I'm still smelling the roses. I'm stop to take breaks. There's so much to life. There's so much to be aware of.
This has been an interesting assignment. I have come to realize some things. If we don't stop and look at life, there could be things that we are missing. Each moment in our life matters.
There are times in our lives when we think that we are so BUSY about doing what we normally do. May we see the beauty of the moment that we're in. And quit being so distracted about doing things.
There's so much to see in the beauty of silence. We can have the quietness of our being, if we take the time to do it. There's so much to see in what's surrounds us. There's so much creativity in nature and how things flow.
Life has meaning. We all have a purpose in life. The awe in the awesome we can see. We were created to create. God makes beautiful things. All that God has created is beautiful.
May we continue to see the awe in the world in which we live. May we continue to stop and smell the roses. May we take the time to be aware of life. May we see the awesome things through out our life. Amen.
Thanks for reading.So Awesome To Be In Life: The World That I Live
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Awesome To Be In The Presence Of God
It's nice to sit and await on the LORD. We didn't know when we will be aware of His presence. Than suddenly in life, things come. God is in the midst.
When we stop and smell the roses, things can be notice. There's something that draws us into what we are aware of. Here is a poem that I wrote. I call it: "To Be In His Midst."
Feeling His presence
Surrounds, this place
Cool breeze in air
Passing by my face
Sweet smell aroma
Filling up this space
A sense of wonder
His amazing grace
His presence sweet
O how great it taste
To be in His midst
With joy to embrace
Poem # 1161Idea 25 February 2011
6:19 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right Side
Re read 26 February 2011
Made some changes
This poem is a future post on my poem site.
The date it will be posted: December 23, 2011.
Thanks for reading.To Be In His Midst
Staying On The Journey,
When we stop and smell the roses, things can be notice. There's something that draws us into what we are aware of. Here is a poem that I wrote. I call it: "To Be In His Midst."
Feeling His presence
Surrounds, this place
Cool breeze in air
Passing by my face
Sweet smell aroma
Filling up this space
A sense of wonder
His amazing grace
His presence sweet
O how great it taste
To be in His midst
With joy to embrace
Poem # 1161Idea 25 February 2011
6:19 PM Upper Room
4th Pew Right Side
Re read 26 February 2011
Made some changes
This poem is a future post on my poem site.
The date it will be posted: December 23, 2011.
Thanks for reading.To Be In His Midst
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
What Awesome In The World That I See? Beauty In Silence
I'm still taking time to smell the roses.
Been in the poetic mood.
I've written more poems.
It's nice to be creative.
Here's another poem.
Beauty In Silence
Silence has beauty
Itself as an art
Still, being quiet
Brings comfort to heart
Still, being at rest
Silence hold its peace
Like no trouble here
For all has cease
Beauty in silence
Display let it be
Apart of our lives
Experience see
Still, being quiet
Itself as an art
Beauty in silence
Brings comforts to heart
Poem # 1149
23 February 2011
5:49 AM Foot of Bed
Re read 24 February 2011
Made some changes
This is a future post set for my poem site.
Thanks for reading.Beauty In Silence
Staying On The Journey,
Been in the poetic mood.
I've written more poems.
It's nice to be creative.
Here's another poem.
Beauty In Silence
Silence has beauty
Itself as an art
Still, being quiet
Brings comfort to heart
Still, being at rest
Silence hold its peace
Like no trouble here
For all has cease
Beauty in silence
Display let it be
Apart of our lives
Experience see
Still, being quiet
Itself as an art
Beauty in silence
Brings comforts to heart
Poem # 1149
23 February 2011
5:49 AM Foot of Bed
Re read 24 February 2011
Made some changes
This is a future post set for my poem site.
Thanks for reading.Beauty In Silence
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, February 25, 2011
How Awesome To Read The World Around Me?
We can go about life, noting knowing what's there. So focused on what we want, not seeing what's really there. It's all in where, we put our minds.
Another awesome time to be, apart of what life is and what's to see. I know I can be all wrapped up in the things that I do. If I don't take time to just look. I need to do that more often.
I can busy myself about what I'm doing. There's beauty in all what we do. There's beauty in listening. There's beauty in seeing. There's beauty in life awaiting to be seen.
There's beauty in writing poems. The thought of composing words to state things to be expressed. The words coming forth somewhere.
It could be from our hearts, our experiences that's drawn out of us. The words that are flowing to express how to feel. It can be what we make out of art. Painting a picture for those to imagine. Composing a song for others to listen. What we write, so others can read.
We can read without knowing the words. The saying "a picture can say a thousand words." is so true. So as words are compiled to sentences, there comes expressing, feeling to view. The picture of what was written can be view in all points of view.
We may get many impressions to what was written. But in all we all have our imagination to use. So when we read or see a somethings, we should get something out of it.
May we use our imagination. May we be appreciative in what others do with their talents. May we LORD bless us with creative things to do. Amen.
Thanks for reading.How Awesome To Read The World Around Me?
Staying On The Journey,
Another awesome time to be, apart of what life is and what's to see. I know I can be all wrapped up in the things that I do. If I don't take time to just look. I need to do that more often.
I can busy myself about what I'm doing. There's beauty in all what we do. There's beauty in listening. There's beauty in seeing. There's beauty in life awaiting to be seen.
There's beauty in writing poems. The thought of composing words to state things to be expressed. The words coming forth somewhere.
It could be from our hearts, our experiences that's drawn out of us. The words that are flowing to express how to feel. It can be what we make out of art. Painting a picture for those to imagine. Composing a song for others to listen. What we write, so others can read.
We can read without knowing the words. The saying "a picture can say a thousand words." is so true. So as words are compiled to sentences, there comes expressing, feeling to view. The picture of what was written can be view in all points of view.
We may get many impressions to what was written. But in all we all have our imagination to use. So when we read or see a somethings, we should get something out of it.
May we use our imagination. May we be appreciative in what others do with their talents. May we LORD bless us with creative things to do. Amen.
Thanks for reading.How Awesome To Read The World Around Me?
Staying On The Journey,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What's Awesome In The World That I See In Nature?
The beauty in nature is there for us to see. So much to look at for all that there to be. The sky, the landscape, how busy can we not see. The beauty that lays set for us to see.
As I go outside, I tend to look up at the sky. Today, it was cloudy with grayish in color. There was a storm coming in. The cold air was blowing. It brought a chill to my bones.
On the way to the place where we were headed, the land had its own click. The grass was some what green but still some brown. The land looking like it was sleeping. The trees yet to bare their leaves.
There were the birds about on their way. Flying and looking for food if I can say. The thoughts of this day, even it looks gloomy. But it doesn't have to be that way.
The awe in being in weather that this. We don't know what will come. It could be snow. It could be ice. It could be, it could be.
I notice in times like this, we see things in new ways. The awesomeness of what we rarely see, comes to our attention. I saw and heard some pinging on the roof of the car. Little white things making a sound.
It appeared to be sleet. The little white balls making all that nose. The snow came as a blizzard like sense. The storm was among us. This Winter wonderland for a short moment. But came back before noon day.
Its seems so dangerous. Yet, still there came some beauty. The appearance of things that seems to bring on caution, adds concern to our thinking. We question what may come.
We have some much concern about the weather. The weather was created to be has it is. We can see the value in what we want. Nature has its beauty. It's awaiting to be expressed.
As for the Winter weather: We had some ice mix with snow like blizzard weather. It was about 5 to 8 inches of snow. Schools got out early. It was hard to get around.
May we see beauty of nature in our every day. May the weather not distract us. May we see creation around us. May the beauty of what nature has for us, be an awesome wonder too see. Amen.
Thanks for reading.What's Awesome In The World That I See?
Staying On The Journey,
As I go outside, I tend to look up at the sky. Today, it was cloudy with grayish in color. There was a storm coming in. The cold air was blowing. It brought a chill to my bones.
On the way to the place where we were headed, the land had its own click. The grass was some what green but still some brown. The land looking like it was sleeping. The trees yet to bare their leaves.
