Jesus Is Crucified
Isaiah 53,
1 Peter 2:21-24
Jesus, Your suffering continues as nails are driven into Your hands, and feet and taunting, jeers are hurled at Your body imprisoned on the cross, Yet those who mock and challenge You, You offer no reproach, and only forgiveness and compassion for them in their ignorance.
O Jesus, how often we have acted as if the way of the cross were unnecessary and too difficult. We believe we know a better way, a way worn down by the crowd. We find that path goes nowhere. Forgive us; we do not know what we are doing.
We love You, Jesus; by Your wounds heals us.
The Two Thieves Luke 23:32-43
Jesus, two others are nailed on either side of You. One challenges You to release him, now; the other asks to be free with You in Your Kingdom. One sees only weakness; the other sees power and is able to trust in a promise of everlasting life with You as his time in this world comes to an end.
O Jesus, look upon us now. See us in our need and hear us as we cry out to You. Help us to trust You in difficult circumstances. Give us eyes to see Your power in hopeless times to see Your Kingdom in all we encounter.
We love You, Jesus; remember us.
John & Mary John 19:25-27
Jesus, You give Your mother to the disciple You love. Even as You face death, You entrust those whom You love most into each other's care. Your dying is marked by giving, and by concern for the ones who remain You do not leave us. as orphans, You have promised Your Spirit to Your Church and at the cross the Church is born.
O Jesus, help us see that we are the disciples You love, and You have given us a family of faith. We pray that we might allow the Spirit to give us life as sisters and brothers joined in mutual care.
We love You, Jesus; make us one.