Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Reflections: On The LORD's Supper

Monday, 25 February 2008

  • Reflections: On The LORD's Supper

    As I read  the Lord's Supper according to  Matthew 26:26-30 , Mark 14:22-25. and Luke 22:14-30 , I was thinking about some things what was going on during the Lord's Supper

    On my journey of transformation:
    Since this Holy Week Mediation Scriptures was on the Lord's Supper, I read and meditated on these scriptures in the Upper Room. I found it very interesting to do that. Also I took communion while I was there.

    As for the Scriptures, Luke wrote that Jesus was longing for this Passover meal with His disciples. He knew that His time of suffering was nearing. As for this supper with the 12, I think that the LORD was giving of Himself during this meal. He served those who followed Him during His ministry at night.

    In Matthew's account:
    I was thinking... how communion with bread and wine was taken. Its in remembrance of what Jesus did for us on the cross and the blood covenant. I noted that they were close. They broke the bread and handed to one another. As for the "wine", they drunk from the same cup.

    In Mark's account:
    I was thinking...about the bread as the Body of Jesus. We can bring remembrance of Jesus by "touching" Him as we are in communion. The drinking of the juice; this sealed the new covenant between God and His people. What tangible elements that we can used to have a faith contact with the Lord.

    In Luke's account:I was thinking even more... I wonder if there was a lot of talking there. The interaction between the disciples.... The disciples wondered about the betrayer and argued who would be the greatest in the kingdom.  I could only imagine how Jesus felt and how the disciples were thinking how the Kingdom was coming soon. Jesus mentioned that He was longing for this Passover meal. He told His disciples that He was going to SUFFER and DIE. Did the disciple understand what Jesus was saying?

    I wonder if there were more than 13 people at the Lord's Supper. There had to have been the people who prepared the meal for them around. The person who owned the place where they stayed. What hymn did they sing anyway? 

    More of my thoughts:
    I can reflect back when I was in Israel. I had the honor of being in the Upper Room in Israel. It is not THE Upper Room that Jesus and His disciples were in. I think that the original one is under ground. We cannot get to it.scan0001

    There was one thing that I thought about today. We did not take communion in the Upper Room while we were there in Israel. It would have been something if we had the chance.

    After mediating on the Lord's Supper  according to Matthew, Mark and Luke, I have a better understanding of what communion is about. Each time I take communion, I am more focus on Jesus. I believe that the table of communion is an important part of my journey with Jesus.

    On Sunday the 24th of February, I decided to take communion between services. Pastor Tyress B. led us. By the way  Communion is held in Word of Life Church's Upper Room.
    I want to share something about this  while I was there.

    The ushers were handing out the crackers and cups juice. I was waiting to receive mine. I received the juice first. I thought that that was odd. Then I had to wait a few minutes to receive the cracker. This has never happen like this before.

    Yes, I thought about the cup first then the bread as Luke mentioned. I think that there was something into what Jesus did with the cup and bread as Luke mentioned this twice.  Perhaps there was something there that is of importance.     

    I love being in the Upper Room. I was in the Upper Room this morning. I was thinking about THE UPPER ROOM were Jesus and His disciples were. I can only imagine what it was like.

    The Upper Room where I go, I see this "Thin Place" as a place to do business with God. As I left the Upper Room this morning, I thought about the place where I was, The Upper Room. I looked around, smiled and thanked God for the Upper Room.
    From my book of Remembrance:
    Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that You prepare a table for us to come to. I am so blessed that I can come to the table of blessings as often as I want. I am so thankful for the FAITH that I have in Jesus.

    I am so blessed to know that there is a Door of Hope that brings HEALING to those who are afflicted. I am so thankful to have the LOVE of God that is surrounding those in need of love. I am so blessed to have the STRENGTH that comes from the joy of knowing in Jesus' name Amen.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Morning Prayer Psalms, Scriptures, Apostles' Creed

Note: Saturday, 09 February 2013

  • Morning Prayer Psalms, Scriptures, Apostles' Creed

    Morning Prayer

    Here's the first page of the outline by Pastor Brian Zahnd
    A Liturgy For Morning Prayer


    Father God, creator of heaven and earth,
    God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
    God of Israel,
    God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
    True and Living God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
    Have mercy and hear our prayer.

