Each week I'm greeter a the place where I worship. I see this time as a worthy cause. It's an honor to welcome and show them some respect.
I feel good while I'm watching the people come in to the house of the LORD. I think that the Father is pleased to see His children and people coming in. It brings joy to me.
I'm empowered to smile and greet the people. I try to be tender to people's needs. I see that come need a smile. There are some who need hugs. Also I stretch my hand out for a warm handshake.
There are times when I'm tried. Indeed there are times I feel energized. The joy of seeing people can bring some excitement. For example on Easter Sunday. There were a lot of people who came. I was overwhelmed by who came.
I express a positive attitude while I'm greeting. I feel that we shouldn't share some of my personal issues when greeting. There are some who share theirs. I try to encourage them.
I see and meet other volunteers who may be like-minded and like-valued that I can add to your inner support network. We as greeter and other volunteers are example to others in our world. We can set the standard for those around us.
I look forward in greeting when I can. There are times when I don't feel like it. I greet any way. I feel encourage by others who come and greet me. You know that greeting works both ways.
May we have the joy to do volunteer work. May we be examples. May the LORD sent people in our midst so we can bring healing to them. May the LORD bless all the volunteers as the work with the joy of the LORD. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Volunteer As A Greeter
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Here is this session's homework assignment, "Volunteer."
Assignment # 25
Half way on the year's journey.
Volunteering is powerful because when you give your time to an individual or cause, a level of fulfillment is created that engages you at a core level.
When you give your time to others in need, you are suspending your attention to those things that are not quite right in your life and instead you are focusing on contributing to others.
The byproduct is that you get to feel generous, inspired, powerful, wholesome, and loving. These feelings, in turn attract more experiences which cause you to feel generous, inspired, powerful, wholesome, and loving.
Assignment # 25
Half way on the year's journey.
Volunteering is powerful because when you give your time to an individual or cause, a level of fulfillment is created that engages you at a core level.
When you give your time to others in need, you are suspending your attention to those things that are not quite right in your life and instead you are focusing on contributing to others.
The byproduct is that you get to feel generous, inspired, powerful, wholesome, and loving. These feelings, in turn attract more experiences which cause you to feel generous, inspired, powerful, wholesome, and loving.
This week, donate your time to a worthy cause.
Notice how you feel and what you are thinking during these moments.
Are you empowered?
Are you a little bit softer and more compassionate?
Are you energized?
Who have you impacted positively?
Did you meet other volunteers who may be like-minded or like-valued that you can add to your inner support network?
Some of my thoughts:
I have a good feeling when I volunteer.
It brings joy to help out others when I'm able.
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
Notice how you feel and what you are thinking during these moments.
Are you empowered?
Are you a little bit softer and more compassionate?
Are you energized?
Who have you impacted positively?
Did you meet other volunteers who may be like-minded or like-valued that you can add to your inner support network?
Some of my thoughts:
I have a good feeling when I volunteer.
It brings joy to help out others when I'm able.
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Moments By Moments
Life, now happening
Moments every day
Let's set heart to live
Live life as we pray
Watch and look around
For God is with us
Life is from the LORD
It's through Him we must
Come believing Him
As LORD over all
For life is a gift
Each day has a call
So live every day
The best way you know
Moments by moments
Enter in life's flow
Poem # 918
Idea 21 October 2010
7:01 AM
May we live life. May we learn to watch and pray. May we see life is a gift from God. May we live our lives for God. May we do the best that we can with what we have. May the LORD guide us in all of our days. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Moments By Moments
Staying On The Journey,
Moments every day
Let's set heart to live
Live life as we pray
Watch and look around
For God is with us
Life is from the LORD
It's through Him we must
Come believing Him
As LORD over all
For life is a gift
Each day has a call
So live every day
The best way you know
Moments by moments
Enter in life's flow
Poem # 918
Idea 21 October 2010
7:01 AM
May we live life. May we learn to watch and pray. May we see life is a gift from God. May we live our lives for God. May we do the best that we can with what we have. May the LORD guide us in all of our days. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Moments By Moments
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Cherishing The Moments: And Beyond
Cherishing the moments of Good Friday through Easter Sunday.... and beyond.
Happy Resurrection Day to all!
Jesus is ALIVE!
He lives in me.
Have A Great Day!
Staying On The Journey,
Happy Resurrection Day to all!