There were the birds about on their way. Flying and looking for food if I can say. The thoughts of this day, even it looks gloomy. But it doesn't have to be that way.
The awe in being in weather that this. We don't know what will come. It could be snow. It could be ice. It could be, it could be.
I notice in times like this, we see things in new ways. The awesomeness of what we rarely see, comes to our attention. I saw and heard some pinging on the roof of the car. Little white things making a sound.
It appeared to be sleet. The little white balls making all that nose. The snow came as a blizzard like sense. The storm was among us. This Winter wonderland for a short moment. But came back before noon day.
Its seems so dangerous. Yet, still there came some beauty. The appearance of things that seems to bring on caution, adds concern to our thinking. We question what may come.
We have some much concern about the weather. The weather was created to be has it is. We can see the value in what we want. Nature has its beauty. It's awaiting to be expressed.
As for the Winter weather: We had some ice mix with snow like blizzard weather. It was about 5 to 8 inches of snow. Schools got out early. It was hard to get around.
May we see beauty of nature in our every day. May the weather not distract us. May we see creation around us. May the beauty of what nature has for us, be an awesome wonder too see. Amen.
Thanks for reading.What's Awesome In The World That I See?
Staying On The Journey,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Such Awesome Wonders To See In The World
I stopped and smelt some roses today. O such wonder that came my way. The beauty of life that God has given. To us who live and breath and are forgiven.
The thought of life, coming into this world. Breathing the first breathe of life and becoming apart of creation. A life that's born, the start of new life out of the womb.
As for a new born infant who doesn't know what's going on, that's a wonder! So unaware that life is life. Not knowing yet, that they need care in early life.
The awesomeness of what the child doesn't know that comes by far than thought. But yet the infant knows how to breath and how to cry,. What awe to know such things that come.
The reaction of what to behold about life. There is new life born each day. There's passion to want life to continue. The birth of a life is so beautiful.
As a new born, we cry as we inter into this world. For it's the announcement that life has come. And the sound that a mother longs to hear. So precious is that sound. The birth of life and the sound of joy coming to be.
May we appreciate life. May we see that each life is a gift from God. May we see the beauty of life that comes to each of us, each day. May the birth of a new day bring the awareness of our life that we have. May we use each day as a gift of a new life. Amen.
I just sat down and shared some of my thought. One of my cousins had a baby yesterday. I was thinking about life. The life of a new born. Life is beautiful.
Thanks for reading.
Such Awesome Wonders To See In The World
Staying On The Journey,
The thought of life, coming into this world. Breathing the first breathe of life and becoming apart of creation. A life that's born, the start of new life out of the womb.
As for a new born infant who doesn't know what's going on, that's a wonder! So unaware that life is life. Not knowing yet, that they need care in early life.
The awesomeness of what the child doesn't know that comes by far than thought. But yet the infant knows how to breath and how to cry,. What awe to know such things that come.
The reaction of what to behold about life. There is new life born each day. There's passion to want life to continue. The birth of a life is so beautiful.
As a new born, we cry as we inter into this world. For it's the announcement that life has come. And the sound that a mother longs to hear. So precious is that sound. The birth of life and the sound of joy coming to be.
May we appreciate life. May we see that each life is a gift from God. May we see the beauty of life that comes to each of us, each day. May the birth of a new day bring the awareness of our life that we have. May we use each day as a gift of a new life. Amen.
I just sat down and shared some of my thought. One of my cousins had a baby yesterday. I was thinking about life. The life of a new born. Life is beautiful.
Thanks for reading.
Such Awesome Wonders To See In The World
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Assignment # 16; What Do You See In The World That Is Awesome?
That's one of the topic questions for this week's assignment. What's in " " I use from the assignment sheet. We are to "take a few moment of each day stop and be present with the beauty around us." The environment, the "people" in our lives, those we met, "nature", "wildlife" and things that make up our world we live in.
"We get to enjoy the very best and brightest that life has to offer." We can think about how fulfilling those moments are. We can be a rest and at peace during these moments. "In these moments, we are filled with gratitude, love and peace. We aren't anxious about the future and we don't feel any guilt or regret about the past. This habit becomes the basis for living a peaceful, purposeful passionate life in and of itself."
So each day this week, we are to "take time to 'stop and smell the rose.'"
Here are some questions and suggestions from the assignment sheet.
"What do you see that is truly awesome?
A beautiful blossomed flower?
A baby deer?
A brand new building?
Your grandmother?
Find something to focus on each day that is truly awesome to you,
and write about how you feel in that moment you're truly present to life's beauty."
May we stop and smell the roses. May we see the beauty that's in our lives as we live. May this assignment bring us the awareness of our world around us. Amen.
What Do I See In The World That Is Awesome?I stopped and smelt the roses today. I listened to the sound of silence. It's a wonderful sound to hear.
With all the busyness in our lives, silence can be hard to come by. There's peace and silence. The only thing that can break the silence is nose.
There is something about being in silence. It's where we can be with ourselves. Just sitting. Waiting, Resting, Relaxing. What an awesome thing to have in our lives.
We at times can take the stillness of a moment in moments for granted. It's good to be in quiet. I feel good in the quietness of time. There isn't nothing there. But quietness.
I enjoy the quietness. I can calm my mind down. I can relax my being. I can restore my soul through the quietness. Besides in the silence time there is only me and the quietness that is there.
I wrote this poem yesterday.
"Quiet On Display"
In the quiet still
Peaceful as can be
Sleep, sleeps this moment
Soon awakes to see
A new day to birth
What a joyful thing
Forgiven from past
As freedom still rings
In stillness of day
Beauty come surrounds
Quiet on display
Where peace can be found
Poem # 1143
Idea 21 February 2011
6:34 AM Foot of bed
Re read 22 February 2011
Made some changes
This poem: Future Post December 4, 2011
Thanks for reading.What Do You See In The World That Is Awesome?
Staying On The Journey,
"We get to enjoy the very best and brightest that life has to offer." We can think about how fulfilling those moments are. We can be a rest and at peace during these moments. "In these moments, we are filled with gratitude, love and peace. We aren't anxious about the future and we don't feel any guilt or regret about the past. This habit becomes the basis for living a peaceful, purposeful passionate life in and of itself."
So each day this week, we are to "take time to 'stop and smell the rose.'"
Here are some questions and suggestions from the assignment sheet.
"What do you see that is truly awesome?
A beautiful blossomed flower?
A baby deer?
A brand new building?
Your grandmother?
Find something to focus on each day that is truly awesome to you,
and write about how you feel in that moment you're truly present to life's beauty."
May we stop and smell the roses. May we see the beauty that's in our lives as we live. May this assignment bring us the awareness of our world around us. Amen.
What Do I See In The World That Is Awesome?I stopped and smelt the roses today. I listened to the sound of silence. It's a wonderful sound to hear.
With all the busyness in our lives, silence can be hard to come by. There's peace and silence. The only thing that can break the silence is nose.
There is something about being in silence. It's where we can be with ourselves. Just sitting. Waiting, Resting, Relaxing. What an awesome thing to have in our lives.
We at times can take the stillness of a moment in moments for granted. It's good to be in quiet. I feel good in the quietness of time. There isn't nothing there. But quietness.
I enjoy the quietness. I can calm my mind down. I can relax my being. I can restore my soul through the quietness. Besides in the silence time there is only me and the quietness that is there.
I wrote this poem yesterday.
"Quiet On Display"
In the quiet still
Peaceful as can be
Sleep, sleeps this moment
Soon awakes to see
A new day to birth
What a joyful thing
Forgiven from past
As freedom still rings
In stillness of day
Beauty come surrounds
Quiet on display
Where peace can be found
Poem # 1143
Idea 21 February 2011
6:34 AM Foot of bed
Re read 22 February 2011
Made some changes
This poem: Future Post December 4, 2011
Thanks for reading.What Do You See In The World That Is Awesome?
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Promise Keeper To Myself
What promises I keep for myself on this week's assignment? I think I did OK. I will admit that there were times I didn't met a few of my goals. I wasn't hard on myself.
