Through The Seeking
On my journey of transformationI am aware that I am getting up in years. Through the aging process, God is with me to make all the adjustments that I need.
There was a time when I had a filling in my tooth. Then one day the filling chipped off. I had a thought, I could not afford to go back to the dentist. I did not like to go to the doctor.
One day I was so worried. I was laying in my bed. I was thinking. What am I going to do?
I had fear that I would have to have my tooth pulled, not filled.
As I was thinking....what was I going to do? I hear this "VOICE." say: "Call the dentist, he will fill the tooth." I was alarmed by "that voice." I wondered where that voice came from.
I got out of bed. I got up enough courage to call the dentist. I dialed the number then set up an appointment. I told the receptionist about my filling came out.
The dentist did what "the voice" spoke to me about. And I did not have to pay for the refilling either. I was glad.
I kept wondering who's voice that was. It was like a mystery to me. This was the very first time I heard "that voice."
Foot note:
I did come across "that Voice" again through the years... Through The Seeking. I wanted to discover more about "that Voice."
So I was set out on a journey. I did not know where I would end up at. By the way "this voice" drew me closer to Christianity.
Another Testimony...The day came when I did have to have all my wisdom teeth pulled. I had all but worry about that. How was I going to pay for this? I made the arrangement for the payments and to have my wisdom teeth removed.
While the time was approaching for the pulling of my teeth, I made out a will just in case if I don't not make it through the procedure. Yes, I wrote out a will. That was how worried I was about getting my teeth pulled.
I have been trying to find that will. I am going on my memory to what I wrote in it. I did not have much back then. But what I had, I willed all of it to my family.
This was around late 1980's or so. I even had witnesses to what I wrote down. They were as following. God, the Father, God the Son and God, the Holy Spirit. THAT is the truth. I did not make this up.
I recall that when someone makes out a will, there has to be a witness or witnesses. Well, I had this idea come to me. So I wrote down my witnesses names. God witness what I did.
In all, I did survive the procedures. I had the upper and lover level wisdom teeth pulled first. I came back in two weeks and got the other two pulled. What I went through felt terrible.
Through the years, I have had many fillings, and got one tooth crowned. Yeah, I had to get one tooth pulled. Either pulled or a root cannel. I got it pulled. Long live my teeth.
From my Book of Thanks and Blessings
Father God, I thank You for all my teeth. I thank You for Your HEALING power and recovery. I thank You that I have my baby teeth.
I thank You that I can keep coming through the Door of HOPE. I thank You, God for Your PROVISION for my all days. I thank You for SIGNS and WONDERS that are there. I thank You for Your mighty DELIVERANCE.
I thank You for Jesus who brings us SALVATION. I thank You, Heavenly Father that people can't tell my age. I thank You for all that You do in Jesus' name Amen!