Jesus is ALIVE!
He lives in me.
Have A Great Day!
Staying On The Journey,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Cherishing Moments: Book Review
I was overwhelmed when I received an email on April 19, 2011. It was from a friend on Twitter. It was a request to review a book from the Upper Room Reviews Program.
First, I looked at the books from their list. Then I looked at the application. There were simple questions that I answered. Such as name address, email, what church attended, which book I wanted to review. So I decided to go for it.
I wasn't for sure if I would be selected. But low and behold I was. I was so excited! I never reviewed a book before like this. I've been ask by Amazon and Borders. I choose not to do those.
In all I was excited about this offer. I was socked that I was chosen from the Upper Room Reviews Program. It was an honor to be selected.
Now, all I have to do is wait for the book to come. It should arrive in about a week or two. Than I have 90 days from the time I receive that book to read and write about it on my blog site that I sent to them. Awaiting for this new journey that I'm on.
May we be expecting good moments in our lives to happen. May we be honored with those moments come. May the LORD grant us the beauty of His goodness that is before us. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Cherishing Moments: Book Review
Staying On The Journey,
First, I looked at the books from their list. Then I looked at the application. There were simple questions that I answered. Such as name address, email, what church attended, which book I wanted to review. So I decided to go for it.
I wasn't for sure if I would be selected. But low and behold I was. I was so excited! I never reviewed a book before like this. I've been ask by Amazon and Borders. I choose not to do those.
In all I was excited about this offer. I was socked that I was chosen from the Upper Room Reviews Program. It was an honor to be selected.
Now, all I have to do is wait for the book to come. It should arrive in about a week or two. Than I have 90 days from the time I receive that book to read and write about it on my blog site that I sent to them. Awaiting for this new journey that I'm on.
May we be expecting good moments in our lives to happen. May we be honored with those moments come. May the LORD grant us the beauty of His goodness that is before us. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Cherishing Moments: Book Review
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Cherish Your Moments
Here is this session's homework assignment:
"Cherish your moments" Assignment #24
Each day this week, think about the moment that was most meaningful for you, write about it and describe how you felt, what you saw, and how you experienced it.
Your moments you choose can be as small as noticing a flower budding and as big as receiving a marriage proposal. The moment in and of itself is not so important, but rather the feeling that it elicits
Some of my thoughts:
Another Interesting Assignment.
It's Holy Week!
What great moments to cherish!
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
"Cherish your moments" Assignment #24
Your life is composed of moments, each one filled with endless possibilities. Your job is to pay attention to the magic of a notable moment and identify the elements that make it valuable for you.
Each day this week, think about the moment that was most meaningful for you, write about it and describe how you felt, what you saw, and how you experienced it.
Your moments you choose can be as small as noticing a flower budding and as big as receiving a marriage proposal. The moment in and of itself is not so important, but rather the feeling that it elicits
Some of my thoughts:
Another Interesting Assignment.
It's Holy Week!
What great moments to cherish!
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Stepping Into My Life
We all have a purpose in life. We pursue something every day. We live for a purpose. We may not really see life as a purpose. But each one of us has a purpose in being who we are.
I try to use what I have to make things around me easier to be in. The gifts of being who God has created me to become. I'm a giver of what I can give...
We are to be builders in our community. We are to love our neighbors as our selves. We should look out after one another. We have that brotherly love that's inside of us waiting to get out.
We can bring hope in the dull world the we enter into. We can inspire people with what we have. There are time when we can express gratitude for what God has done in our live. We can share our experiences with others.
May we see that we all have a purpose in life. May we see the good of others. May we be helpful to those in need. May the LORD grant us wisdom throughout our lives. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Stepping Into My Life
Staying On The Journey,
I try to use what I have to make things around me easier to be in. The gifts of being who God has created me to become. I'm a giver of what I can give...
We are to be builders in our community. We are to love our neighbors as our selves. We should look out after one another. We have that brotherly love that's inside of us waiting to get out.
We can bring hope in the dull world the we enter into. We can inspire people with what we have. There are time when we can express gratitude for what God has done in our live. We can share our experiences with others.
May we see that we all have a purpose in life. May we see the good of others. May we be helpful to those in need. May the LORD grant us wisdom throughout our lives. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Stepping Into My Life
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Assignment # 23: Step Into Your Life
"This session's homework assignment, "Step into your life..."
