phone. Things are so convenience. All that the touch of a button can allow you to talk to someone, take a picture, get online or record some event. Wow!
May we not be afraid to take a chance on things.
May we grow with life's challenges.
May we not get hook on our cell phones.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Great Outdoors
Friday, 20 April 2012
The Great Outdoors
I've been enjoying the great outdoors. Every time I go outside, I tend to look around to see what I can see. God's creation is beautiful.
We should be aware of our surroundings. God created man from the dust. Humanity can from the dust and breath of God. We are connected with the earth. To the dust we should return.
I enjoy looking at the sky. There so much to see on any given day. I like to watch the clouds after a storm passes by. The awe in what can be seen. I can use my imagination. There have been times when I see people or figures. Oh, what amazement!
I enjoy the sunrise and sunsets. The mystery of the dawning of the day. And the ending of what came about while the sunsets. Such wonder in how things come to be. I thank God for His creation.
I don't like storms. But they do come. We have had a lot of rain this past week. Yep! Stormy weather. (I'm not much of an outdoor people. I enjoy what I can when I'm out.)
We haven't had real bad weather yet. There were some strong winds. There weren't much damage. I'm thankful. May God protect us from the worst of storms.
May we enjoy God's creation.
May we see the beauty that surrounds us.
May we appreciate the great outdoors.
Thanks for reading.
Have A Wonderful Weekend!
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