    First Prayers

    O Lord, open our lips.
    And our mouth shall proclaim your praise.

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
    as it was in the beginning is now, and will be forever. Amen.

    O God, make speed to save us.
    O Lord, make haste to help us.

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
    as it was in the beginning is now, and will be forever. Amen

    Jesus Prayer:
    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me [a sinner].

    Confession of Sin

    Most merciful God,
    we confess that we have sinned against you
    in thought, word, and deed,
    by what we have done,
    and by what we have left undone.
    We have not loved you with our whole heart'
    we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
    We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
    For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,
    have mercy on us and forgive us;
    that we may delight in your will,
    and walk in your ways,
    to the glory of your Name.

    Pray the Psalm of the Day:

    Psalm 23

    Gospel Reading:

    Apostles' Creed
    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
    I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
    He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into the heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church,
    the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
    the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

    Jesus Prayer
    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

    Psalm 23

    Psalm 91:1- 2

    Prayer for family

    Psalm 103: 1-5

    Lord's Prayer

    Jesus Prayer

    Lord's Prayer (Expanded)

    Petition and Intercession


    Prayer to the Crucified Christ

    Lord Jesus, you stretched out your arms of love upon the hard wood of the cross that everyone might come within the reach of your saving embrace: so clothe us in your Spirit that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may bring those who do not know you to the knowledge and love of you; for the honor of your name. Amen

    The Beatitudes

    Prayer for peace

    O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near; Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you; bring the nations into your fold; pour out your Spirit upon all flesh; and hasten the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Prayer for Week

    Holy Day Prayer Friday



    Prayer For Grace

    Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father,
    You have brought us in safety to this
    new day; Preserve us with your mighty power, that we many not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fuliffing of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Prayer of Thanksgiving

    Almighty God, Father of all mercies,
    we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks
    for all your goodness and lovingkindness
    to us all and to whom you have made.
    We bless you for our creation, preservation,
    and all the blessings of this life;
    but above all for you immeasurable love
    in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ;
    for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.
    And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies,
    that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise,
    not only with our lips, but in our lives,
    by giving up oursleves to your service,
    and by walking before you.
    in holiness and righteousness all our days;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord,
    to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit,
    be honor and glory throughout all ages.

    Lord, have mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy.

    Confession of Mystery
    Christ hsa died.
    Christ is risen.
    Christ will come again.

    Jesus Prayer
    Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

    Source via Pastor Brian Zahnd @ Word Of Life Church

Friday, February 21, 2014

Reflections: On The Passover

Thursday, 21 February 2008

  • Reflections: On The Passover

    As I read the accounts of The Passover according to Matthew 26:17-25, Mark 14:12-21, Luke 22: 7-13 and John 13:1-30, I though about some things. Things that opened up my thinking.

    On my journey of transformation:
    I don't know about you but when there is a name in the Bible, it gives me more meaning. Each person named in the Bible was a real human being. They were alive on the earth at some point.

    These people in the Bible were a part of events in scriptures. Some were people of God helping to fulfill what the was said to come to pass.... So that God's will would be done.
    In Matthew's and Mark's accounts: 

  • I thought about if I would betray someone or some one betrays me. I would be troubled by that. I don't know what I am capable of when the tough gets going. Or if I am in a life and death situation. I am not "Susie Super Christian."

    A demon would have to enter me to change my thinking about betraying someone. What a horrible thought. A faithful friend turning on one another. LORD, helps us in times such as this. 

    In Luke's account:I had a thought about how things come into being. I mean, Jesus spoke to His disciples details of things to come. Then when the disciples walked out what Jesus spoke to them about, they saw what He said. Jesus' words sticks.

    It is like when speaking FAITH words and walking out what was spoken. How things that are said coming to pass in that appointed time. I get so happy when I see the good words that I speak come to pass. Words carry weight.

