7. The Cross of Jesus John 19:16-17
Jesus, like Isaac carrying the wood to the mountain, You set out with the wood of the cross. But unlike him You will not ask Your Father where the lamb is because You know You are the Lamb of the sacrifice. You now begin Your journey with the people.
O Jesus, You carry a cross, which is given unjustly. You willingly bear the burden of our sinfulness and accept the cross of our guilt. There is not greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.
We love You, Jesus; help us to show this love in our lives.

8. Simon of Cyrene
Luke 23:26Jesus, the torture You experienced at the hands of the soldiers left You weak. When You prayed in the garden that the will of the Father be done, an angel was sent to strengthen You. Now as You seek to fulfill the Father's will, He sends Simon to help You.
O Jesus, strengthen us on our journey. Open our hearts to the help You offer through the kindness of others. Open our eyes to the needs of those who walk beside us.
We love You, Jesus; lighten our burdens.

9. The Weeping Women
Luke 23:27-31
Jesus, after being silent,You speak. You turn the eyes of the women away from Your suffering and toward the destructive power of sin. You warn them not to shed their tears for You but rather for themselves and their children. If You, the innocent one can suffer so, what will be the fate of the guilty?
O Jesus, the wood is now very dry! Set fire to the world so that it might burn with Your love. Destroy all hatred, fill us with joy again. Teach us to mourn the way things are; show us the way they could be.
We love You Jesus; weep for us.
via The Upper Room at www.wolc.com
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