On Sunday, September 24, 2017, I awaken to a new day. I was well rested. And I'm glad that I was. I did my routine morning doings before going to the gathering.
As I got to the church door, I begin to sing. Yes, I did so all the way to where I was going to sat while I was singing. Also, I read the announcement and look around as I go in.
I notice some things. I made my way to the Upper Room. I continued to pray. It's a refreshing experience to have the practice each time I gather with the church.
I love it when I'm in the Upper Room on Sundays. The presence of God is there. It's a wonderful place to be before the gathering.
The time came for us to gather as the church. We made our confession and do what we do every Sunday. Indeed, the Lord is with us. Thank You, Jesus.
The title of the message was What About the Violence of the Cross? It's the series "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God" by Brian Zahnd. The Q & A What About the Violence of the Cross? I had an opportunity to be there. I eat a little at the church supper. It was my first time being there.
Some Other Thoughts:
I went to another church for a picnic. I had a wonderful time there. I played a game called Bible Jingo or something. Each time when we got a line filled we got a smiley sticker. I got up to six. The first one to get 7 is the winner.
It's been a great week! I've cross some more grounds. I'm thankful that the Holy Spirit is guiding me into the truth. I'm pressing on with Jesus.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
There are some changes in the works. I heard the two church signs are going to be moved. I always remembered them being there. It's time for changes.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
What I Can Recall About Kindergarten...
Monday, 23 February 2009
What I Can Recall About Kindergarten...
I had this idea come to me as I was reflecting back over my senior year in high school. I've been thinking of what I can remember about kindergarten. I went to Mark Twain Elementary School during the late 1960's to mid 1970's
Here is my famous photo. If you look close enough you can see that mark between my eyes brawls. One of my brother was throwing rocks at me. On landed right between my eyes brawls. One hit on my left brawl.I recall my mother speaking to someone on the phone about me. She wanted to enroll me into kindergarten. I went in the afternoon. I recall one of my siblings walked me to school.
My teacher's name was Miss (Barbara) Wise. What I can recall in class....We took naps on the mats on the floor. I remember the area where we played with blocks. There small tables that we sat at.
I recall our reading books. Sally Dick and Jane with dog, Spot. I can recall being call to answer a question. That question was something like this...What would Jane do when she found out Dick took her ribbon?
I said "She would beat him up." Some of the children laughed at my answer. Miss Wise said Jane would not do that. Jane would ask for her ribbon back. I feel sad that I said the wrong answer.
I can recall looking out the class window. The play ground was just outside. There was an exit door to get to the playground. We had our own bathroom. There were two double doors in our room. Our class room was big.
I remember one day parents came to see the our class room. I think it was parents teacher conferences. My parents couldn't make it. I remember looking on with some other classmate's parents.
I remember handing out candy on my birthday. I remember missing school. A kid told me that I missed Santa Claus. I already knew about Santa. That kid didn't.
I found my Kindergarten Class photo. I recall some of my class mates. There were 41 of us in all. I had a cousin in my class.
I read my grade card so time ago. I need to find it again. I think I had trouble tieing my shoes. I was a quiet little girl. Miss Wise was worried about my shyness.
Kindergarten was some time ago. It is nice that I can recall some things of those days. I thank God that I could recall some things.
On My Journey Of Transformation:
What I Recall About Kindergarten...
Grace to you,
Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is with those who uphold my life. Psalm 54:4
Apply your heart to instruction, And your ears to words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12
Friday, September 22, 2017
Into My 24th "Church Life" New Year: Glory Be To God!
On Sunday, September 17, 2017, I awaken to this new day. It was my 24th year gathering with the church community at Word Of Life Church. I did some things not in my routine habits. I was off to some things different as I gathered with the church.
I entered the church singing, "This House Is Holy," then sung songs as I was walking...."This Little Light Of Mine, I'm going to let it shine..." by the time I made it to the door way of the sanctuary,
Prayed the LORD's Prayer as I went to where I was going to sat.
There were a few people in the sanctuary. They were noisy. I wanted to go up to the altar to pray. At first, I wasn't going to do it. But, something inside me went for it. I took turned off my hearing aids and went up to the altar to pray. I didn't hear any noise.
I was there for less than 5 minutes. I got up and made my way to the Upper Room praying in tongues. I continued to pray while I got there and went to the altar. I had to take some selfies. And prayed some more. I had to leave because a group of people were coming in. I was planning on going to the main entrance. of the church.