After reading my assignment for the first time, I had ideas what to do before I started journaling. One of them was to my journal assignments early. I shouldn't have to wait till the end of the day to journal.
I see when I keep my promises to myself, I feel GOOD. I see that I have accomplished what I said that I would do. I can do things when I set my mind in doing so.
When I don't do what I said that I was going to do, I have a feeling of not making my mark. It's like I run out of time. I need to stop doing that.
It's important to keep my own promises to myself. It's a good thing to have. Even with keeping my word with others. Keeping promises are important.
I set out on the first day after I read this assignment to do those promises. Each entry I shared one of my promises for the week. Here are those promises.
Doing my assignment earlier in the day
Sorting my mail the day them come in
Searching for my family history more
Letting some matters go
Taking naps or taking breaks through the day
Getting to bed on time and waking up at a set time
Keeping promises
May we have a good attitude in doing what we say.
May the Spirit of the LORD guide us in keeping our vows.
Thanks for reading.Promise Keeper Myself
Staying On The Journey,
P.S. Here are my answers to the over all assignment.
What does it mean about me, when I keep my promises?To me this means that I'm going to do what I said. I have that mind set on keeping my promises. If I don't I will make some excuses in why I didn't do what I said that I was going to do.
What does it mean about me, when I do not keep my promises?To me this means that what I plan on doing wasn't that important to me. I didn't really want to do that.
Why it's important to me?Things that matter should have some importance to me. The promises are what's ask of me should have some value in if I will do it.
How it makes me feel to keep the promise I made to myself ? I feel great when I keep my promise. It speaks of me when I keep my word. There is an accomplishment made on my behalf.
What do I want to be seeing about myself with respect to my promises?I want to show that I'm trustworthy. It states that there is a care when keeping promises. In seeing myself doing for myself speaks that I value myself.
Do I want to make a change?Yes! I see when I don't keep my promises, it speaks of me. I want to change how I feel in doing things. I should take on what I can promises. It's not saying things that I know that I cannot do.
Do I want more of the same?
I should want more to change...If I keep things the same, I might get bored. It's good to do different things from time to time. Still in time things change. We have to go with new things that come along.
Do I want less of what I am currently seeing?What am I seeing? I see at times we don't keep promises. It depends on what the issue is. In time things change. In the current moment things can be changed. I have to wait and see.
After reading my assignment for the first time, I had ideas what to do before I started journaling. One of them was to my journal assignments early. I shouldn't have to wait till the end of the day to journal.
I see when I keep my promises to myself, I feel GOOD. I see that I have accomplished what I said that I would do. I can do things when I set my mind in doing so.
When I don't do what I said that I was going to do, I have a feeling of not making my mark. It's like I run out of time. I need to stop doing that.
It's important to keep my own promises to myself. It's a good thing to have. Even with keeping my word with others. Keeping promises are important.
I set out on the first day after I read this assignment to do those promises. Each entry I shared one of my promises for the week. Here are those promises.
Doing my assignment earlier in the day
Sorting my mail the day them come in
Searching for my family history more
Letting some matters go
Taking naps or taking breaks through the day
Getting to bed on time and waking up at a set time
Keeping promises
May we have a good attitude in doing what we say.
May the Spirit of the LORD guide us in keeping our vows.
Thanks for reading.Promise Keeper Myself
Staying On The Journey,
P.S. Here are my answers to the over all assignment.
What does it mean about me, when I keep my promises?To me this means that I'm going to do what I said. I have that mind set on keeping my promises. If I don't I will make some excuses in why I didn't do what I said that I was going to do.
What does it mean about me, when I do not keep my promises?To me this means that what I plan on doing wasn't that important to me. I didn't really want to do that.
Why it's important to me?Things that matter should have some importance to me. The promises are what's ask of me should have some value in if I will do it.
How it makes me feel to keep the promise I made to myself ? I feel great when I keep my promise. It speaks of me when I keep my word. There is an accomplishment made on my behalf.
What do I want to be seeing about myself with respect to my promises?I want to show that I'm trustworthy. It states that there is a care when keeping promises. In seeing myself doing for myself speaks that I value myself.
Do I want to make a change?Yes! I see when I don't keep my promises, it speaks of me. I want to change how I feel in doing things. I should take on what I can promises. It's not saying things that I know that I cannot do.
Do I want more of the same?
I should want more to change...If I keep things the same, I might get bored. It's good to do different things from time to time. Still in time things change. We have to go with new things that come along.
Do I want less of what I am currently seeing?What am I seeing? I see at times we don't keep promises. It depends on what the issue is. In time things change. In the current moment things can be changed. I have to wait and see.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A Vow Is A Promise
I've added another vow to share for today. I'm getting to bed on time an getting up at a set time. I have to make myself to this. I can get out of the habit. That's so true especially on Saturday.
I tend to want to stay up late. I've found a talk radio show online. I think I'm getting hooked. It comes at 7 PM but some are on about 8 PM. They are on from an hour or two.
These radio talk shows are about family history and black history. I'm learning things. It's very interesting.
I'm keeping my promise of getting to bed on time. There may be some exception at times. I don't condemn myself.
We need our rest. I think I need only 7 hours of sleep. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I tend to lay in bed. If I lay to long I'll fall back to sleep.
Early to bed and early to rise go together. Not Late to bed and early to rise that's not healthy. Especially if it's done a lot.
I'm learning to go to bed at a set time. I know at times I will miss my time. However, I don't get up tight about it. I don't need to go to bed upset. I need my rest. And so do you.
May we sleep well at nights. May we see that sleep is good for us. May the LORD bless us with good nights sleep. May we rest heavenly and in peace. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
A Vow Is A Promise
Staying On The Journey,
I tend to want to stay up late. I've found a talk radio show online. I think I'm getting hooked. It comes at 7 PM but some are on about 8 PM. They are on from an hour or two.
These radio talk shows are about family history and black history. I'm learning things. It's very interesting.
I'm keeping my promise of getting to bed on time. There may be some exception at times. I don't condemn myself.
We need our rest. I think I need only 7 hours of sleep. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I tend to lay in bed. If I lay to long I'll fall back to sleep.
Early to bed and early to rise go together. Not Late to bed and early to rise that's not healthy. Especially if it's done a lot.
I'm learning to go to bed at a set time. I know at times I will miss my time. However, I don't get up tight about it. I don't need to go to bed upset. I need my rest. And so do you.
May we sleep well at nights. May we see that sleep is good for us. May the LORD bless us with good nights sleep. May we rest heavenly and in peace. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
A Vow Is A Promise
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Added Another Promise
Another day, another promise to share for today. I'm coming along with doing my journaling assignments, sorting the mail, searching my family history and letting some matters go. Now I'm challenge for another promise.
I've been taking a power nap or having a take a break time. It's has been wonderful. I've lost track of that since we moved in our present location about 4 years ago. Wonder, why I stop taking naps?
I see that a break from what I do during the day is very good. I can get out of the routine things of the day. The refreshment of doing something other things than what I do; It's refreshing me.
I see when I don't go through the mail the day that they come, there's more to do. Also I have learned to have a filing system. I don't want to lose the mail or misplace them. I've done that before.
I see by making plans or promises to do things, it's wise. I should have breaks, sometime in the day or during the day. If putting things off till the end, than there is a tendency to rush through. That's when it's time to go to bed.
There should be some free time in our days. One thing that I have notice when I'm journaling earlier in the day, I have more time to think as I'm journaling. I'm more relax. The words flow easier.
When I journal in the late evening time, I'm not as focused on what I'm journaling about. I come back to re read this journal before I post it. I wonder if it makes sense.
I see in taking a break in through out the day or one big break, there is a pause. This pause refreshes me. It restores me. A power break makes a different.
May we flow with the plan of our day. May we keep with our promises. May the LORD direct our path as we journey in life. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Added Another Promise
Staying On The Journey,
I've been taking a power nap or having a take a break time. It's has been wonderful. I've lost track of that since we moved in our present location about 4 years ago. Wonder, why I stop taking naps?