Some of My Thoughts
This is a challenging assignment.
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
This is connected to your gift(s), but not quite the same thing. Your gift(s) is what you are best at - and what comes to you most naturally.
Your purpose is broader. It's how you want to contribute to the world in an all-encompassing statement. We all have the same inner purpose: to be joyful. That's our first priority.
However, we all have an external purpose - how we interact in the world; this is different for everyone on the planet.
Your purpose is broader. It's how you want to contribute to the world in an all-encompassing statement. We all have the same inner purpose: to be joyful. That's our first priority.
However, we all have an external purpose - how we interact in the world; this is different for everyone on the planet.
This week, define your purpose. Another term for this is your personal mission statement. Think about and write about the answers to these questions:
How can you execute your gift(s) in a way that positively impacts the world you live in: your environment you're your community? (i.e. Gift(s): communicating powerful messages;
Purpose: sharing positive, impactful messages that inspire hope and possibility in others and help people raise their self-confidence and self-esteem).
How can you execute your gift(s) in a way that positively impacts the world you live in: your environment you're your community? (i.e. Gift(s): communicating powerful messages;
Purpose: sharing positive, impactful messages that inspire hope and possibility in others and help people raise their self-confidence and self-esteem).
How does your purpose reflect your highest values and your greatest fascinations?
What do you want your life to be about?
What change do you want to see most occur in the world and how can you facilitate it? "
The above was from my assignment sheet.
The above was from my assignment sheet.
Some of My Thoughts
This is a challenging assignment.
Thanks for reading.
Staying On The Journey,
Monday, April 11, 2011
Lifting Up Works Both Ways
It's been an interesting assignment. I did lift up others through out this assignment. In the long run, I see that others lifted me up in the process...Lifting up works both ways. We reap what we sow.
May we learn to bring encouragement to others throughout our life.
Thanks for reading.
Lifting Up Works Both Ways
Staying on the Journey,
May we learn to bring encouragement to others throughout our life.
Thanks for reading.
Lifting Up Works Both Ways
Staying on the Journey,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Been Lifting Up
Some Of My Thoughts:
I did some lifting up this week. I tried to get my mind off of me. I encouraged people. I listened as well. I helped some who are searching for their family history.
There is so much that I see that can gave someone a lift. The smiles on our faces. The gesture to show others that we care. The thought of wishing people happy birthday.
Being lifted up brings some thing to me too. The good feeling inside that brings a blessing to other. So good to be a help to others.
May we learn to keep our minds off of ourselves. May we share some good to others. May the LORD lead us into the path to lift of those who are around us. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Been Lifting Up
Staying On The Journey,
I did some lifting up this week. I tried to get my mind off of me. I encouraged people. I listened as well. I helped some who are searching for their family history.
There is so much that I see that can gave someone a lift. The smiles on our faces. The gesture to show others that we care. The thought of wishing people happy birthday.
Being lifted up brings some thing to me too. The good feeling inside that brings a blessing to other. So good to be a help to others.
May we learn to keep our minds off of ourselves. May we share some good to others. May the LORD lead us into the path to lift of those who are around us. Amen!
Thanks for reading.
Been Lifting Up
Staying On The Journey,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Assignment # 22: Lift Someone Up
Here's what's on the assignment: "Lift someone up"
Something really amazing happens when we stop focusing on ourselves and shift our focus, attention and energy towards other people. Fear, anxiety, and stress all seem to disappear.
Why? Because our attention becomes focused on contribution and giving rather than on absence and need. When we're in "absence" mode, many times our thoughts turn to scarcity as we take inventory of what we do or don't have in our possession.
So each day this week you'll lift someone up.
You can do this in many different ways: a genuine complement; lend your ear and listen to some one's challenges and then get them focusing on what's working in their life; pay some one's electric bill; pay for the car behind you when you go through a toll booth; tell someone how good their work is or how nice their hair is. Notice how this feels and journal about each moment.
Some of my thoughts:This is a good assignment to do always. We are to lift up and encourage one another. We can tend to dwell on ourselves a lot. What about me "attitude."
When I see myself thinking of others, I can get my mind off of me. I have to get my issues out of the way So I can focus on others.
Here were some things that I did today.I wished other a good day as I ended our phone conversation.