    In John's account:
    I had thoughts about how details make a difference in a story. I know that John had time to reflect on what happened during the Passover meal. He took time to think and wrote what he remember about that time.

    What John did was more than speak of a supper. It was something that was unfolding for others to think about. How our LORD shared a meal and became servant to His disciples in the time He knew His time was drawing near to the cross to display His love for humanity.

    Some of my thoughts:
    I though about blogging. We have time to write what we want. There are times we just jot down things. Then there are times that we can reflect on some things. We can put ourselves into what we are doing.

    That's what I do at times when I am reflecting on some things that I blog about . I try to think about what going to share. Then ponder....What do I say  I want to share? And how should I write about it?

    It is not all about what I share at times. Some things I want you to think. Other times I want you to be encouraged. There is more to reading blogs then to get information.

    When I read blogs, I try to get what it means to me. Or what is God speaking to me about so that I try to apply it to my life.

    May we do more than just blog. May there be a word from the Lord as we read. May our God be our guide through our journey to the cross that we carry day by day. Amen.

    From my Book of Remembrance:
    Father God, I thank You that You inspire us to write what is on our hearts as we blog. I thank You for the LOVE that You put into us who love to blog. I thank You that we can reflect on things and learn from them.

    I thank You for the Door of HOPE that brings DELIVERANCE to the people in bondage. I thank You for FAITH that is there in due time. I thank You for the STRENGTH for another day in Jesus' name Amen.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Reflections: On Anointed For Burial

Sunday, 17 February 2008

  • Reflections: On Anointed For Burial

    I have been thinking about the accounts of Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9 and John 12:1-8 on the Anointed for Burial. I had some questions that I thought about. I try to see what this storyline meant to me.

    One night last week before I was going to sleep, I read the account of the Anointed for Burial in the CEV translation. There was an unique thing that happened as I was reading.

    I saw a picture in my thinking as I was reading. At first I saw this event as two settings. But as I keep reading other translations, I saw that this anointed for burial was in one setting.

    God gave us the gift of imagination. I have been using my imagination as I have been reading. In this account, I saw that there was a lot of interaction going on in the storyline. As I thought more of what was going on, I saw things differently.

    Matthew, Mark, John and Luke were inspired by God to write. However the Scriptures were not dictated. The writers went on their memory. Just as we do in recalling things. Some do have a better memory than others.

    What I saw last week as I was reading, I pictured Mary pouring the perfume on  Jesus' head and as the others were talking among themselves, Jesus spoke up explaining some things. And as Jesus was speaking the woman continued to anoint His feet.

    What I saw this woman doing was an act of worship and honoring Jesus. What she did was all she could do for Him at that time. She gave of what she had a value unto the LORD. Jesus has more value than costly perfume. What she did was not a waste.

    I don't know how the actually event occurred. I use my imagination to this storyline. What happen makes me wanted to know more about Jesus. I saw something in this story.

    This is what came to me as I was in the Upper Room last week: I have been pondering since then. There are things that we do for Jesus that can be seen to others who are looking on with reasoning among themselves---that bring them to see what we do as a waste.

    But remember that Jesus is looking on too. He sees things differently. He sees all that we can do for Him at that time.

    Its like in praise and worship. Even when some express their best unto the LORD, there are some who sees what we do as a waste of time. To me its a waste of time to watch others praise and worship God.

    On my journey of transformation
    I rather spend and waste my time on Jesus, then to watch or look on doing nothing. I was in the Upper Room before service on Friday night. It was quiet and very peaceful. There were not many people came in while I spent my time there.

    I came to Friday night Church with the attitude to worship God. I had this revelation come to me on Saturday. How this storyline of the Anointed for Burial interacted with what I experienced on Friday.

    When we come together as the body of Christ as the Church, we gather together to honor and worship Jesus in His house. Some of us come early, other come on time, while other come late.

    I am an early bird. While I was in my seat waiting for the music to start, I was calm. As the music started I entered into presence and worship. It was not to long into the first song, I got interrupted.