I see that a break from what I do during the day is very good. I can get out of the routine things of the day. The refreshment of doing something other things than what I do; It's refreshing me.
I see when I don't go through the mail the day that they come, there's more to do. Also I have learned to have a filing system. I don't want to lose the mail or misplace them. I've done that before.
I see by making plans or promises to do things, it's wise. I should have breaks, sometime in the day or during the day. If putting things off till the end, than there is a tendency to rush through. That's when it's time to go to bed.
There should be some free time in our days. One thing that I have notice when I'm journaling earlier in the day, I have more time to think as I'm journaling. I'm more relax. The words flow easier.
When I journal in the late evening time, I'm not as focused on what I'm journaling about. I come back to re read this journal before I post it. I wonder if it makes sense.
I see in taking a break in through out the day or one big break, there is a pause. This pause refreshes me. It restores me. A power break makes a different.
May we flow with the plan of our day. May we keep with our promises. May the LORD direct our path as we journey in life. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Added Another Promise
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, February 18, 2011
Keeping Promises
That's so important that we keeping our promises. I can understand when promises can't be met. We should understand that. However there are promises we can keep.
I have promise myself to Let Some Matters Go this week. I have my mind focus on other things. I has taken some practice in letting things go.
There is not use in going around the same old bend. The cost of going through the same thing over and over again. There comes a time to let the matter go. It takes practice. In the long run it's for your own benefit.
Through time, those issues should be in the past. There shouldn't be any to think on with those matters. There are times, when past issues cross our paths.We should have a different response to them.
I'm doing good on doing my journaling assignment. I'm keeping up with my mail. I'm coming right along with my family history search.
Now I'm continuing to let some matters go. I'm keeping promises that I made to myself.
Here's a poem that I wrote. While thinking I came up with this poem.
Keeping Promises
Keeping promises
That's the thing to do
Showing respect, honor
While making way through
Life brings good feeling
When doing what's said
Brings goodness, that flows
Living life is read
Show integrity
Faithfulness display
Keeping promises
Going bout our days.
Poem # 1125
Idea 16 February 2011
5:52 AM Foot of bed
Re read 17 February 18, 2011
Made some changes
Thanks for reading.Keeping Promises
Staying On The Journey,
I have promise myself to Let Some Matters Go this week. I have my mind focus on other things. I has taken some practice in letting things go.
There is not use in going around the same old bend. The cost of going through the same thing over and over again. There comes a time to let the matter go. It takes practice. In the long run it's for your own benefit.
Through time, those issues should be in the past. There shouldn't be any to think on with those matters. There are times, when past issues cross our paths.We should have a different response to them.
I'm doing good on doing my journaling assignment. I'm keeping up with my mail. I'm coming right along with my family history search.
Now I'm continuing to let some matters go. I'm keeping promises that I made to myself.
Here's a poem that I wrote. While thinking I came up with this poem.
Keeping Promises
Keeping promises
That's the thing to do
Showing respect, honor
While making way through
Life brings good feeling
When doing what's said
Brings goodness, that flows
Living life is read
Show integrity
Faithfulness display
Keeping promises
Going bout our days.
Poem # 1125
Idea 16 February 2011
5:52 AM Foot of bed
Re read 17 February 18, 2011
Made some changes
Thanks for reading.Keeping Promises
Staying On The Journey,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Promise Is A Promise
I'm doing OK on my promises that I've kept for myself on this assignment. I'm journaling as I am. I'm looking at the mail as they come. Yeah, a promise is a promise.
As I'm doing this assignment, I note that I'm getting more done. I'm doing things at a set time. It's like I'm on a plan to do things.
I spend some much time doing this assignment. I move on to something else. And I do the same for the other things that I do. Well, I try to.
There are times when I spend to long on one thing. I have to know when to STOP. But when I stop doing some things that I love doing, I tend to slack away from doing it.
A Promise Is A Promise. Here's another promise to share for this week. I promise myself to search more on my family history on ancestry.com. I have gotten away from that for some searching. I'm on the ancestry adventure again.
I can see if I stop things, I can lose track of things. I love doing family history searches. The awe of uncovering some mysteries of the past. It keeps me to want to search more. I need to learn when to STOP!
I'm having a great time when I'm searching for my family history. I see when I'm going back over things, I'm seeing some things that I've forgotten about.
I'm learning to re read and go over what I've found. There is go much that I can over look on my search. I think that I'm so happy when I found things. I forget to really look at my new findings.
It's good for us to do things that we like. It releases things. It's a good stress buster. I enjoy my time when I'm in a place where I like.
May we continue to make promises and keep them. May we explore the beauty of doing the things we like. May there be joy on our journey. May we have balance in the promises that we make to ourselves. Amen.
Thanks for reading.A Promise Is A Promise
Staying On The Journey,
As I'm doing this assignment, I note that I'm getting more done. I'm doing things at a set time. It's like I'm on a plan to do things.
I spend some much time doing this assignment. I move on to something else. And I do the same for the other things that I do. Well, I try to.
There are times when I spend to long on one thing. I have to know when to STOP. But when I stop doing some things that I love doing, I tend to slack away from doing it.
A Promise Is A Promise. Here's another promise to share for this week. I promise myself to search more on my family history on ancestry.com. I have gotten away from that for some searching. I'm on the ancestry adventure again.
I can see if I stop things, I can lose track of things. I love doing family history searches. The awe of uncovering some mysteries of the past. It keeps me to want to search more. I need to learn when to STOP!
I'm having a great time when I'm searching for my family history. I see when I'm going back over things, I'm seeing some things that I've forgotten about.
I'm learning to re read and go over what I've found. There is go much that I can over look on my search. I think that I'm so happy when I found things. I forget to really look at my new findings.
It's good for us to do things that we like. It releases things. It's a good stress buster. I enjoy my time when I'm in a place where I like.
May we continue to make promises and keep them. May we explore the beauty of doing the things we like. May there be joy on our journey. May we have balance in the promises that we make to ourselves. Amen.
Thanks for reading.A Promise Is A Promise
Staying On The Journey,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What Promise Have I Added To Share Today?
What promise have I added to share today? Yesterday, I promised to do my journaling assignment earlier in the day. I see by doing this I don't have to wait till the end of the day to do it. I don't have to come up with something that the end of the day. That's not easy to do.
I do have a better feeling about doing things in advance. I do my other blogs in advance because I have future post. I like that. Besides by Wednesday, I have an idea on what to journal on his assignment.
As the days come, I can do more thinking about this assignment. It's not that it isn't a hard assignment. It's the idea of journaling every day. We all have some thing to say.
I've been on this journaling site for 15 weeks. I don't want to journal one blog for this assignment. There are many ways to approach each week's assignment.
What Promise Have I Added To Do Today? I'm looking at the bills and mail as they come in. I tend to wait to write the checks. The bill isn't due until a week or two weeks or so. If it's junk mail, to get rid of it that day. There will be less to do if I let them pile up.
I have wised up. I should sort the mail the day that they come. I shouldn't let things pile up. When I do them in a day or so, yes, there will be more. I'm learning to do things in the now tense.
May we maintain our promises that we promise to ourselves. May we see the good in doing things. May we be discipline in doing. Amen.
Thanks for reading.What Promise Have I Added To Share Today?
Staying On The Journey,
I do have a better feeling about doing things in advance. I do my other blogs in advance because I have future post. I like that. Besides by Wednesday, I have an idea on what to journal on his assignment.
As the days come, I can do more thinking about this assignment. It's not that it isn't a hard assignment. It's the idea of journaling every day. We all have some thing to say.
I've been on this journaling site for 15 weeks. I don't want to journal one blog for this assignment. There are many ways to approach each week's assignment.
What Promise Have I Added To Do Today? I'm looking at the bills and mail as they come in. I tend to wait to write the checks. The bill isn't due until a week or two weeks or so. If it's junk mail, to get rid of it that day. There will be less to do if I let them pile up.
