4 Peter Denies Jesus
(Peter's Denial)
(Matthew 26:69-75)
Jesus,You told Peter that he would deny You three times before the cock would crow. He did not believe You. He swore that he would never deny You, and that in fact he was willing to died for You. Peter felt that he knew himself better than You knew him. But now as dawn approaches and the cock crows, he sees the truth.
O Jesus, we set out to follow You but then quickly turn, going our own way. We are afraid to acknowledge You in front of others, but You speak to us in the midst of our denial.
We love You Jesus; keep us faithful to You.

5 Condemned by Pilate
(Before Pilate)
(Luke 23:13-25)
Jesus, Pilate perceives Your innocence, but the crowd insists on guilt. Hearing their persistent shouts, Pilate sets aside the judgement of his conscience, and the decision is made. He hands You over to be crucified.
O Jesus, how often do we let the threatening voice of the crowd overwhelm the voice of conscience? Fill us with compassion for the outcast and commitment to the truth.
We love You Jesus; lead us beyond the crowd.

6. Jesus Is Scourged
(Crown of Thorns)
(Mark 15:16-19)
Jesus, soldiers of an earthly empire mock Your Kingship, You are so powerless in their eyes, so weak, the ruler of a Kingdom that cannot be seen, and therefore, must not exist. The treat You as a foolish imposter, caught in a lie.
O Jesus, how often do we look for the kingdom with the eyes of the world rather than with the eyes of faith. We forget Your promise that Your Kingdom is among us. Help us to see Your strength in our weakness, Your reign in our powerlessness.
We love You Jesus; establish Your rule over us.
*Source from via www.wolc.com Upper Room Prayer Chapel
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