Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What Happened Last Night?

Assignment #47 , "What happened last night?", via YOU Journal

The hours we spend asleep can have a big impact on our day.

Each day when you wake up in the morning, take note of how you feel. Are you rested?
Are you tired?
Did you dream?
What was your dream about?
Do you feel excited about the day ahead?
Do you feel dread?

Take a moment or two to reflect on how you want to be feeling as you face the day and jump onto your journal to write it down.

Some Of My Thoughts:
I was feeling great this morning when I woke up.
I felt rested.
I did have some dreams but I forgot what I dreamt.
I wasn't too excited about this day.
I don't dread the day.

I knew that I had to do some things today.
I wake up about the same time every day.
Every day is different.
There are challenges that come my way.

May we be aware of things when we wake up each morning.
May we prepare ourselves for the day.
May we make the most of what's to come in our days.

Thanks for reading.What Happened Last Night?
Have A Great Day!
Stay On The Journey,

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Love And Don't Love About Yourself

Assignement #46 via YOU Journal

What do you love about you and what don't you love about you?

All of us think, operate, and act in ways that make us happy and proud of ourselves; the opposite is also true. Sometimes we behave in ways that leave us feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

This week, write what it is you most love about yourself and what you don't love about yourself. Notice and write about how you feel when you list these character traits. Consciously focus on what you love and what your strengths are.

Pay attention to when you notice the things about yourself that you don't love; what are the beliefs that cause you not to love these aspects?

Are these beliefs you want to live with for the rest of your life? If not, trade up and identify beliefs that are far more serving. It also helps to keep focused on the things you love. Focus on what's right about you rather than what you perceive not to be.

Some of my thoughts;I love that I can love and be loved.
I love that I can make friends with those who want to be friends.

I don't like when I'm no on track.
I don't like when things I do that offend others.

Thanks for reading.Love And Don't Love About Yourself

Stay On The Journey,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Journaling Assignment #45 "Nourishment" via YOU Journaling.

What are you feeding your body? What you put into your body, whether its food, drink, or absorbed through your skin has a dramatic impact on your mood and your thoughts. We are conditioned by our environment.

What we put into and/or absorb in our bodies is apart of that environment. Are you adequately nourishing your body? Do you truly know what is healthy and what isn't?

This week, keep log of what you put into your body throughout the week (you can do this in your journal or on a separate chart you can create for yourself).

Just like the fact that most of our thoughts are unconscious, sometimes what we put into our bodies is unconscious too. This is as more so an exercise in awareness as opposed to discipline or accountability.

Decide whether the substances you put into your body serve you or whether they run you down. Notice how you feel physically and what thoughts are associated with your physical feelings after you eat and drink. Journal about these thoughts and feelings.

Some Of My Thought:
We should be watching what we put into our bodies.
I know I should.

Nourish is important in our lives.
I know that I'm not eating the way I should.

When I'm on the go, I tend to eat the quick things that are there.
I'm needing to slow down.
Junk foods isn't good.

I feel as though when I eat it's good.
But after I eat what I ate isn't healthy.

I have to have that balance in what to put in my body.
Even more what I put on my body.
Chemical and lotions each go into the skin too.

I hope that I learn to eat better.
I need to say no to foods I know that aren't good for me.

Lord help me!
May the LORD help us all.

Thanks for reading.

Staying On The Journey,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Contributions In Life

I've been thinking. What do I contribute to the world around me? And What do I bring to others where I'm at?

There are a lot of things that we can do and not think that they are of help to others. We can have an encouraging word for someone. Or we can make someone laugh. Those little things that we can take for granted.

I try to bring some humor into the world that I'm in. It soften up the tone. It be a listener, to show that I care and to bring some comforting words of encouragement.

It's a good feeling when there is some feedback. It shows that what I'm doing is of some help. I'm glad that the LORD is using me for His good.

So no matter how small or how big our contribution may be, believe that there is some good there. We might not think what we do matters. But it does. It matters more than we can think.

May we see that we all have something to give of ourselves. May we not be afraid if others don't appreciate what we do. May the LORD reward us for what we do for the glory of his name. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
Contributions In Life
Staying On The Journey,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What's Your Contribution?

Assignment #44 from YOU Journaling

Each of us have a special gift or talent that we can give to the world. For some this is very clear; for others it's cloudy. It can be anything: juggling, listening, caring, joking; maybe it's just our time or labor.

You don't have to have lots of money, or any money at all for that matter, to contribute to the world. Being in contribution is powerful for many reasons. Why?

We obtain a sense of fulfillment and feel good about ourselves; we also start to receive, naturally. The universe matches our contributions over and over - we must only decide what is within us to contribute.

This week, think about the contribution you can make and want to make in the world. What is it? Put yourself there. How does it feel? Now describe the action items that you have done to allow this form of contribution.

Some Of My Thoughts In Questions:
What do I contribute to the world around me?
What do I bring to others where I'm at?

Thanks for reading.
What's Your Contribution?
Staying On The Journey,

Becoming Who I Am

Some of My Thoughts:
I think I'm becoming more aware of what things that aren't working. There are things that get to me. I'm learning to be patient. I'm seeing myself more open and not as much saying things that I think to people who really know me.

I see that the people around me are who they are. I can't change them. I can only work on what I can as God is changing me.

We are all different. We have to learn to forgive others as well as ourselves. Life is a school. We have to learn from what we go through. We need to keep moving on into what is becoming.

Who Am I Now?
I believe I'm becoming and becoming more as I'm allowing myself to become with the help of the Holy Spirit who's guiding me into the light that's set before me.  

Thanks for reading.

May we continue on the journey in who we are becoming.
May the grace of God lead us the way that we should go.

Personality Traits

  Be Thankful for God Given Personality Traits Posted on   March 25, 2017   by   S usan Ann Blakley Our God- given personality traits can be...