I have wised up. I should sort the mail the day that they come. I shouldn't let things pile up. When I do them in a day or so, yes, there will be more. I'm learning to do things in the now tense.
May we maintain our promises that we promise to ourselves. May we see the good in doing things. May we be discipline in doing. Amen.
Thanks for reading.What Promise Have I Added To Share Today?
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Promises To Myself
This assignment is all about promises I make to myself. I'm suppose to keep them with no excuses. I need to do them every day. I see that this week will be a challenge. I'm to journal about my promises.
Here are some suggested questions to consider.
What does it mean about me when I keep my promises?
What does it mean about me when I do not keep my promises?
Why it's important to me?
How it makes me feel to keep the promise I made to myself ?
What do I want to be seeing about myself with respect to my promises?
Do I want to make a change?
Do I want more of the same?
Do I want less of what I am currently seeing?
I see that this will be a challenging week.
May we not be condemn by not keeping our promises.
May we see the go in keeping our word.
May we grow in the LORD as we learn to do what we say we will do.
Thanks for reading!My Promises To Myself
One promise for this week: To start an idea on what to journal about on this assignment with in the 15 minutes after I'm on my computer. By the end of the day or earlier... to post my promise for the day. I hope that I can do that.
I have my other promises. I'm working on them too. I hope that I keep my promises. In time I will see. In time things will be...
Staying On The Journey,
Here are some suggested questions to consider.
What does it mean about me when I keep my promises?
What does it mean about me when I do not keep my promises?
Why it's important to me?
How it makes me feel to keep the promise I made to myself ?
What do I want to be seeing about myself with respect to my promises?
Do I want to make a change?
Do I want more of the same?
Do I want less of what I am currently seeing?
I see that this will be a challenging week.
May we not be condemn by not keeping our promises.
May we see the go in keeping our word.
May we grow in the LORD as we learn to do what we say we will do.
Thanks for reading!My Promises To Myself
One promise for this week: To start an idea on what to journal about on this assignment with in the 15 minutes after I'm on my computer. By the end of the day or earlier... to post my promise for the day. I hope that I can do that.
I have my other promises. I'm working on them too. I hope that I keep my promises. In time I will see. In time things will be...
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, February 14, 2011
Giving In The Receiving Mode
There's so much to give in a day's times. Also there are things we can receive as well. In any case, we have a choose to be a giver and be a receiver.
Blessings do flow in our lives daily. We choose to be a blessings to bless other. When we give, we should do it our of a heart of gratitude. The blessing comes in return when we receive.
It's been a long day. There were things that I gave. In turned I did receive. There was some new that I heard. It wasn't good. But I'm going through.
God is still blessing me in times when I don't know. When things come into my life that changes things. I can receive the love of God. He comforts me.
The giving in, the receiving mode comes in to our lives. We can be giving all the time and not receive what's there. We have to learn to adapt a way to receive with a good attitude.
We may not be able to change things that come into our lives. But we can hope for the best of what's to come. Wherever is coming in our lives, we can have some hope that God is with us.
May we see that good in receiving. May we learn to stop and think. May we see that it's good to give more than receive. May we learn to adapt to the changes that come into our lives. Amen.
Thanks for reading.Giving In The Receiving Mode
Staying On The Journey,
Blessings do flow in our lives daily. We choose to be a blessings to bless other. When we give, we should do it our of a heart of gratitude. The blessing comes in return when we receive.
It's been a long day. There were things that I gave. In turned I did receive. There was some new that I heard. It wasn't good. But I'm going through.
God is still blessing me in times when I don't know. When things come into my life that changes things. I can receive the love of God. He comforts me.
The giving in, the receiving mode comes in to our lives. We can be giving all the time and not receive what's there. We have to learn to adapt a way to receive with a good attitude.
We may not be able to change things that come into our lives. But we can hope for the best of what's to come. Wherever is coming in our lives, we can have some hope that God is with us.
May we see that good in receiving. May we learn to stop and think. May we see that it's good to give more than receive. May we learn to adapt to the changes that come into our lives. Amen.
Thanks for reading.Giving In The Receiving Mode
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Giving As A Gift Not Just To Receive In Return: But Giving And Receiving
It is better to give than to receive. We have to learn to be givers and receivers. We can be poor givers and lousy receivers. We have to have at good attitude in being a giver and being a receiver.
I was greeting in church this morning. I was at my post waiting for the people to come. As I was watching and waiting, I was giving of myself to make the people feel welcomed as they come to gather to church.
I'm blessed by greeting the people. I notice things as I am standing. It's such joy seeing the little children. What they do!! I receive joy in the watching.
I give of my time and a witness as I'm waiting. My rewards are from God. It's not a job but a ministry that I do each week. I receive many blessings as I greet the people.
There are some who give me things in return. I was blessed by seeing a couple coming in the doors. I don't see them much during the winter months. I saw them coming this morning.
I made my way to them. They has a smile on their faces. I was happy to seem them. In return, I received a gift from them. It was a small magnet heart. I received with honor. I believe that they are sincere people. The joy that I see on their faces...
Even the smallest gift is worth it. The gift of a heart, a warm smile, a hug...words can't express. I was blessing in receiving those gifts.
We all have a heart for things. The giving of ourselves is a gift in itself. There so much to offer others.
May we learn to be givers as well as receivers. May we see that giving and receiving works both ways. May we not just be good receivers but good givers. May the LORD lay things on our hearts to be a blessings to others. Amen.
Thanks for reading.Giving As A Gift Not Just To Receive In Return: But Giving And Receiving
It works both ways
Happy Valentine's Day!Staying On The Journey,
I was greeting in church this morning. I was at my post waiting for the people to come. As I was watching and waiting, I was giving of myself to make the people feel welcomed as they come to gather to church.
I'm blessed by greeting the people. I notice things as I am standing. It's such joy seeing the little children. What they do!! I receive joy in the watching.
I give of my time and a witness as I'm waiting. My rewards are from God. It's not a job but a ministry that I do each week. I receive many blessings as I greet the people.
There are some who give me things in return. I was blessed by seeing a couple coming in the doors. I don't see them much during the winter months. I saw them coming this morning.
I made my way to them. They has a smile on their faces. I was happy to seem them. In return, I received a gift from them. It was a small magnet heart. I received with honor. I believe that they are sincere people. The joy that I see on their faces...
Even the smallest gift is worth it. The gift of a heart, a warm smile, a hug...words can't express. I was blessing in receiving those gifts.
We all have a heart for things. The giving of ourselves is a gift in itself. There so much to offer others.
May we learn to be givers as well as receivers. May we see that giving and receiving works both ways. May we not just be good receivers but good givers. May the LORD lay things on our hearts to be a blessings to others. Amen.
Thanks for reading.Giving As A Gift Not Just To Receive In Return: But Giving And Receiving
It works both ways
Happy Valentine's Day!Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Giving And Receiving
I was watching Vanessa Williams family history journey on "How Do You Think You Are?" It was interesting....As I watched on I gave attention to what she experienced.
I had ideas come to me, while I was watching Vanessa's journey. I received more insight about black history. How what our ancestors did, reflects their generations. Some one stared somethings.
I see that the descendants has a story as well. We are making history too. We look back on what has happened and move on from there.
I see the value in who I am through my ancestors. What the didn't have. How they lived... was far move than I can imagine. It was harder for them because of the time that they were in.
Giving And Receiving: I was giving my time and interest to hear another person's journey on their family history. In returned of Receiving, I gain more on how I can have encouragement to search for my ancestor in a new way.
I had a very good feeling in hearing how others search their family history. There is value in searching for ancestors. We should have an idea in where our family members came from. What they did and how they made their mark in history.
This better the next generation. This gives hope for the future. We all want future generations to be better off then we were. That's a challenge to discover.
May we learn to take time to take note of what others do. May we be inspire. May we see the beauty in receiving from others. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
Giving And Receiving,
Staying On The Journey,
I had ideas come to me, while I was watching Vanessa's journey. I received more insight about black history. How what our ancestors did, reflects their generations. Some one stared somethings.
