Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Singing During Hard Times Too
I hope that you are still singing songs unto the LORD today. No matter what season of life you may be in. Sing unto the LORD always. Amen.
I was in the Upper Room this morning praying. As I was praying from my prayer journal, my thoughts drifted off. And I wonder some a bit. Then a song came to my thinking. I reflect back on that song. Every now and then this song pops into me thinking.
Here is a testimony relating to this song.
One day in October 1999, I came home from Church on a Friday Night. My mother was sick. She told me that she was getting ready to go to the Emergency Room. Some of my siblings took her.
Within an hour, I got a call from one of my brothers. He said that our mother had an heart attack. It turned out to be congested heart failure for the second time.
My mind was running with worry. I called a friend from Church. She prayed with me for my mother.
After I got off the phone. I started to an emotional cry. Then something within me rose up. And I started to sing a song. I had recently learned this song in Church.
The song was "Let The Peace of God Reign." I kept singing that song over and over again until I got peace. I sung the song with tears running down my face. (This song continues to minister to me till this day.)
There are some things I started to do as I sing this song. I do not sing the song as it was written. Back then I add my mother's name to the song instead of the word I, mine, me and my. Every time we sung this song in Church, I would sing it not as it was written. PEACE comes to me.
Here is that song. I was singing it off on on today.
Let The Peace of God Reign. (I added some words to it.)
Father of Life, draw me closer, Lord, my heart is set on You.
(Help) me run the race of time. With Your life enfolding mine.
And let the peace of God, let it reign.
Oh, Holy Spirit You're my comfort,
Strengthen me, hold my head up high.
(As) I stand upon Your truth, Bringing glory (All to) You
And let the peace of God, Let it reign.
The chorus
O LORD, I hunger, for more of You,
(Come) Rise up within me, let me know, Your truth.
O Holy Spirit, (You) saturate my soul,
(so that Your) life, (my) God, (that) fills me now,
(So that) Your healing power, (that brings me life) and (makes) me whole
(O) let (Your) peace (O) God, (Come) let it reign.
As I was praying this morning I was adding names as I sung this song. Let the PEACE of God Reign.... Here the actual song.Let The Peace Of God Reign
Father of life draw me closer
English Lyrics
Lord, my heart is set on You
Let me run the race of time
With Your life enfolding mine
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit, You're my comfort
Strengthen me, hold my head up high
And I stand upon Your truth
Bringing glory unto You
And let the peace of God
Let it reign
Oh Lord I hunger for more of You
Rise up within me let me know Your truth
Oh Holy Spirit saturate my soul
And let the life of God fill me now
Let Your healing power breathe life and
Make me whole
And let the peace of God let it reign
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