May we learn to lift one another up more. May we see that there is good in giving others attention. May we not be me centered all the time. May we love ourselves in a godly way. May we be encouragers along the journey of life. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Lift Someone Up
Staying On The Journey,
Something really amazing happens when we stop focusing on ourselves and shift our focus, attention and energy towards other people. Fear, anxiety, and stress all seem to disappear.
Why? Because our attention becomes focused on contribution and giving rather than on absence and need. When we're in "absence" mode, many times our thoughts turn to scarcity as we take inventory of what we do or don't have in our possession.
So each day this week you'll lift someone up.
You can do this in many different ways: a genuine complement; lend your ear and listen to some one's challenges and then get them focusing on what's working in their life; pay some one's electric bill; pay for the car behind you when you go through a toll booth; tell someone how good their work is or how nice their hair is. Notice how this feels and journal about each moment.
Some of my thoughts:This is a good assignment to do always. We are to lift up and encourage one another. We can tend to dwell on ourselves a lot. What about me "attitude."
When I see myself thinking of others, I can get my mind off of me. I have to get my issues out of the way So I can focus on others.
Here were some things that I did today.I wished other a good day as I ended our phone conversation.
May we learn to lift one another up more. May we see that there is good in giving others attention. May we not be me centered all the time. May we love ourselves in a godly way. May we be encouragers along the journey of life. Amen!
Thanks for reading.Lift Someone Up
Staying On The Journey,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Trading Shyness For CONFIDENCE
I've been thinking of the times when I was shy. Those times when I would hold my head down. Those times when I couldn't look people in the eyes.
I've come a long ways. There are times I can slip back into the mode with people who I don't what to face. I seem to shy away from people and things.
I don't recall what I was think about that brought on the shy feelings. I guess it was a reaction that I had always done over the years. I never thought that I could break the chain on this feeling.
I had to learn to to replace the shy feeling and allow myself to be more comfortable with people. I had to be more relaxed when I had to do things.
I tried not to focus on the things that made me react to the thing that made my shy. I had to build up the confidence to do things. I have to change my mind set .
I know through experience I can do some things. If I don't try I can't experience what I need to experience in life. It took me time to do some things. But there the confidence that comes I tend to accomplish what I set out to do. There are times when I miss the mark.
May we grow out of the things that causes us to be shy. May we build confidence to do the things we fear. May the LORD be our confidence throughout whatever He calls us to do. AMEN!
Thanks for reading.Trading Shyness For CONFIDENCE
Staying On The Journey,
Once you are at a slightly better place, keep trading up and keep climbing the ladder of better feeling thoughts one rung at a time.
I've come a long ways. There are times I can slip back into the mode with people who I don't what to face. I seem to shy away from people and things.
I don't recall what I was think about that brought on the shy feelings. I guess it was a reaction that I had always done over the years. I never thought that I could break the chain on this feeling.
I had to learn to to replace the shy feeling and allow myself to be more comfortable with people. I had to be more relaxed when I had to do things.
I tried not to focus on the things that made me react to the thing that made my shy. I had to build up the confidence to do things. I have to change my mind set .
I know through experience I can do some things. If I don't try I can't experience what I need to experience in life. It took me time to do some things. But there the confidence that comes I tend to accomplish what I set out to do. There are times when I miss the mark.
May we grow out of the things that causes us to be shy. May we build confidence to do the things we fear. May the LORD be our confidence throughout whatever He calls us to do. AMEN!
Thanks for reading.Trading Shyness For CONFIDENCE
Staying On The Journey,
Once you are at a slightly better place, keep trading up and keep climbing the ladder of better feeling thoughts one rung at a time.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Trading Fear For PEACE
I've been thinking when the times I had great fear. The fear when I was trembling or had tears in my eyes. That kind of fear.
What I can recall while in this state....my mind can't comprehend what is going on. I'm like frozen. What can I do?
Most of the time when fear comes I'm not thinking about what causes those feelings. The fear comes and takes over...I don't know exactly what I do when the feelings are coming or how I trade up on things..
I think I've learn to replace the fear with other thoughts that allow me to feel relax I try to calm myself down. There are times when I get myself together, I ask myself why am I doing this?
I can see that I'm much better after the fear leaves. I can keep get back to where I'm calm. That's a great feeling.
I've learn the fear is not the end of what it is. I have faith. I put my trust in God. For God is my shield. He is my security. In Him I put my trust.