    I had to let a person by so he could take his seat. I was not to happy about being distracted. I made my way back into worship with a spirit of thanksgiving unto the LORD.

    Then, I was interrupted again. I had to let some more people in to their seats. Yes, I did not like that. Then not to long after that I got interrupted again. Yep, I let him in. I am like, What is next?

    Are you getting the picture. The woman who anointed Jesus came with a purpose. Then there are some who brings distractions to those who want to worship Jesus.

    There are many reasons why we come together as the Church. One reason is to come to Church to bring honor to God. I come bringing my shout and praise for Him. I try not to distract others.

    There are some who bring interruptions and distractions while others want to praise and worship God. Jesus sees our hearts in what we do. He sees each person's motives.

    I believe that the family that came by me meant no harm. They know me. They know that I don't like to be distracted while in praise and worship. Out of all the nights of nights, that was the night that this family came to church late.

    I see that the praise and worship time is to minister to the LORD. We should bring Him honor for who He is. I believe God is so blessed by those who worship in spirit and truth.

    Praise and worship is not the time to be looking around at others, interrupting others or talking to one another. These things bring distractions. It does not honor God.

    In all about Friday Night Church, it was AWESOME in praise and worship. After I let all the people by. I shook of what happened and entered into the presence of God.

    I was aware of the presence of God. His presence was a strong and sweetYes the Spirit of God was there.I put my focus on Jesus. I freely worshipped Him.

    I pressed through those distractions that was trying to steal my joy. What I was doing was not a waste. Others may have looked on as others were worshiping. It is not my job to looking around to see what others are doing.

    Heavenly Father, I pray that all will learn to enter into worship. Lord God, forgive us when we distract others in praise and worship. And may we forgive others as well. May we be aware what we are doing to one another.

    And may we come to Church with a purpose in our hearts to bring glory to You. May we not be interrupters and distracters as we gather together to honor You, Lord Jesus.

    May the Spirit of the LORD guide each of us. May we be led to be used by You. May we come together as ONE as the Church in Jesus' name, Amen.

    From my Book of Thanks and Blessings:
    I am thankful that the people of God can come and praise and worship Him. I am thankful that I have FAITH to believe for the best. I am thankful that LOVE never fails. I am thankful that I have STRENGTH to do what I need to do. I am thankful for the Door of HOPE that brings DELIVERANCE from distractions.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reflections: On Anointed For Burial

Sunday, 17 February 2008

  • Reflections: On Anointed For Burial

    I have been thinking about the accounts of Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9 and John 12:1-8 on the Anointed for Burial. I had some questions that I thought about. I try to see what this storyline meant to me.

    One night last week before I was going to sleep, I read the account of the Anointed for Burial in the CEV translation. There was an unique thing that happened as I was reading.

    I saw a picture in my thinking as I was reading. At first I saw this event as two settings. But as I keep reading other translations, I saw that this anointed for burial was in one setting.

    God gave us the gift of imagination. I have been using my imagination as I have been reading. In this account, I saw that there was a lot of interaction going on in the storyline. As I thought more of what was going on, I saw things differently.

    Matthew, Mark, John and Luke were inspired by God to write. However the Scriptures were not dictated. The writers went on their memory. Just as we do in recalling things. Some do have a better memory than others.

    What I saw last week as I was reading, I pictured Mary pouring the perfume on  Jesus' head and as the others were talking among themselves, Jesus spoke up explaining some things. And as Jesus was speaking the woman continued to anoint His feet.

    What I saw this woman doing was an act of worship and honoring Jesus. What she did was all she could do for Him at that time. She gave of what she had a value unto the LORD. Jesus has more value than costly perfume. What she did was not a waste.

    I don't know how the actually event occurred. I use my imagination to this storyline. What happen makes me wanted to know more about Jesus. I saw something in this story.

    This is what came to me as I was in the Upper Room last week: I have been pondering since then. There are things that we do for Jesus that can be seen to others who are looking on with reasoning among themselves---that bring them to see what we do as a waste.