Facebook post
In 1993, I wasn't greeted by a greeter...arrived late. So, I decided that I wanted to be greeted at the door today. I made my way back to the main door at 9:30 am. I was waiting to be greeted. The greeter wasn't aware that I was at the door. LoL So, I knocked on the door. And I was welcomed and was greeted. True story.
Other happenings.
After I was welcomed at the main, door, I went and greeted more friends. I made my way back to my seat. I chatted with other people.
I went back into the Upper Room about 9:50 am ish. Thanking God... I made my way back to the main sanctuary. Yes, I greeted more friends. And made my way to my seat.
Church began at 10:00 am. We made our "Confession of Worship" and we went a bout our traditional Sunday service. It was a beautiful gathering. There were 3 babies who were dedicated. One was 8 days old. We hear the message. We received communion and blessing at the end of the gathering.
It was such a beautiful gathering. I glad that I did some things not on my routine habit. I've been 24 years on the journey. Glory be to God. And He's still with me on the journey.
The Sunday message the question: What about Old Testament Violence? by Pastor Brian Zahnd Series "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God" Here's the Q/A session. I was able to attend this one.
I'm into my first week of my New Year. I'm looking forward to the Sunday gatherings. It's the only chance I can receive communion with the Church. Beside, What's Church without the Eucharist?
Special NOTE:
I bow down in my private times at home and in the Upper Room at WOLC. What I do while I'm in a public gathering with the church: I'm usually standing and lifting of my hands while singing as an act of worship...
May we join in with the Church weekly.
May we worship God in spirit and in truth.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
I entered the church singing, "This House Is Holy," then sung songs as I was walking...."This Little Light Of Mine, I'm going to let it shine..." by the time I made it to the door way of the sanctuary,
Prayed the LORD's Prayer as I went to where I was going to sat.
There were a few people in the sanctuary. They were noisy. I wanted to go up to the altar to pray. At first, I wasn't going to do it. But, something inside me went for it. I took turned off my hearing aids and went up to the altar to pray. I didn't hear any noise.
I was there for less than 5 minutes. I got up and made my way to the Upper Room praying in tongues. I continued to pray while I got there and went to the altar. I had to take some selfies. And prayed some more. I had to leave because a group of people were coming in. I was planning on going to the main entrance. of the church.
Facebook post
In 1993, I wasn't greeted by a greeter...arrived late. So, I decided that I wanted to be greeted at the door today. I made my way back to the main door at 9:30 am. I was waiting to be greeted. The greeter wasn't aware that I was at the door. LoL So, I knocked on the door. And I was welcomed and was greeted. True story.
Other happenings.
After I was welcomed at the main, door, I went and greeted more friends. I made my way back to my seat. I chatted with other people.
I went back into the Upper Room about 9:50 am ish. Thanking God... I made my way back to the main sanctuary. Yes, I greeted more friends. And made my way to my seat.
Church began at 10:00 am. We made our "Confession of Worship" and we went a bout our traditional Sunday service. It was a beautiful gathering. There were 3 babies who were dedicated. One was 8 days old. We hear the message. We received communion and blessing at the end of the gathering.
It was such a beautiful gathering. I glad that I did some things not on my routine habit. I've been 24 years on the journey. Glory be to God. And He's still with me on the journey.
The Sunday message the question: What about Old Testament Violence? by Pastor Brian Zahnd Series "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God" Here's the Q/A session. I was able to attend this one.
I'm into my first week of my New Year. I'm looking forward to the Sunday gatherings. It's the only chance I can receive communion with the Church. Beside, What's Church without the Eucharist?
Special NOTE:
I bow down in my private times at home and in the Upper Room at WOLC. What I do while I'm in a public gathering with the church: I'm usually standing and lifting of my hands while singing as an act of worship...
May we join in with the Church weekly.
May we worship God in spirit and in truth.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Friday, September 15, 2017
My Church Life Journey: New Beginnings
I thought to start journaling about my Church, Life Journey. I have a Book of Remembrance to look back over. And I thought to start online version of my Church Life. And what a way to start new beginnings.
My Church Life Journey began on the 2nd week of Sunday, September 1993. I attended a Baptist Church. What I recall of that Sunday was the sign at the front of the church sanctuary; JESUS IS ALIVE. Indeed He is.
And five days later, I visited another church community which became my current place where I gather with the church. I celebrate the 3rd Friday of September too. In 2017, I'll celebrate at home. There's no Friday night gathering.