May we understand that God has not give us the spirit of fear. May we receive the spirits of love and a sound mind. May we face our fears. May we be at peace and at rest with the things that bring us fear. Amen.
Thanks for reading.Trading Fear For PEACE
Staying On The Journey,
What I can recall while in this state....my mind can't comprehend what is going on. I'm like frozen. What can I do?
Most of the time when fear comes I'm not thinking about what causes those feelings. The fear comes and takes over...I don't know exactly what I do when the feelings are coming or how I trade up on things..
I think I've learn to replace the fear with other thoughts that allow me to feel relax I try to calm myself down. There are times when I get myself together, I ask myself why am I doing this?
I can see that I'm much better after the fear leaves. I can keep get back to where I'm calm. That's a great feeling.
I've learn the fear is not the end of what it is. I have faith. I put my trust in God. For God is my shield. He is my security. In Him I put my trust.
May we understand that God has not give us the spirit of fear. May we receive the spirits of love and a sound mind. May we face our fears. May we be at peace and at rest with the things that bring us fear. Amen.
Thanks for reading.Trading Fear For PEACE
Staying On The Journey,
Friday, April 1, 2011
Trading Up Sadness For JOY
I've been thinking about some of the times when I'm sad. That's not a good place to be stuck in. There are things that make me sad.
Sadness isn't a good feeling to have. But it's apart of our human nature. We don't have to be sad. However the times comes when we are sad.
What I have notice when I'm sad, I'm down and out. I feel terrible. I can think the worst of things when I'm down. I can get tripped up over things.
I can't recall what I was thinking that produced some of my feelings. It takes just one thought to sparks something. One thought after another thought can build up negative outcome. Than there comes a point where I have to get out of that train of thoughts. A breakthrough comes.
I try to replace those thoughts with positive things that allow me to feel better. I tend to focus on where I'm at. I try to see the good of things.
I notice most of the times when I'm down, I'm by myself. I tend to talk to God during this state of sadness. I see good in this. While I'm communing with God, I come out of what brought on the sadness.
When I see that I'm feeling much better I keep that mind set on the good of what I can get from where I was. There is come go in sadness.
In all...the cycle of sadness will come and go throughout life. When this feeling comes we have to learn how to deal with it. In the long run there are things that we experience when we go through feelings in our lives.
May we learn that sadness is apart of life. May we learn to get out feeling sadness when it comes. May we continue to see the good of feelings in our lives. May we not live in our feeling in life. May we see the value of trading up sadness for JOY. AMEN!
Thanks for reading.Trading Up Sadness For JOY
Staying On The Journey,
Sadness isn't a good feeling to have. But it's apart of our human nature. We don't have to be sad. However the times comes when we are sad.
What I have notice when I'm sad, I'm down and out. I feel terrible. I can think the worst of things when I'm down. I can get tripped up over things.
I can't recall what I was thinking that produced some of my feelings. It takes just one thought to sparks something. One thought after another thought can build up negative outcome. Than there comes a point where I have to get out of that train of thoughts. A breakthrough comes.
I try to replace those thoughts with positive things that allow me to feel better. I tend to focus on where I'm at. I try to see the good of things.
I notice most of the times when I'm down, I'm by myself. I tend to talk to God during this state of sadness. I see good in this. While I'm communing with God, I come out of what brought on the sadness.
When I see that I'm feeling much better I keep that mind set on the good of what I can get from where I was. There is come go in sadness.
In all...the cycle of sadness will come and go throughout life. When this feeling comes we have to learn how to deal with it. In the long run there are things that we experience when we go through feelings in our lives.
May we learn that sadness is apart of life. May we learn to get out feeling sadness when it comes. May we continue to see the good of feelings in our lives. May we not live in our feeling in life. May we see the value of trading up sadness for JOY. AMEN!
Thanks for reading.Trading Up Sadness For JOY
Staying On The Journey,
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Personality Traits
Be Thankful for God Given Personality Traits Posted on March 25, 2017 by S usan Ann Blakley Our God- given personality traits can be...
I was out on a mission to explore and discover the gifts that God has blessed me with. I had some help from some of my family members and so...
Be Thankful for God Given Personality Traits Posted on March 25, 2017 by S usan Ann Blakley Our God- given personality traits can be...
Here is this session's homework assignment #34, "Silent Giving.", Each day this week, do something special for someone or gi...