    But remember that Jesus is looking on too. He sees things differently. He sees all that we can do for Him at that time.

    Its like in praise and worship. Even when some express their best unto the LORD, there are some who sees what we do as a waste of time. To me its a waste of time to watch others praise and worship God.

    On my journey of transformation
    I rather spend and waste my time on Jesus, then to watch or look on doing nothing. I was in the Upper Room before service on Friday night. It was quiet and very peaceful. There were not many people came in while I spent my time there.

    I came to Friday night Church with the attitude to worship God. I had this revelation come to me on Saturday. How this storyline of the Anointed for Burial interacted with what I experienced on Friday.

    When we come together as the body of Christ as the Church, we gather together to honor and worship Jesus in His house. Some of us come early, other come on time, while other come late.

    I am an early bird. While I was in my seat waiting for the music to start, I was calm. As the music started I entered into presence and worship. It was not to long into the first song, I got interrupted.

    I had to let a person by so he could take his seat. I was not to happy about being distracted. I made my way back into worship with a spirit of thanksgiving unto the LORD.

    Then, I was interrupted again. I had to let some more people in to their seats. Yes, I did not like that. Then not to long after that I got interrupted again. Yep, I let him in. I am like, What is next?

    Are you getting the picture. The woman who anointed Jesus came with a purpose. Then there are some who brings distractions to those who want to worship Jesus.

    There are many reasons why we come together as the Church. One reason is to come to Church to bring honor to God. I come bringing my shout and praise for Him. I try not to distract others.

    There are some who bring interruptions and distractions while others want to praise and worship God. Jesus sees our hearts in what we do. He sees each person's motives.

    I believe that the family that came by me meant no harm. They know me. They know that I don't like to be distracted while in praise and worship. Out of all the nights of nights, that was the night that this family came to church late.

    I see that the praise and worship time is to minister to the LORD. We should bring Him honor for who He is. I believe God is so blessed by those who worship in spirit and truth.

    Praise and worship is not the time to be looking around at others, interrupting others or talking to one another. These things bring distractions. It does not honor God.

    In all about Friday Night Church, it was AWESOME in praise and worship. After I let all the people by. I shook of what happened and entered into the presence of God.

    I was aware of the presence of God. His presence was a strong and sweetYes the Spirit of God was there.I put my focus on Jesus. I freely worshipped Him.

    I pressed through those distractions that was trying to steal my joy. What I was doing was not a waste. Others may have looked on as others were worshiping. It is not my job to looking around to see what others are doing.

    Heavenly Father, I pray that all will learn to enter into worship. Lord God, forgive us when we distract others in praise and worship. And may we forgive others as well. May we be aware what we are doing to one another.

    And may we come to Church with a purpose in our hearts to bring glory to You. May we not be interrupters and distracters as we gather together to honor You, Lord Jesus.

    May the Spirit of the LORD guide each of us. May we be led to be used by You. May we come together as ONE as the Church in Jesus' name, Amen.

    From my Book of Thanks and Blessings:
    I am thankful that the people of God can come and praise and worship Him. I am thankful that I have FAITH to believe for the best. I am thankful that LOVE never fails. I am thankful that I have STRENGTH to do what I need to do. I am thankful for the Door of HOPE that brings DELIVERANCE from distractions

Friday, February 14, 2014

Reflections: The Triumphal Entry

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

  • Reflections: The Triumphal Entry

    On my journey of transformation
    Reflections on The Triumphal Entry according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John. Each one gave me something to ponder as I read their account of Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Whatever writing style or how they gathered their information about this event, these men of God gave me a glimpse of Jesus' Triumphal Entry.

    These men recorded that entry so it could be told. This account of Jesus' life was recorded for a purpose. I thank God for that purpose. 

    Some of my reflections:
    As I was reading the apostles accounts of Jesus going to Jerusalem, I recalled some of my journey to the city of Jerusalem. I was on my journey of a lifetime back in 1998. Our group was coming from the Jordan River headed toward Jerusalem.