I see that the descendants has a story as well. We are making history too. We look back on what has happened and move on from there.
I see the value in who I am through my ancestors. What the didn't have. How they lived... was far move than I can imagine. It was harder for them because of the time that they were in.
Giving And Receiving: I was giving my time and interest to hear another person's journey on their family history. In returned of Receiving, I gain more on how I can have encouragement to search for my ancestor in a new way.
I had a very good feeling in hearing how others search their family history. There is value in searching for ancestors. We should have an idea in where our family members came from. What they did and how they made their mark in history.
This better the next generation. This gives hope for the future. We all want future generations to be better off then we were. That's a challenge to discover.
May we learn to take time to take note of what others do. May we be inspire. May we see the beauty in receiving from others. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
Giving And Receiving,
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Give And Receive
With all that's going on the the world, there is one thing that we can give to one another. That is prayer. I've been watching the news about Egypt and the Middle East. I've been praying along with others in the world.
Throughout the world, we have our different cultures and our differences about things of life,. We can understand some things without means of interpretation. We can relate to what terrorism and evil of things are. Even with the scenes of victory and celebration, we know what that means.
As I'm typing, I see the happiness from the Egyptian people reactions. I receive that by watching the reports on the news. The waving of the flag and people dancing and shouting is a sign of victory.... "Egypt Is Free!" It's let a new birth of a country. Celebrating as if it was the beginning of a new Era. Yes, it is!
What a time to be alive!! We have seen history come to be. We have been witnessing the massive people in the streets. Many there for many hours of in a day. They keep standing...until things changed.
This does make a statement in what the people believe. Still there is much can be given in prayer. Hope for things to change. In the process of seeing prayers answered, brings a good feeling inside. That's great to receive. The sound of sweet victory.
Prayer are still needed. This is just the beginning of something. Not just for Egypt but for the world. There will come a time when things will have change come again. More protest will come. People will go to the streets some where.
May we see the prayer makes a difference. May we see humanity can relate to others in some matters. May Egypt recover from all that has happened over the pass years. May God guide the world to the return of His Son, Jesus. May we prepare for His 2nd coming. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Give And Receive
Staying On The Journey,
Here's a future post from my poem site:
Dated November 7, 2011
People In The Streets
Looking All Around
Seeing what can see
People in the streets
All around there be
Standing and shouting
They want him to go
Faithful in their ways
They keep standing through
Day in and day out
Throughout each night
People in the streets
They have seen the light
Poem # 1116
Idea 10 February 2011
Under the hair dryer
Finished up on 11 February 2011
Thanks for reading.People In The Streets
Staying On The Journey,
Throughout the world, we have our different cultures and our differences about things of life,. We can understand some things without means of interpretation. We can relate to what terrorism and evil of things are. Even with the scenes of victory and celebration, we know what that means.
As I'm typing, I see the happiness from the Egyptian people reactions. I receive that by watching the reports on the news. The waving of the flag and people dancing and shouting is a sign of victory.... "Egypt Is Free!" It's let a new birth of a country. Celebrating as if it was the beginning of a new Era. Yes, it is!
What a time to be alive!! We have seen history come to be. We have been witnessing the massive people in the streets. Many there for many hours of in a day. They keep standing...until things changed.
This does make a statement in what the people believe. Still there is much can be given in prayer. Hope for things to change. In the process of seeing prayers answered, brings a good feeling inside. That's great to receive. The sound of sweet victory.
Prayer are still needed. This is just the beginning of something. Not just for Egypt but for the world. There will come a time when things will have change come again. More protest will come. People will go to the streets some where.
May we see the prayer makes a difference. May we see humanity can relate to others in some matters. May Egypt recover from all that has happened over the pass years. May God guide the world to the return of His Son, Jesus. May we prepare for His 2nd coming. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Give And Receive
Staying On The Journey,
Here's a future post from my poem site:
Dated November 7, 2011
People In The Streets
Looking All Around
Seeing what can see
People in the streets
All around there be
Standing and shouting
They want him to go
Faithful in their ways
They keep standing through
Day in and day out
Throughout each night
People in the streets
They have seen the light
Poem # 1116
Idea 10 February 2011
Under the hair dryer
Finished up on 11 February 2011
Thanks for reading.People In The Streets
Staying On The Journey,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Receiving While Giving
It's been a week. There were times I didn't note the gifts that I give and what I received from what I did. It's like what I did was my life style.
It's like that giving of a listening ear to someone who needs someone to share things with. It's like just being there for someone. It's like smiling for one reason to bring light into someones life.
There is so much to give during our day. There's much more to give on our lifetime. The gift of life can bring much blessings to others in our life.
I notice that while in the giving time, I received love. I received a warm feeling about what I did when I acted out from my heart. There was some thing good about what I gave away.
Still we have to learn how to receive the gift from others. We have to have a good attitude. We need common sense in receiving as well is in giving.
Receiving blessings while giving of time.What have I have learned? In life we need to learn to give. In some cases we have to. Giving is a part of our life. Well, it show be.
May we have a giving heart. My we be a blessing wherever we go. May we have to time to listen to others. May we have that inter peace to know what we do is good. May God guide our days in giving and receiving. Amen.
Thanks for reading!
Receiving While Giving
Staying On The Journey,
It's like that giving of a listening ear to someone who needs someone to share things with. It's like just being there for someone. It's like smiling for one reason to bring light into someones life.
There is so much to give during our day. There's much more to give on our lifetime. The gift of life can bring much blessings to others in our life.
I notice that while in the giving time, I received love. I received a warm feeling about what I did when I acted out from my heart. There was some thing good about what I gave away.
Still we have to learn how to receive the gift from others. We have to have a good attitude. We need common sense in receiving as well is in giving.
Receiving blessings while giving of time.What have I have learned? In life we need to learn to give. In some cases we have to. Giving is a part of our life. Well, it show be.
May we have a giving heart. My we be a blessing wherever we go. May we have to time to listen to others. May we have that inter peace to know what we do is good. May God guide our days in giving and receiving. Amen.
Thanks for reading!
Receiving While Giving
Staying On The Journey,
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Giving And Giving: Receiving And Receiving
My morning practice of life: I was waiting....In the mean time I was waiting, I started to exercise. In the the process of waiting, I learned that I can do something else when just waiting. I had 15 free minutes to do something. My body needs exercise. I feel better in the morning after I did.
Work time in life: I was doing my daily dues. I found that I was doing more than I thought. I learned that I can...I can give more into what I'm doing by doing....
Afternoon / Evening time in life: I was searching for photos. I discovered some things that I haven't seen before. I give of my search to find the photos. In the act of finding them I discovered some things I have over looked...
May we take the time to do things in the waiting moments. May we see our daily dues more them work. May we enjoy looking back over things and make new discoveries. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Giving And Giving: Receiving And Receiving
Staying On The Journey,
Work time in life: I was doing my daily dues. I found that I was doing more than I thought. I learned that I can...I can give more into what I'm doing by doing....
Afternoon / Evening time in life: I was searching for photos. I discovered some things that I haven't seen before. I give of my search to find the photos. In the act of finding them I discovered some things I have over looked...
May we take the time to do things in the waiting moments. May we see our daily dues more them work. May we enjoy looking back over things and make new discoveries. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Giving And Giving: Receiving And Receiving
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Gifts Given And Gifts Received
Assignment # 14: The theme is on gifts. We have the opportunity to look at life through a unique lens. We are to look at life asking ourselves these to questions. What gift did I bring to this moment? And, what gift did I receive in this moment?
When we look at things in our lives we can receive a blessing and peace. Life has its good and bad. It's how we react to that moment in our lives. It's all in our choices. It's in what we do.
During this weeks assignment we are challenged to find the "good" in the moments that we are in. This includes all that comes our way. We are to write about the gift that we give in the moments. And the gift that we receive in the process of that time.
This is a challenging assignment. I try to see the good in things that come. I don't think to write about the gifts that I use in that time.
One thing I notice that I give as a gift today was time in listening. In return I received or was aware of some things that I didn't know about. That was something.
