Monday, 24 October 2011
Don't Make People Out To Be God
I don't remember where this idea came from. It must have been a thought about what I've seen some people do. They appear to do every thing another person would say. I wondered. Who Do We Worship? God or those who inspire us?
Those who follow Jesus should follow Jesus. We worship the living God. We don't worship people or what others do for us. God use people to get things done on the earth. We should worship God and Him alone. We can thank others.
We shouldn't treat people or things as a god. I believe that there is only one God. He is the living and true God, Creator of the universe and creation. Who is The Father of Jesus Christ.
We should respect people who preach and teach the gospel. we should read the Holy Scriptures. It's by reading what the word says, we can have some understanding of what people are doing. Things should time up with scripture.
Things can get out of hand if we worship people. If we see teacher, leading or whoever as god. This shouldn't be. No one should make people out to be God.
I'm a followers of Jesus Christ. I follow the leading of His ways. I believe that all leader who are of God should follow Jesus. The gospel isn't a money making thing. People who work in the minister full time should receive pay. However, The gospel is a story about Jesus. and what God's kingdom is about.
Followers follow and learn form their master. What we learn points back to the one original source. That source is God, Almighty.
May we understand that we shouldn't worship others.
May we worship the true and living God.
Thanks for reading.Don't Make People Out Of God
Staying On The Journey,