I always celebrated on the 2nd Sunday every year. This year it was Sunday, September 10, 2017. I gathered with the people of Word Of Life Church in MO. The Sunday message: What About The Wrath Of God? Here's Q/A on What About The Wrath Of God?
The 2nd Sunday of September gathering was beautiful. Oh, what a blessing. I'm learning more about Jesus. I'm thankful for those who greeted me as well. I greet once a month.
Through the years, things have been changing. That comes with life. I use to take part in a lot of activities in the church. Now, the church has a focus on the Sunday gathering at 10 am and on the Mid Week gatherings on Wednesday from 5:30 - 8PM.
As the church changes, time comes for some make overs. I like that new look in WOLC's Life Center. It where people can come and watch the Sunday service with there small children. It's used for other purposes. The room looks homey.
Since I've been at WOLC, the founders of the church Pastors Brian and Peri , the music minster Eric and his wife, Cami are still there. There have been a lot of new crew members over the years. There are less people on staff than in the past. In the past 3 years there are the same crew with a few new ones.
It's the 3rd Friday of September. I remember and celebrate this 3rd Friday every year. The third Friday in September is special. The actual day was September 17th and the year 1993. Jesus made Himself known to me.
I was in a church gathering at Word Of Life. It was my first time being there. We were nearing the ending of message. And the Spirit of the LORD come upon me. This happened back in the days of salvation alter calls at the end of the messages
The LORD draw nearer to me and I draw nearer to Him.
Something made my left hand feel a small pain, there was no reason for it to hurt.
And as I cried out to Jesus...
I felt a warm liquid flowing in my heart. It felt good.
I heard a voice speak to me to raised my hand. I heard that voice before.
It was this day, I make my public announcement that Jesus was LORD of my life.
Jesus had been with me back on March 25, 1983.
I confessed to Him that I needed Him.
The LORD had been guiding me on the journey.
I'm thankful for the church.
I'm thankful that I can gather with the church on Sundays.
I'm thankful that we can come to the Table of the LORD.
May we remember the special days in our lives.
May we learn to celebrate life.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
My Church Life Journey began on the 2nd week of Sunday, September 1993. I attended a Baptist Church. What I recall of that Sunday was the sign at the front of the church sanctuary; JESUS IS ALIVE. Indeed He is.
And five days later, I visited another church community which became my current place where I gather with the church. I celebrate the 3rd Friday of September too. In 2017, I'll celebrate at home. There's no Friday night gathering.
I always celebrated on the 2nd Sunday every year. This year it was Sunday, September 10, 2017. I gathered with the people of Word Of Life Church in MO. The Sunday message: What About The Wrath Of God? Here's Q/A on What About The Wrath Of God?
The 2nd Sunday of September gathering was beautiful. Oh, what a blessing. I'm learning more about Jesus. I'm thankful for those who greeted me as well. I greet once a month.
Through the years, things have been changing. That comes with life. I use to take part in a lot of activities in the church. Now, the church has a focus on the Sunday gathering at 10 am and on the Mid Week gatherings on Wednesday from 5:30 - 8PM.
As the church changes, time comes for some make overs. I like that new look in WOLC's Life Center. It where people can come and watch the Sunday service with there small children. It's used for other purposes. The room looks homey.
Since I've been at WOLC, the founders of the church Pastors Brian and Peri , the music minster Eric and his wife, Cami are still there. There have been a lot of new crew members over the years. There are less people on staff than in the past. In the past 3 years there are the same crew with a few new ones.
It's the 3rd Friday of September. I remember and celebrate this 3rd Friday every year. The third Friday in September is special. The actual day was September 17th and the year 1993. Jesus made Himself known to me.
I was in a church gathering at Word Of Life. It was my first time being there. We were nearing the ending of message. And the Spirit of the LORD come upon me. This happened back in the days of salvation alter calls at the end of the messages
The LORD draw nearer to me and I draw nearer to Him.
Something made my left hand feel a small pain, there was no reason for it to hurt.
And as I cried out to Jesus...
I felt a warm liquid flowing in my heart. It felt good.
I heard a voice speak to me to raised my hand. I heard that voice before.
It was this day, I make my public announcement that Jesus was LORD of my life.
Jesus had been with me back on March 25, 1983.
I confessed to Him that I needed Him.
The LORD had been guiding me on the journey.
I'm thankful for the church.
I'm thankful that I can gather with the church on Sundays.
I'm thankful that we can come to the Table of the LORD.
May we remember the special days in our lives.
May we learn to celebrate life.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
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