May we learn to be givers. May we be receiver as well. May what we do be for the good. May we learn from what to experience. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Gifts Given And Gifts Received
Staying On The Journey,
When we look at things in our lives we can receive a blessing and peace. Life has its good and bad. It's how we react to that moment in our lives. It's all in our choices. It's in what we do.
During this weeks assignment we are challenged to find the "good" in the moments that we are in. This includes all that comes our way. We are to write about the gift that we give in the moments. And the gift that we receive in the process of that time.
This is a challenging assignment. I try to see the good in things that come. I don't think to write about the gifts that I use in that time.
One thing I notice that I give as a gift today was time in listening. In return I received or was aware of some things that I didn't know about. That was something.
May we learn to be givers. May we be receiver as well. May what we do be for the good. May we learn from what to experience. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Gifts Given And Gifts Received
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, February 7, 2011
My Cup Still Running Over
Gratitude is very important in our lives. We shall be thankful for the blessings that come our way and the lives of others. We should have a heart of gratitude flowing in our lives.
I am thankful for my life that God has given me. I am thankful for the gift of each day. I am thankful that we can express ourselves.
I'm thankful for caring people. I'm thankful that I can be thankful. I am thankful that we can worship God in spirit and truth. I'm thankful that God is God.
I'm thankful for my family and friends. I'm thankful that I have a place to live. I'm thankful that I have clothing to wear. I'm thankful that I have food to eat.
There is so much to be thankful for. Whether writing thank you on the memo of our checks. Or saying thank you to people who do things for us...In all we should give thanks.
Father God, I thank You for Your creation that You have given us to be apart of. I thank You for being our Father. I thank You that you know where we are headed.
I thank You for this assignment the you inspired someone to write. I thank You that You give us ideas to journal about. I thank You. We thank You in Jesus' Name Amen!
Thanks for reading.
My Cup Still Running Over.
Staying On The Journey,
I am thankful for my life that God has given me. I am thankful for the gift of each day. I am thankful that we can express ourselves.
I'm thankful for caring people. I'm thankful that I can be thankful. I am thankful that we can worship God in spirit and truth. I'm thankful that God is God.
I'm thankful for my family and friends. I'm thankful that I have a place to live. I'm thankful that I have clothing to wear. I'm thankful that I have food to eat.
There is so much to be thankful for. Whether writing thank you on the memo of our checks. Or saying thank you to people who do things for us...In all we should give thanks.
Father God, I thank You for Your creation that You have given us to be apart of. I thank You for being our Father. I thank You that you know where we are headed.
I thank You for this assignment the you inspired someone to write. I thank You that You give us ideas to journal about. I thank You. We thank You in Jesus' Name Amen!
Thanks for reading.
My Cup Still Running Over.
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
My Cup Runs Over: Those Songs Of Praises
Singing a brand new song
Upon this fresh new day
Joy raises in my heart
Singing songs as I pray
Jesus, O LORD Jesus!
So beautiful, You are
Beautiful, my Savior
You are never too far
O how, I love You, so
Each day, as I arise
Coming to sing to You
Never saying, good bye
Poem # 1103
Idea came will working on journaling assignment
I'm thankful that I can awake each day. To sing song to our LORD. I'm thankful for this life I live. It's through Him I adore.
I'm thankful for all that live has to be. For God has given it to me. I'm thankful for the air we breath. For it of God who set us free. I'm thankful that life came to be. For God in Him for all to be.
O God, Heavenly Father, I thank You for You are You. I thankful You from putting new songs into my spirit. I'm thankful that You allow us to sing songs unto You.
I'm thankful for the sweet melodies springing up from my heart. I'm thankful that I can sing in the spirit. Those songs of praise to sing. I thank You, O I thank You. That You are always You in Jesus Name Amen!
Thanks for reading.
My Cup Runs Over: Those Songs Of PraisesStaying On The Journey,
Upon this fresh new day
Joy raises in my heart
Singing songs as I pray
Jesus, O LORD Jesus!
So beautiful, You are
Beautiful, my Savior
You are never too far
O how, I love You, so
Each day, as I arise
Coming to sing to You
Never saying, good bye
Poem # 1103
Idea came will working on journaling assignment
I'm thankful that I can awake each day. To sing song to our LORD. I'm thankful for this life I live. It's through Him I adore.
I'm thankful for all that live has to be. For God has given it to me. I'm thankful for the air we breath. For it of God who set us free. I'm thankful that life came to be. For God in Him for all to be.
O God, Heavenly Father, I thank You for You are You. I thankful You from putting new songs into my spirit. I'm thankful that You allow us to sing songs unto You.
I'm thankful for the sweet melodies springing up from my heart. I'm thankful that I can sing in the spirit. Those songs of praise to sing. I thank You, O I thank You. That You are always You in Jesus Name Amen!
Thanks for reading.
My Cup Runs Over: Those Songs Of PraisesStaying On The Journey,
Saturday, February 5, 2011
My Cup Is Over Flowing
Another Day To Be Grateful; Those gifts from God that are there. There's so much to be thankful for. That comes into our every day.
I'm thankful that I got out of bed. I'm thankful that I can move around. I'm thankful that I have food to eat. I'm thankful that I can be found. I'm thankful the God gives me strength to make it through the day. I thankful that I can go to sleep.
I didn't have any bills to pay. But I did get some more bills in the mail. I'm thankful that I have this day. To be alive to breathe the air. To be a blessing to others.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day. I thank You for hearing our prayers. I thank You that You care about me. I thank You that You hear my pain. I thank You for Your comfort in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
My Cup Is Over Flowing
Staying On The Journey,
I am thankful that my cousin gets to sing "America The Beautiful" during the pre game of Super Bowl XLV on Sunday!
I'm thankful that I got out of bed. I'm thankful that I can move around. I'm thankful that I have food to eat. I'm thankful that I can be found. I'm thankful the God gives me strength to make it through the day. I thankful that I can go to sleep.
I didn't have any bills to pay. But I did get some more bills in the mail. I'm thankful that I have this day. To be alive to breathe the air. To be a blessing to others.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day. I thank You for hearing our prayers. I thank You that You care about me. I thank You that You hear my pain. I thank You for Your comfort in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
My Cup Is Over Flowing
Staying On The Journey,
I am thankful that my cousin gets to sing "America The Beautiful" during the pre game of Super Bowl XLV on Sunday!
Friday, February 4, 2011
For Life Is A Gift: My Cup Runs Over
Today a new day
For life is a gift
What we do with life
It may come in shifts
We arise each day
Yet plan set to see
What's ahead for us?
O God come with thee
We journey each day
Hope to see its end
For today is a gift
In all that we spend
Our time our money
Talents as we may
For life is a gift
From God every day
Poem # 1102
I'm thankful that words come to me to write poems. I'm thankful that I can sing songs. I'm thankful for life, I live each day. I'm thankful for the sun that shines. I'm thankful for this very day.
I didn't has bills to pay. But I said some thank yous any way. I'm thankful that I can rest from weary. I'm thankful for this day. I'm thankful that I can pray.
Father God, Almighty God, I thankful for creation. Your might works display. I thankful LORD Jesus for making this very day. I thank You, for all You do. So we have eternal life. I thank You for bring life in all who call on You. I thank You Father for You gift of life You give. I thank You O God, for You are God. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Thanks for reading.
For Life Is A Gift: My Cup Runs Over
Staying On The Journey With Jesus,
For life is a gift
What we do with life
It may come in shifts
We arise each day
Yet plan set to see
What's ahead for us?
O God come with thee
We journey each day
Hope to see its end
For today is a gift
In all that we spend
Our time our money
Talents as we may
For life is a gift
From God every day
Poem # 1102
I'm thankful that words come to me to write poems. I'm thankful that I can sing songs. I'm thankful for life, I live each day. I'm thankful for the sun that shines. I'm thankful for this very day.
I didn't has bills to pay. But I said some thank yous any way. I'm thankful that I can rest from weary. I'm thankful for this day. I'm thankful that I can pray.