    I was so excited about going to Jerusalem. I was standing on Romans 15:25: "But now I am going to Jerusalem" for 18 months. My focus was on Jerusalem.

    As the time and day came, I woke up early that morning about the 4 a.m hour. When the time drew near to that appointed time, the sun was going down. We were riding in a bus. I was looking out the window. There was praise and worship music was playing.

    As we drew nearer to the City, I began to weep. I could not stop. As we were going up the Jerusalem, I cried even the more.  And I cried as we got into the city. I looked at the wall of the Old City. I cried like a baby. I could not control myself. 

    I asked God to help me stop crying. I did not know what was happening to me. I did get a hold of myself as we got to the hotel.

    It was not until I came across the account of St. Luke something clicked inside of me about that day as I was going to Jerusalem. Why I cried on the way to Jerusalem made some kind of sense. I saw prophecy come to pass on November 19, 1998. It was joy unspeakable.

    I held onto those 5 words that came to live on April 8, 1997 during the 8 a.m hour. "...I am going to Jerusalem." Romans 15:25  I believed those words as I read them. That was how real it was.

    For the next 18 months that was my focus as I prepared for the journey. I was led to do something as I prepared for my journey. I made a journal from the Itinerary. I looked up scriptures to the places and events from the Bible and wrote them in my journal.

    Prayed over and read over them as I came closer to the departure day. I did not listen to the news nor read the paper of overseas happenings. [I had already been on Israel time a week before we left.  I had two watches.  I did the same as I returned...a few days before on home time.]   I knew going to Israel would be a very big challenge for me. I never been in an airplane before.There would be 6 planes: three over and three back. I never been out of the country.  The farthest east I have been was St. Louis.

    As for eating, I am picky when it comes to food. The biggest question I had then. How am I going to pay for the trip? I could not afford the going to ISRAEL. I heard that there would be a lot of walking.  Walking ... my feet hurts when I walk a long time.

    I had my eyes on Jerusalem. I began to prepare to make the journey of a lifetime. I thank God that I had the opportunity to go to Israel. It was well worth the journey.

    I would like to share one more thing.
     he day before I was making my last doings before my departure, I was on the passenger side of my sister's van at Mc D's.  A lady walking recognized me...She came up to my window...Some how Israel came up in the conversation.

    She tried to took me out of going. What words that came out of my mouth...." I was called to go to Israel".  From that time I felt something move in the spirit realm. It was after that what I said some things seem to fall into place.
    I had no fear about the trip. I never been on an airplane. I worried about how was I going to pay for the trip. All of this was taking care for as I made plans. My plan was to have my trip paid for before I got on the airplane.

    My trip was paid for before I got on the plane. All I had to do was to go and enjoy myself. I even had $300.00 left from my trip.
    From that time on blessings came my way.  I received more money from family and friends. I had a lot of peace about doing a lot of things I have never done before. This was God. I made all the preparation that I could do. 

    Now it was up to me to walk out what I plan to do.  I recall on the plane the person beside me ask me what I was reading. I was reading my journal.  I told her that I was going through what I have already been through on this journey what we are about to adventure.

    Every time when I take this spiritual journey through the Gospels of Matthew Mark , Luke and John or places where I have been in Israel the stories that I read come alive. O the joy that comes. Thank You, Holy Spirit.

    Next scripture reading post some time during the evening on Monday, February 11: Cleaning of the Temple according to Matthew 21:12-17 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Reflections: On Cleansing the Temple

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

  • Reflections: On Cleansing the Temple

    I am back from my Selah:
    Cleansing the Temple according to Luke 19:45-48
    I had been using my imagination and trying to picture how Jesus could have entered into the Temple. How He drove out the people who were selling and buying things in the house of God. How Jesus corrected those who where there about what the house of God was to be used for.

    I pictured the house of God as a place of prayer and worship, not a place of den of thieves. I imaged Jesus teaching daily in the Temple. There were many different people there coming to Jesus for many reasons. According to Matthew's account in Matthew 21:12-17 was the only Gospel account that mention some children there who were giving praising to God.

