What Am I HOPING For?
Father God,
I thank You that You are my Hope.
My hope is in You.
I thank You that You blessed me with life.
Teach me and others to hold on
to what we are hoping for.
May we not grow weary in doing for You.
God ,What Am I hoping for?
Am I
Seeing? Am I
Believing?Am I
Hoping?I believe that I have hope in my heart.
As I am reconditioning my thinking on Your word, GOD,
I can create pictures on the canvas of my imagination:
What I am seeing,
What I am believing and
What I am hoping for....LORD
I am
seeing that I can accomplished each day as I hope in You, O God.
I am
seeing myself healed in Jesus' Name.
I am
seeing myself walking in victory in this victory parade.
I am
seeing that Jesus is my constant companion.
I am
seeingmyself walking with confidence in You.
I am
seeing that I can make a difference.
I am
seeing that I am making process as I go on in life.
I am
believing that I am changing as You lead me.
I am
seeingmyself being transformed on this journey called life.
I am
seeing others change / making progress in their lives.
I am
seeing hope that is me in, what Jesus have done for me.
I am
hoping that friends will be friends with one another.
I am
seeing that I have a young heart.
I am
seeing that I can be as a child before You, Father God.
I am
hoping to live out the dreams and visions that You place in me.
I am
seeing that I have this precious gifts from You.
I am
believing that You have given me hope and a future.
I am
seeing that I have hope in my heart.
I am
seeing that my life can become as a prayer.
I am
seeingchallenges and opportunities as Your Holy Spirit guides me.
I am
believingthat I am seeing things anew as I go about my days.
I am
believing that I am sharing Christ who is within me.
I am
believingthat I am letting the light of Christ Jesus shine through me.
I am
believing that I can finish my race that You has given me.
I am
believing that Jesus is with me always.
In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen!
My HOPE is in Jesus,

My hope is in the living God Almighty.
From my Book of Thanks and Blessings.
Father God,
I am thankful that You gave me this precious gifts.
I am thankful that Jesus is the Blessed Hope for all.
[LORD] For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.
Psalm 36:9Words from Proverbs 5:21For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He ponders all his paths