Father God, Almighty God, I thankful for creation. Your might works display. I thankful LORD Jesus for making this very day. I thank You, for all You do. So we have eternal life. I thank You for bring life in all who call on You. I thank You Father for You gift of life You give. I thank You O God, for You are God. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Thanks for reading.
For Life Is A Gift: My Cup Runs Over
Staying On The Journey With Jesus,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
My Cup Running Over: The TOP
Another day to be grateful, for all there's to be
Another day to Thank God for all, He's done for thee
Another minute to take a look, blessing, we see
Another day has come to be, praying on our knees
Another hour to live our lives, for you and for me
Another moment here to be, thankful, so let's be
I'm thankful that I can write poems. I'm thankful that I can see. I'm thankful that life is to be lived. I'm thankful for you and me. I'm thankful for that the streets are plowed. I'm thankful that we can bow. I'm thankful for this every day. I'm thankful that we can pray.
I feel thankful for another day to live out life on this earth. There's so much going on. I'm thankful that I can talk to God any hour of the day. I'm thankful that I can do things to get through my day.
I was writing out some bills today. I saw the amount that I had to pay. In each case I wrote Thank You as I may. See the good of paying bills. For it's the right thing to do. I'm thankful that I have the funds. Thank God He has made the way.
Our Father, who art in heaven, thank You, for Your tender care. Thank You for watching over us. Thank You that you care. Thank You for the comfort that You so freely give. Thank You that we can thank You, For in You You're always there. In Jesus' Name we pray Amen!
Thanks for reading.Running Over The TOP
Stay On The Journey,
Peace be with you!
I was writing out some bills today. I saw the amount that I had to pay. In each case I wrote Thank You as I may. See the good of paying bills. For it's the right thing to do. I'm thankful that I have the funds. Thank God He has made the way.
Our Father, who art in heaven, thank You, for Your tender care. Thank You for watching over us. Thank You that you care. Thank You for the comfort that You so freely give. Thank You that we can thank You, For in You You're always there. In Jesus' Name we pray Amen!
Thanks for reading.Running Over The TOP
Stay On The Journey,
Peace be with you!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My Cup Still Running Over
1.) Technology To Do:Google the words "gratitude /health". thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation. To express what we are thankful for in our lives.
2.) Daily Gratitude List To Do: What Am I Thankful for?
I'm grateful that I have another gift of life today.
I'm grateful that I can do what I do.
I'm grateful that the LORD gives me strength.
I'm thankful that I can exercise.
I'm thankful that I can sing unto the LORD.
I'm thankful that I can lay down and sleep.
3.) Thank a "Buddy" To Do:
I feel thankful that I can keep us with what I do.
4.) Pay The Bills To Do:
I was planing on writing out some bills today. I didn't get to do it. But if I did...I would be thanking God that I can pay the bills. Some times I think companies estimate our bills. I try not to complain.
5.) Thanks for Bashing Me To Do:
I tried to have a thankful mind set through out this day. Being thankful that I can do what I do. When I dropped something on the floor. Be thankful that I can pick it up.
Heavenly Father, Thanks again for another day of life on the earth. Thank You, for protecting us from the storm. Thank You, that we have heat.
Thank You, Jesus for the beauty of Creation. Thank You, that you watch over us. Thank You, that you care about our well being. Thanks for praying for us. Thank You, for You Holy Spirit. Thanks for letting become more like Christ. In Jesus' Name we pray Amen!
Thanks for reading.My Cup Still Running Over.
Stay On The Journey,
2.) Daily Gratitude List To Do: What Am I Thankful for?
I'm grateful that I have another gift of life today.
I'm grateful that I can do what I do.
I'm grateful that the LORD gives me strength.
I'm thankful that I can exercise.
I'm thankful that I can sing unto the LORD.
I'm thankful that I can lay down and sleep.
3.) Thank a "Buddy" To Do:
I feel thankful that I can keep us with what I do.
4.) Pay The Bills To Do:
I was planing on writing out some bills today. I didn't get to do it. But if I did...I would be thanking God that I can pay the bills. Some times I think companies estimate our bills. I try not to complain.
5.) Thanks for Bashing Me To Do:
I tried to have a thankful mind set through out this day. Being thankful that I can do what I do. When I dropped something on the floor. Be thankful that I can pick it up.
Heavenly Father, Thanks again for another day of life on the earth. Thank You, for protecting us from the storm. Thank You, that we have heat.
Thank You, Jesus for the beauty of Creation. Thank You, that you watch over us. Thank You, that you care about our well being. Thanks for praying for us. Thank You, for You Holy Spirit. Thanks for letting become more like Christ. In Jesus' Name we pray Amen!
Thanks for reading.My Cup Still Running Over.
Stay On The Journey,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Assignment # 13: My Cup Runneth Over To Do List
This assignment is about gratitude. What am I thankful for? We should be in a stage of gratefulness.
(Learning what the definition of grateful and health.)
I'm thankful that we have shelter from the "Blizzard of 2011"
I'm thankful that some people are understanding.
I'm thankful that for this very day of being.
What I'm appreciative about myself; I keep going.
I'm thankful that I can pay the bills.
Thank You, God!
Here are some suggestions on the assignment sheet.
1.) Technology To Do: Google the words "gratitude and health". See what the words mean. Get some ideas to be thankful for.
2.) Daily Gratitude List To Do: Begin a list of things that you are grateful for. Do this at the beginning and close of each day. Think of at least 3 things.
Write then in your Real Self Journal: I notice that is the first time I notice this REAL SELF JOURNAL in this assignment.
3.) Thank a "Buddy" To Do: Tell your buddy something that you appreciate about yourself, something you about your "buddy" and something that happened during the day for which you feel grateful for.
4.) Pay The Bills To Do: When your pay a bill, write "Thank You" on the check or in the memo space on your on line bill pay. They allow you to use their service.
5.) Thanks for Bashing Me To Do: Want to stretch in the gratitude arena? Say "Thank You" all day for every thing that (good) happens. even for criticism.
Write a Gratitude Letter to your Higher Power: Turn to a clean page in your Real Self Journal, and begin your letter...This is the power higher than yourself.
Father God, I thank You that You help us to learn to have an attitude of gratitude. Thank You, for teaching us to be thankful in the least of things in our lives.
Thanks for guiding us to see the good of what comes in to our lives. Remind us to give thanks always in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Thanks for reading. Assignment #13:
My Cup Runneth Over To Do List
Staying On The Journey,
(Learning what the definition of grateful and health.)
I'm thankful that we have shelter from the "Blizzard of 2011"
I'm thankful that some people are understanding.
I'm thankful that for this very day of being.
What I'm appreciative about myself; I keep going.
I'm thankful that I can pay the bills.
Thank You, God!
Here are some suggestions on the assignment sheet.
1.) Technology To Do: Google the words "gratitude and health". See what the words mean. Get some ideas to be thankful for.
2.) Daily Gratitude List To Do: Begin a list of things that you are grateful for. Do this at the beginning and close of each day. Think of at least 3 things.
Write then in your Real Self Journal: I notice that is the first time I notice this REAL SELF JOURNAL in this assignment.
3.) Thank a "Buddy" To Do: Tell your buddy something that you appreciate about yourself, something you about your "buddy" and something that happened during the day for which you feel grateful for.
4.) Pay The Bills To Do: When your pay a bill, write "Thank You" on the check or in the memo space on your on line bill pay. They allow you to use their service.
5.) Thanks for Bashing Me To Do: Want to stretch in the gratitude arena? Say "Thank You" all day for every thing that (good) happens. even for criticism.
Write a Gratitude Letter to your Higher Power: Turn to a clean page in your Real Self Journal, and begin your letter...This is the power higher than yourself.
Father God, I thank You that You help us to learn to have an attitude of gratitude. Thank You, for teaching us to be thankful in the least of things in our lives.
Thanks for guiding us to see the good of what comes in to our lives. Remind us to give thanks always in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Thanks for reading. Assignment #13:
My Cup Runneth Over To Do List
Staying On The Journey,
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