    There were some people of the religious law and leading priests who did not like what Jesus was doing. Some were plotting to kill Him. But they could not do nothing. Because the people hung on every word of Jesus and were listening to Him speak.
    Some of my thoughts: On my journey of transformation
    Yesterday, from my reading from Mark's account in Mark 11:15-17 on the Cleansing of the Temple, I had thoughts come to me about my body as the temple of God. My body is God's property. Its God's business.

    I have been taking more consideration of taking care of my temple. I have been changing my eating habits and moving around more. In other words: I am walking and EXCERCISING.

    I received a few comments yesterday about our homes being the temple of God. I see that as well. Yes, it is a reminder the we should be cleaning up our houses from time to time. The things that we posses and bring into our lives reflects our stewardship of what God has blessed us with.

    I have been thinking about my home as the temple of God. There are things that need to be cleaned out. I had these thoughts come to me.
    What if Jesus came into my home and started looking around?
    He is not saying anything but only looking to see what I have. Then He starts going into each room and to see what I had in them. He looks into every single drawer in the house, bends down to look under each bed.

    Then He goes into the closets to see what the wardrobe looks like, He notices what necessaries that I have, He looks at other things that is there. 

    He comes into the kitchen to see what's in our ice box, He looks to see what we buy to eat. He looks under the kitchen sink, Then to our bathroom cabinets, Looks in the shower, Takes a walk down into our basement to explore what down there.

    Turns on my computer, Checks what websites I look at, Read my all my e-mails, He looks at my favorite sites, He looks into my purses, Sees what's in my checkbook, reads my bank statements, Sees where my money is going,

    Reads my private journals, Look at the titles of what books that I read, He glances through the magazines in the house, He looks at what I keep in storage, What pictures are on the walls, He is seeing what on the floors, or whatever He wanted to look at.

    What would Jesus want to drive out of my house?  What would He have to say to me? That is a scary thought. But God knows ALL my business. May I hear what the LORD has to say to me.
    From my Book of Thanks and Blessings.
    Our Father in Heaven, Help me and others to clean our homes. Teach us to manage what we have as a blessing from You. Our homes should be a place where You dwell. Make Yourself at home in our homes.

    May You grant us wisdom to buy what is necessary for our lives. Teach us to value what we have and not to neglect them. May You give us discernment to let things go that we are not using.

    I thank You for all what we have and things that can be a blessing to some one else. I thank You for the LOVE that You so freely give us . I thank You for the Door of HOPE that we can have PROVISION from You.

    I thank You for the STRENGTH that You give to us to clean our homes. I thank You for FAITH to believe that we can do what is necessary in our lives. I give You all glory and honor due to You name. I pray in Jesus' name Amen.

    What's Scripture reading is Ahead on the 40 Meditations on the Holy Week? Anointed for Burial according to Matthew 26:6-13 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reflects Past

Tuesday, 05 February 2008

  • Reflects Past

    On my journey of transformationI am still on my journey with Jesus. Since January 7, 2008, I have been sharing some of my reflectionspast, The idea came about in December of 2007.

    The day was December 28th, 2007. It was about 1:12 PM. I was sitting at my kitchen table. I had some ideas come to me about future blogs. Then as the days went by, I started writing and blogging some of them.

    As I look at my notes, I see that I had about 26 ideas come to me since then. I have share about 8 of them. There are some that I am still pondering. Some I may share in the future.

    As I reflect on my  reflectionspast, I have learned new things about myself. I have been exploring and discovering things. I continue to see more things in the new light that is there.

    From my Book of Thanks and BlessingsFather God, I thank You that I can reflect back on my past. I thank You for the good that came out of my reflections. I thank You for the STRENGTH that I have gain.

    I thank You for the LOVE that You have shown me through those who shared some of their reflectionspast. I thank You for our SALVATION in Jesus. I thank You for HEALING damage emotions.

    I thank You for the open Door of HOPE. I thank You for the DELIVERANCE from past hurts. I thank You for the FAITH to go through things in life.

    I thank You for the SIGNS and WONDERS  that are yet to come. I thank You for the PROVISION that You have laid out for me. I thank You for all that You do in Jesus' name Amen.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Following Jesus Christ

Saturday, 02 February 2008

  • Following Jesus Christ

    O Happy Day! 
    The LORD looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From his throne he observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do. NLT Psalm 33:13-15

    Have A Wonderful Week Ahead!
    By the way about football: Super Bowl Sunday. I will watch the game. It doesn't matter to me who wins.  FOOTBALL is football.

    Sunday, February 3rd;
    The 34th Day of the Year: The LORD's Day!
    Gather together in the House of the LORD.
    Come, Let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt his name together. NLT Psalm 34:3
    Glorify the Lord with me, and let us praise his name together. New Century Version Psalm 34:3
    My child, don't ignore it when the LORD disciplines you, and don't be discouraged when he corrects you. For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. NLT Proverbs 3:11-12
    My child, do not reject the Lord's discipline,  and don't get angry when he corrects you. The Lord corrects those he loves, just as parents correct the child they delight in. New Century Version Proverbs 3:11-12

    Jesus, You gave Your life for us "poor." Help me do the same.---Marci Alborghetti

     Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
     At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions. NLT Mark 10:21-22

     Jesus looked at him. He loved him. He said, `You need one thing more. Go home. Sell everything you have. Give the money to the poor people. You will be rich in heaven. So be ready to carry your own cross and come with me.'
  •   When the young man heard that, he was sad, because he was very rich. So he went away Worldwide English ( New Testament) Mark 10:21-22

    On my journey of transformation
    O the joy that I had as I was watching about 20 children and adults being baptized in Church at Friday Night. I noticed that there were some that stated their first and last names. Glory be to God.

    As I was in Church on Friday night, I learned more about water baptism. I recall two days before my water baptism, I was reading from 1 Corinthians 12 during my personal time. That was the first scripture that that we went to on Friday night.

    Then at some point in the service, I have a thought come to me. I read 1 Corinthians 14 on the day of my water baptism. I did not realized that until Friday.

    First Corinthians 14 is speaking about speaking in tongues. I had a thought that I had the indwelling of the spirit that Friday night. I had been wanting the baptism with fire.

    Last year I received two words that I had in my spirit. Those two words were expression and understanding. The same words that I received in 1994.

    A month has pass in this year. I have been receiving some things that are of expression and understanding over this year so far. I am hearing things in new ways.

    Here are some examples. I learned that water baptism is  "being baptized into the Body of Christ, the Church." I am learning more about what it mean to be a Christian. I am learning more about The Church as a "Body."

    I am beginning to see some of questions addressed or answered that I have had. There is a difference in some thing. Even when I am watching Christian TV, I am finding myself more alert and aware of what the minister has to say.

    About those two words, I don't know "what in directly" I will get out of them. The more I continue on my journey following Jesus Christ, I am experiencing some things in new ways. May I walk into more those expression and understanding through out this year.

    2008 is a NEW BEGINNING. I am PRESSING ON! Surely God's goodness and mercy continues to follow me. Thank You, GOD!

    On my journey of transformationO God is so Good to me. He ALWAYS is. Love never gives up.

    From my Book of Thanks and Blessings
    Father God,
    I thank You for this beautiful day that You have given us. I thank You for Hope that comes everyday as we enter into the Door of Hope. I thank You for FAITH that is for today.

    I thank You for the SIGNS and WONDERS that are around those who are looking. I thank You for the PROVISION that is there for those in need. I thank You that we can follow after You.

    I thank You that HEALING that is flowing day by day. I thank You that DELIVERANCE of Your people.  I thank You that You are our Rock of SALVATION

    I thank You that You care for me. I thank You that You are guiding my days. I thank You for the good that comes in Jesus name Amen!

    Have An Awesome Week Ahead!
    May God bless you with some surprises

Personality Traits

  Be Thankful for God Given Personality Traits Posted on   March 25, 2017   by   S usan Ann Blakley Our God- given personality traits can be...